240528003837: Subdivision of Erf 1000 into 26 Portion and the Remainder and Erf 1001 into 23 Portion and the Remainder, Extension 5, Grootfontein, and subsequent rezoning
Publication Year:

In accordance with section 27 of the EMA and section 5 of the EMA regulations, the land use transformation proposed below is listed as part of the activities which may not be undertaken without an Environmental Impact Assessment:subdivision of erf 1000 extension 5, grootfontein into 26 portions and the remainder street of erf 1000, rezoning of portions 1-13 and 24 (of erf 1000), extension 5 grootfontein from 'industrial 1' to 'local business', rezoning of portions 14-23 (of erf 1000), extension 5 grootfontein from 'industrial 1' to 'residential 1', rezoning of portions 25,26, and re/1000 (of erf 1000), extension 5 grootfontein from 'industrial 1' to street, subdivision of erf 1001 extension 5, grootfontein into 23 portions and the remainder of erf 1001, rezoning of portions 1, 11-22 (of erf 1001), extension 5 grootfontein from 'industrial 1' to 'local business', rezoning of portions 2-10 (of erf 1001), extension 5 grootfontein from 'industrial 1' to 'residential 1', rezoning of portion 23 and the remainder of erf 1001 (of erf 1001), extension 5 grootfontein from 'industrial 1' to street.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 30 September 2024

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