Task force makes gains in combating wildlife crimes
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In the dense forest and diverse ecosystem of Liberia, the battle against wildlife crime has been an almost insurmountable task, but the latest report shows that progress is being made. The Wildlife Crime Task Force (WCTF), under the auspices of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA), has shown to be making headway in the battle against illegal wildlife trafficking. Edward Y. N. W. Appleton is an experienced law enforcement expert and now manager at FDA whose work seems to be yielding necessary results in the face of the everyday challenges facing the management of wildlife. A release that is in the possession of the Daily Observer contains that Appleton’s leadership has empowered the Wildlife Crime Task Force and employed measures to ensure its productivity in conformity with the regulations of FDA. "The Task Force, composed of skilled rangers and law enforcement officers, has been instrumental in tracking down and apprehending those involved in illegal wildlife activities. The task force was created in 2019 and with funding from the European Union through the project “PROBIO: (protecting biodiversity) through law enforcement and community-led initiatives," which started in January 2024, there is a new boost given it and this has led to remarkable successes," the statement contains.

Series Title:
Liberian Observer
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