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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 451 - 500 of 2674
Thursday, 20 July 2023
2023. Court jails 4 foreigners for trafficking animals in Lagos.

The convicts were placed on trial for illegal possession, dealing in, assembling, storing, smuggling, and trading in pangolin scale and elephant ivory.

Thursday, 20 July 2023
David M 2023. Two Rhino poachers caught, three on the run.

The police in the Otjozondjupa region arrested two men aged 27 and 31 for allegedly attempting to poach a Rhino at a lodge outside Otjiwarongo. The two face charges of illegal hunting of protected game and trespassing.

Wednesday, 19 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Renosterstropery styg weer in 2022.

Na raming is 93 renosters in 2022 gestroop, vergeleke met die 47 in 2021 en 43 in 2020.

An estimated 93 rhinos were poached in 2022, compared to 47 in 2021 and 43 in 2020.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Kipke T 2023. Endemiese plante in gevaar.

Burke het 'n lys van bedreigings saamgestel wat die plante in die Sperrgebiet se voortbestaan belemmer. Eerstens noem Burke klimaatsverandering, "ons weet nie hoe die plante daarop gaan reageer nie." Dit is egter duidelik dat hulle in die toekoms aan groter stresfaktore blootgestel sal word. Mynbou vernietig ook habitatte. Dit is egter danksy diamantontginning dat hierdie diversiteit hoegenaamd in die beperkte gebied kon oorleef." Vir 'n geruime tyd al is ’n deel van die beperkte gebied ook vir die publiek oopgestel.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Ietermago - DNS ingespan teen onwettige handel.

DNS-data van ietermago's in Namibië word tans ingesamel, wat sal help om smokkelroetes te identifiseer en die omvang van die internasionale onwettige handel in ietermagospesies vas te stel. Volgens die 2022- verslag oor wildbeskerming en wetstoepassing in Namibië is dit onbekend hoeveel ietermago's suksesvol uit Namibië gesmokkel is. Daarvolgens dui die huidige beskikbare inligting daarop dat die verhouding laag is, maar meer navorsing is nodig.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Namibië n deurgang vir perlemoensmokkelaars.

Namibië het 'n deurgangsroete geword vir perlemoensmokkelary vanuit Suid-Afrika na China. Volgens 'n 2022-verslag oor wildbeskerming en wetstoepassing in Namibië is die bestaan van wettige perlemoenboerdery in Namibië gebruik as ’n front vir vervalste dokumentasie van perlemoenbesendings waarop beslag gelê is. Luidens die verslag smokkel Suid-Afrikaanse kartelle toenemend perlemoen via buurlande om onder die radar te bly.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
2023. More needs to be done to protect wildlife - National Report on Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement.

The country's anti-poaching and crime prevention initiatives managed to arrest 75 suspects in 106 cases related to rhino poaching in Namibia in 2022, a report released last week noted. The year 2022 saw the most rhinos poached in the country since 2015 when the first major poaching wave in independent Namibia peaked, the National Report on Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement in Namibia revealed. The released report is based on data compiled via the Integrated Database of Wildlife Crime in Namibia, as well as related firsthand information and observations by…

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Schuppentier-DNA soll illegalen Handel aufdecken.

Momentan werden DNA-Daten von Schuppentieren in Namibia gesammelt, die dabei helfen sollen, geschmuggelte Schuppentiere aufzuspüren und das Ausmaß des internationalen, illegalen Handels festzustellen.

DNA data is currently being collected from pangolins in Namibia to help identify smuggled pangolins and the extent of the international illegal trade.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Reiter C 2023. Wilderei nimmt einfach keine Ende.

Männer stehlen Schuppentiere, Schafe, Oryxantilopen und Rinder.

Men steal pangolins, sheep, oryx antelope and cattle.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Poaching: rhinos the most targeted in 2022.

Rhinos were the most-targeted high-value species in Namibia during 2022, comprising 24% of all registered wildlife cases, with poaching losses at their highest since 2015. This according to the wildlife protection and law enforcement report for 2022, which indicated that a total of 430 wildlife cases were reported last year - of which 106 were rhino poaching cases.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Trafficking of endemic Namibian succulents surges.

Trafficking of live plants, particularly rare and endemic succulents and pachycauls, has exploded as an illegal trade threatening rare species in Namibia. According to the Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement in Namibia report for 2022, the first cases were only registered last year. However, high volumes of live plants have already been seized and numerous suspects arrested. The report indicated that 11 cases were registered last year and 22 suspects were arrested, with two convictions.

Monday, 17 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Handel in indemiese plante neem toe.

Handel in lewende plante, veral skaars en endemiese vetplante en pachycauls (wat die kremetart en halfmens insluit), het die hoogte ingeskiet as 'n groeiende sektor - wat 'n bedreiging vir seldsame spesies in Namibië inhou. Luidens die verslag oor wildbeskerming en wetstoepassing in Namibië vir 2022 is die eerste sake eers verlede jaar aanhangig gemaak. Daar is egter reeds op groot hoeveelhede lewende plante beslag gelê en talle verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem. Luidens die verslag is 11 sake verlede jaar geregistreer,…

Monday, 17 July 2023
McCain N 2023. To stop rhino poaching, deal with rangers in the pay of syndicates, says wildlife group.

Rangers at South African game reserves have been implicated in supplying information to rhino poachers. This is one of the forms of corruption that the Wildlife Justice Commission says is fueling wildlife crime. However, SANParks says it is implementing measures to reduce corruption, including a polygraph testing system.

Monday, 17 July 2023
David M 2023. Small stock and illegal hunting concerns Uerikua.

James Uerikua, the Governor of Otjozondjupa Region, expressed concern over the high number of stock theft cases and illegal hunting of game in the region. Uerikua made these remarks during his recent State of the Region Address (SORA).

Monday, 17 July 2023
Reiter C 2023. Wildtierverbrechen häufen sich.

Die Initiativen zur Bekämpfung der Wilderei konnten laut einem kürzlich veröffentlichten Bericht 75 Verdächtige in 106 Fällen von Nashornwilderei im Jahr 2022 festnehmen. Im gleichen Jahr wurden landesweit so viele Nashörner gewildert wie seit 2015 nicht mehr, so der Bericht "National Report on Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement in Namibia".

Sunday, 16 July 2023
2023. Four men arrested with 649 units of abalone.

Four suspects are expected in the Atlantis Magistrate's court after they were nabbed with abalone in their car following a high speed chase at the weekend. Police spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi said the Atlantis Crime Prevention Unit responded to information early Saturday morning. “When they located the suspicious vehicle, they ordered the driver to stop.

Sunday, 16 July 2023
2023. Police arrest third suspect accused of stealing 51 rhino horns.

A third suspect has been arrested in Rustenburg, in the North West, for the theft of 51 rhino horns from the offices of the North West Parks and Tourism in Mahikeng last month. The SABC reported at the time that the alleged criminals evaded all security on the premises and took the keys to the safe, from which they stole the horns worth R9 million. Spokesperson for the Hawks in the province, Lieutenant Colonel Tinyiko Mathebula, says, "The suspect is due to appear in the Mahikeng Magistrates’ Court on Monday, where he will be facing a business burglary charge."

Sunday, 16 July 2023
Bhuta S 2023. Two suspects arrested after being found with R3 million worth of abalone.

Johannesburg - Two suspects were arrested in Gqeberha on Friday after their vehicle was found loaded with 3275 units of wet abalone. It is estimated that the abalone is worth R3 million.

Saturday, 15 July 2023
2023. 75 suspects arrested in 106 rhinoceros poaching cases in Namibia during 2022: report.

Namibia's anti-poaching and crime prevention initiatives managed to apprehend 75 suspects in 106 cases related to rhinoceros poaching in Namibia during 2022, according to a report released Friday. The year 2022 saw the most rhinoceros poached in the country since 2015 when the first major poaching wave in independent Namibia peaked, the National Report on Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement in Namibia revealed. The report is based on data compiled via the Integrated Database of Wildlife Crime in Namibia, as well as related firsthand information and observations by…

Friday, 14 July 2023
2023. Research details how corruption fuels wildlife crimes.

Corruption is the air that wildlife crime breathes; it is one of the key enablers of widespread and large-scale wildlife trafficking and one of the biggest obstacles to effective law enforcement. This is according to the Wildlife Justice Commission’s new report focusing on the role of corruption as one of the most important enabling factors behind wildlife crime. The report, "Dirty Money: The Role of Corruption in Enabling Wildlife Crime", presents a collection of case examples to illustrate the mechanisms and modalities of corruption in real terms - how it…

Friday, 14 July 2023
2023. Two nabbed in Northern Cape for possession of protected plants.

The Hawks in Springbok arrested a duo for being in possession of Conophytum with an estimated value of R168,435. Two suspects, aged 22 and 28, were arrested on Thursday, by a multiple disciplinary team composed of Springbok DPCI, Upington counter-narcotics, Steinkopf SAPS, and Namakwa public order policing.

Thursday, 13 July 2023
Kipke T 2023. Endemische Pflanzen bedroht.

Nationalpark Sperrgebiet: Sorge um seltene Pflanzen ist groß. Im Nationalpark Tsau //Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) gibt es Pflanzen, die sonst nirgends auf der Welt zu finden sind. Wissenschaftlerin Antje Burke bangt um die Zukunft der Endemiten. Durch Tourismus, Bergbau und Pflanzenwilderei könnten sie aussterben. 

Thursday, 13 July 2023
Stoddard E 2023. Kruger lions being poisoned by poachers for body parts, says SANParks.

South African National Parks has confirmed that lions have been targeted in a poisoning campaign in the northern Kruger Park by poachers seeking the animals’ body parts, presumably for the muti trade. The numbers are not huge, but in the wake of the rhino poaching onslaught, the targeting of another charismatic species in the iconic park will set off alarm bells among conservationists.

Thursday, 13 July 2023
Mojela A 2023. Poaching kingpin Big Joe to Polokwane Correctional services.

This was during his second appearance in the Lenyenye Regional Court after he was arrested in May. Nyalungu’s defence team requested that he be transferred to a Polokwane correctional facility due to difficulty to obtain his chronic medication in Thohoyandou where he was in custody until then. The court agreed and Joseph has been moved to Polokwane. Nyalunga was arrested on Saturday, May 27 in Kampersrus after a car chase involving the police. He allegedly has a long history of poaching and was first arrested in 2011 after being on police’s radar for several months.

Wednesday, 12 July 2023
Stoddard E 2023. Rhino horn trafficking case sheds light on curious criminal network involving frozen seafood, 'mishandled baggage'.

The Wildlife Justice Commission has published details of a rhino horn trafficking case that includes the use of frozen seafood and 'mishandled baggage', as well as the failure of authorities not to publicly report their seizure of the horn. 

Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Hembapu O 2023. Soldier, farm worker nabbed with pangolin, python skin.

An Otjozondjupa police intelligence-led operation caused the successful arrest of a soldier and farm worker, who were separately caught red-handed with controlled wildlife products worth a combined amount of almost N$200 000. At Grootfontein's Build Together location, police shared that a 49-year-old female member of the Namibia Defence Force (NDF) was on Sunday caught with a live pangolin, worth N$50 000. The suspect is a corporal officer in the army, stationed at the Grootfontein Military Base.

Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Chironda M 2023. South Africa: How to stop succulent poaching and trafficking in its tracks #AfricaClimateHope.

Succulent poaching, fuelled by the illicit trade it sustains, is emerging as a pressing global concern, threatening the existence of these remarkable plants. The increasing demand fuels a lucrative illicit market, endangering their existence in the wild. The climate crisis and the destruction of natural habitats further exacerbate the challenges faced by these unique plants.

Monday, 10 July 2023
2023. Angolan national arrested near Osire for illegal hunting.

An Angolan national, who is part of a group of workers doing debushing work at a farm in the Otjiwarongo area, has been arrested for alleged illegal hunting of an Oryx. The incident was discovered by farm workers at around 10:00 on Saturday during a routine patrol at the farm Otjipoto near Osire. They found an Oryx caught up in a wire snare and identified shoe prints of a suspect at the scene. The farm workers reported the matter to the police, who tracked the shoe prints to the houses accommodating the workers involved in the debushing work at the farm.

Monday, 10 July 2023
Swartz K 2023. Illegal abalone processing facility uncovered in upmarket Constantia.

Cape Town police arrested a 43-year-old man for operating an illegal abalone processing facility at a house in Constantia. They seized abalone worth about R2m.

Sunday, 9 July 2023
2023. Police arrest two suspected rhino poachers.

Excellent collaboration between police and security officers from a private game reserve resulted in the swift arrest of two suspects, as well as the confiscation of poaching equipment early on Friday morning 7 July. According to Col Priscilla Naidu, police spokesperson, it is alleged that at about 06:00, Port Alfred K9 members and the security officials stopped a vehicle on the R67 at Koonaprivier between Makhanda and Fort Beaufort.

Saturday, 8 July 2023
Ngwenya A 2023. Two more pangolins rescued from trafficker.

A suspect has been arrested after being found with two endangered pangolins inside his home in Kuruman in the Northern Cape.

Thursday, 6 July 2023
Amakali M 2023. Poaching pastor appeals hefty sentence.

Self-proclaimed prophet and founder of the House of Joy Ministries Jackson Babi has turned to the High Court to appeal his 27 years imprisonment sentence for rhino poaching in Gobabis. In his notice of appeal, filed in the Windhoek High Court on Monday, Babi (33) is claiming the sentence of 27 years imprisonment imposed on him by Gobabis Regional Court magistrate Eden Iyambo is shockingly inappropriate. He claims Iyambo overemphasised the seriousness of the offences at the expense of the mitigating circumstances.

Thursday, 6 July 2023
2023. Police officer, parks ranger jailed 9 years for possession of ivory.

HArare - A police constable has been sentenced to nine years in jail after he and his accomplice, an ex-cop and Zimparks employee, were found in possession of unmarked ivory in 2022.

Wednesday, 5 July 2023
2023. Namibia reports record level of rhino poaching.

The number of endangered rhinos poached in Namibia last year was the highest on record and almost twice as many as the year before, officials say. A total of 87 rhinos were killed compared with 45 in 2021, official government data show. Most were poached in Etosha, Namibia's biggest national park, officials say. Rhino numbers in Africa have dropped significantly in recent decades to feed demand for rhino horn in China and Vietnam.

Wednesday, 5 July 2023
Mojela A 2023. Five alleged rhino poachers arrested in the Kruger Park.

It was successful day for multi-task team of detectives from the Endangered Species Unit, SANParks, Focused Conservation Solutions, Hoedspruit SAPS, and Hoedspruit Farm Watch when they made a breakthrough arresting five suspects for rhino poaching.

Wednesday, 5 July 2023
Bloch S 2023. Hawks close in on North West rhino horn burglars - second heist suspect arrested.

The Hawks have arrested a second suspect allegedly linked to the stockpile hit at the North West Parks Board headquarters in Mafikeng last week. According to a Daily Maverick source, the suspect was apprehended in a planned operation near Brits at about 9pm on Tuesday. On Wednesday morning the arrest was confirmed by a senior SAPS officer who did not want to be identified.

Tuesday, 4 July 2023
Luvhengo P 2023. Poacher sentenced to 22 years in prison for killing two rhinos.

A poacher from Mozambique has been convicted and sentenced to 22 years in prison for killing two rhinos in the Kruger National Park.

Tuesday, 4 July 2023
Mlilo N 2023. S. Africa takes aerial route to fight rhino poaching.

South Africa's national parks have put in place various measures to combat rhino poaching which threatens the existence of the endangered animal. Isaac Phaahla, media specialist for South African National Parks, a leading conservation authority in the country, said they have been constantly revising their strategies to fight poachers, who keep changing their tactics.

Monday, 3 July 2023
McCain N 2023. Hawks make arrest after theft of 50 rhino horns from North West stockpile.

The Hawks have arrested a man in connection with the theft of 51 rhino horns. The horns were stolen from a stockpile in the North West. The man is expected to appear in court on Monday to face a charge of business robbery.

Sunday, 2 July 2023
2023. Hawks arrest foreign national for dealing in pangolin scales in Durban.

Durban - The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) arrested a 35-year-old man for dealing in a protected species without a permit. Hawks spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Simphiwe Mhlongo said that on Thursday Hawks members from Port Shepstone Serious Organised Crime Investigation arrested Sifiso Magagula for dealing in African pangolin without a permit.

Saturday, 1 July 2023
2023. Kenya vows to combat illegal trade in iconic species via enhanced partnership.

Kenya will enhance partnerships with neighboring countries and regional blocs in a bid to protect abundant natural resources like wildlife from the clutches of organized crime, an official has said.

Saturday, 1 July 2023
McCain N 2023. How do you get 50 stolen rhino horns out of SA? Coffee or corruption, say experts, or maybe as mugs.

Fifty rhino horns stolen from a stockpile in the North West will likely leave South Africa as beads, mugs, or souvenirs, experts have said. The stockpile was stolen in the early hours of Monday morning from the North West Parks and Tourism Board in Mahikeng. Reports suggest the robbers evaded security measures, alarms, security cameras and bypassed the locking mechanism of the vault. Experts have speculated that the rhino horns may already be on their way to Asian markets, based on insights into how wildlife crime syndicates operate.

Thursday, 29 June 2023
2023. Suspected poachers remanded in custody.

Two suspected poachers believed to be part of a syndicate involved in wildlife crimes have been arrested in Chiredzi and police recovered pangolin scales, lion teeth and hyena teeth.

Wednesday, 28 June 2023
Kraai Z 2023. Pangolin poacher convicted.

Tsabong Police Station Commander, Superintendent Christopher Tlhapi-David says the recent interception of poachers by his team in which the suspects were later found in possession of a pangolin, signals concern for other protected species.

Wednesday, 28 June 2023
Sadike M 2023. Kruger National Park conservation efforts see number of rhino increase.

Pretoria - The number of rhino in the Kruger National Park has increased. This after the use of technology and sniffer dogs to deter poaching. In the past financial year, the park reported about 180 cases of rhino poaching, a decrease of 45% compared with previous years. Security camera were installed and 12 more installations are expected.

Wednesday, 28 June 2023
2023. Warrant of arrest for suspect who skipped court after abalone bust.

Cape Town - A warrant of arrest has been issued for a Chinese national who was due to appear in court this week in connection with a R2million abalone bust.

Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Reiter C 2023. Schuppentierpanzer beschlagnahmt.

Am vergangenen Freitag wurde ein 43-Jähriger bei Outapi verhaftet. Dem Polizeibericht zufolge wurde der Mann im Besitz eines Pangolinpanzers gefunden, den er verkaufen wollte. Der Mann soll vor Gericht erscheinen und die polizeilichen Ermittlungen gehen weiter. Ferner wird behauptet, dass ein Bericht eingegangen ist, dass eine Elenantilope im Wert von 13 000 N$ im Mayuni-Hegegebiet in der Sambesi-Region von einem unbekannten Verdächtigen gejagt und getötet wurde; die polizeilichen Ermittlungen dauern an.

Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Bloch S 2023. 'Kick in the gut' - thieves escape with 51 rhino horns from North West Parks Board HQ.

Conservationists are raising serious questions about crime scene protocols - and the sense in stockpiling rhino horn - after a report claimed the police took eight hours to respond to a burglary at the North West Parks Board on Monday. In what is being described as a well-planned heist executed with military precision, thieves broke into the Heritage House headquarters of the North West Parks Board in the early hours of Monday and stole 51 rhino horns worth millions of rands on the Asian black market.

Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Pienaar W 2023. Police nab 4 for possession of elephant tusks near Potchefstroom.

A tip-off was received and officers from various task teams worked together to effect the arrests on the N12. A joint police operation has resulted in the arrest of four suspects after they were found in possession of three elephant tusks. The arrest took place on Saturday on the N12 near Potchefstroom. According to North-West police spokesperson Captain Aafje Botma, the arrest emanated from a follow-up made on intelligence received earlier that day.

Monday, 26 June 2023
Cruywagen V 2023. Hefty sentences for rhino poachers after new wildlife trafficking strategy starts to bite.

The recent sentencing of six Zimbabweans - members of the so-called Chitiyo Rhino Poaching Gang - to prison terms ranging from 16 to 20 years suggests that authorities are slowly but steadily making inroads in tackling the poaching scourge.