Results of the annual game count for the NamibRand Nature Reserve and Pro-Namib Conservancy 2 June 2012
This report provides feedback and results of the annual game count held on NamibRand Nature Reserve and the Pro-Namib Conservancy on 2 June 2012 - for the eighth consecutive year since the counts were initiated in 2005. As usual, this event was combined with the Reserve’s annual general meeting, which makes it an ideal opportunity to hold a game count with community participation. In June 2009 a new area was added to the existing eight zones (Zone 9), in order to incorporate the Pro-Namib Conservancy. In June 2012 Zone 10 was added; this area forms part of NamibRand Nature Reserve, which now comprises Zone 1-8 and Zone 10. In order to facilitate comparisons among years, the data are listed separately for Zone 1-8, Zone 1-9 and Zone 1-10. The results of the latest count are presented first, in relation to the data from the previous count (June 2011). This is followed by a broader analysis to compare trends in the data we have gathered over the past eight years; this information can then be used as a basis for effective management. Note, however, that management decisions are based on wildlife trends and distribution data obtained from actual sightings/counts, rather than on population estimates. With rainfall being one of the main drivers of this complex desert system, mean annual rainfall figures provide interesting correlations with population estimates (including biomass) and wildlife distribution and density. The exceptional rainfall in 2010/11 (averaging 343 mm up to May, with a maximum of 464 mm at Wolwedans Reception) should provide some noteworthy results over the next years. Kindly note that the game count method employed is ideal for estimating larger numbers of common plains game, but less suited to other species such as kudu and steenbok. No single census method is complete in itself, but needs to be supplemented and complemented on a dynamic basis by local knowledge and other sources of information, e.g. independent total counts of recently re-introduced species, incidental sightings and camera trap records.
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