
Survey of flower visiting by aculeate wasps and bees in the semi-arid to arid areas of southern Africa

Publication Year:

The results of a survey of flowers visited by aculeate wasps and bees in the semi-arid to arid areas of southern Africa ,i.e. the Karoo Biome and associated dry fynbos, arid savanna and desert fringes, are presented. Flowers of 36 plant families, represented by c 600 species, were recorded as visited by aculeate wasps and bees. Visitation of flowers by family is examined and discussed, based on 16,229 records for visits by 927 species of solitary aculeate wasps and bees: 129 species o f masarine wasps (pollen wasps); 375 species of non-masarine wasps; and 423 species of bees. Differences in assemblages of visitors between families, within families between sub-families, tribes, genera and species and across geographic gradients are noted .The dependability or lack of dependability of visitors based on the degree of polyphagy or oligophagy exhibited is discussed .The potential of visitors as pollinators is suggested where sufficient records and observations on flower fit and visitor behaviour are available. Keywords :Karoo Biome, Kalahari, Namib desert, dry fynbos, dry savannah, pollination, pollinators, polyphagy, oligophagy, monophagy, Hymenoptera, behaviour,  taxonomic surveys.

Publication Title:

Annals of the Eastern Cape Museums

Item Type:
Journal Article