
Dauresia and Mesogramma: one new and one resurrected genus of the Asteraceae-Senecioneae from Southern Africa

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Dauresia B. Norp. and PELSER is described as a new genus of the Asteraceae- Senecioneae. A single species is recognized here, viz., D. alliariifolia (O. HOFFM.) B. Norp. and PELSER, restricted to Namibia. It is clearly distinguished from the core of Senecio on basis of morphological and molecular evidence. In a phylogeny based on ITS sequence data, Dauresia appears basal to Senecio s. str. and the 'synotoid group', which includes i. a. Synotis (C. B. CLARKE) C. JEFFREY and Y. L. CHEN and Cissampelopsis (DC.) Mig. In floral morphology the new genus has some 'tussilaginoid' traits such as discoid white-flowered capitula, an ecalyculate involucre and a polarized endothecium. Another genus is resurrected as Mesogramma DC. with the single species M. apiifolium DC. It is an annual herb known from Namibia, Angola, Botswana, and the South African provinces Transvaal, Orange Free State, and the Cape. Although previously placed in Senecio, its closest affinities are with the Cineraria group of Southern African genera, especially with Bolandia G. V. CRON (CRON et al., in press).

Publication Title:
Compositae Newsletter
Item Type:
Journal Article
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