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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 2201 - 2250 of 2674
Friday, 4 October 2019
2019. Poaching syndicate fights for bail.

While two suspects in a multimillion-dollar rhino-horn theft case were released on bail this week, an alleged poaching kingpin was denied permission to appeal against the refusal of his bail application. Petrus Shihepo Shimuningeni has been fingered as the mastermind behind a poaching syndicate which targeted a private game farm near Etosha National Park in the Kunene Region, where at least 13 rhinos have been poached this year.

Sunday, 29 September 2019
2019. Man vas oor lewende ietermagô.

'n Man is Donderdag by 'n vulstasie op Okahandja glo met 'n lewende ietermagô in sy besit in hegtenis geneem.

Monday, 23 September 2019
Louw L 2019. Vermeende ivoorsmokkelaars kry borg - Streng voorwaardes geld.

Die drie vermeende ivoorsmokkelaars, mnre. Dirk Vermeulen, Edgar Clark en Michael Lusse, is Vrydag in die Walvisbaaise landdroshof op borgtog van N$30 000 elk vrygelaat.

Monday, 23 September 2019
Steynberg F 2019. Geen borg vir vermeende horingdiewe.

Die eienaar van ’n wildsplaas op Outjo, waar 34 renosterhorings in Augustus uit ’n instapkluis gesteel is, is verheug twee verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem.

Monday, 23 September 2019
Terblanché N 2019. Outjo rhino horn thieves denied bail.

The arrest of more suspects connected to the theft of 34 rhino horns from a safe in a house in Outjo might follow after two men, Hofan Amakali and Elias Mutwikange, were denied bail after their first appearance in the town’s Magistrate’s Court on Friday. Inspector Maurene Mbeha, spokesperson of the Namibian Police in the Otjozondjupa Region, confirmed the arrest of Amakali and Mutwikange in the middle of last week.

Monday, 23 September 2019
Louw L 2019. Vermeende ivoorsmokkelaars kry borg.

Die drie vermeende ivoorsmokkelaars, mnre. Dirk Vermeulen, Edgar Clark en Michael Lusse, is Vrydag in die Walvisbaaise landdroshof op borgtog van N$30 000 elk vrygelaat. Tydens hul borgtogaansoek Donderdag en Vrydag het al drie beskuldigdes getuig hulle was nooit bewus van die olifanttande se oorsprong nie.

Thursday, 19 September 2019
Terblanché N 2019. More rhino Poachers captured.

Three men accused of smuggling elephant tusks and attempting to sell the wildlife contraband to undercover detectives in Walvis Bay is set to bring a formal bail application to the Walvis Bay Magistrate’s court later today. Dirk Vermeulen, Edgar Clark were arrested almost three weeks ago and their co-accused Micheal Lusse was arrested a few days later in connection with the sale of two elephant tusks. They were all remanded in custody during the initial appearance in the Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Court Three more suspects have been arrested after the Namibian Police…

Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Steynberg F 2019. Teenstropery: 280 polisielede veg saam - Twee karkasse van renosters op plaas ontdek.

Altesaam 280 polisielede van oraloor die land word in teenstropingseenhede op 'n driemaandelikse roteringsbasis in die Palmwagkonsessie en die Etosha en Bwabwata Nasionale Parke ontplooi. Só het die polisiehoof, lt.genl. Sebastian Ndeitunga, verlede week by 'n slypskool vir wildmisdaadwetgewing aan ondersoekbeamptes en aanklaers in die hoofstad gesê.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019
2019. Zwei Nashörner gewildert.

Zwei Nashörner sind im Dordabis-Distrikt Wilderern zum Opfer gefallen. Die zwei Dickhäuter sollen zwischen dem 9. und 11. September auf einer Farm erschossen worden sein. Wie die Polizei gestern nach Redaktionsschluss mitteilte, hat der Farmeigentümer am vergangenen Donnerstag die enthornten Kadaver entdeckt. Die Polizei geht von einem Täter aus, doch bisher wurde noch niemand verhaftet und die Ermittlung dauere an.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Kandovazu E 2019. Suspected poacher arrested while using government vehicle.

A CIVIL servant in the employ of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture was arrested early on Wednesday morning after he attempted to flee from police who was tracking his movements because of his involvement in elephant poaching. The arrest of the education minister official follows an intricate undercover tracking operation launched by the Namibian Police and officials from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in the Zambezi Region. Zambezi Regional Crime Coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Evans Simasiku told Informanté in an exclusive interview that the suspect…

Tuesday, 17 September 2019
2019. 13 vermeende wildmisdadigers vas.

Altesaam 13 verdagtes is verlede week vanaf 9 tot 15 September in verband met wildmisdaad in hegtenis geneem. Vyf uit die 13 verdagtes is vas oor renosterstropery of die handel in horings, en een oor olifantstropery of handel in ivoor. Volgens die weeklikse statistieke van wildmisdaad van die Namibiese polisie se eenheid vir beskermde hulpbronne (PRU) en die ministerie van die omgewing en toerisme se intelligensie- en ondersoekeenheid, is sewe nuwe sake verlede week aanhangig gemaak. Beslagleggings is op twee elk renosterhorings, olifanttande, lewende ietermagôs,…

Saturday, 14 September 2019
Iilonga A 2019. "Poachers roaming Namibian streets freely" - Shifeta .

The Minister of Environment and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, has called on the Namibian police to enforce strict bail conditions to reoccurring poachers  as many of the wildlife trafficking incidents that have been reported are mostly committed by criminals who have been released from police custody on bail. He said that because the poaching business in enticing and profitable, many of the suspects commit the same offense immediately after being released on bail as no one is carefully monitoring their movement and whereabouts. 

Tuesday, 10 September 2019
2019. Vermeende skietmal renoserstroper verskyn in Otavi-hof.

Die vermeende renosterstroper wat Sondag glo op polisie- en weermaglede op 'n plaas buite Otavi losgebrand het, het vanoggend in dié dorp se landdroshof verskyn.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Shikongo A 2019. Police, suspected poacher exchange gunfire.

A 40-year-old suspected rhino poacher exchanged gunfire with a team of 15 Namibian Police officers and members of the Namibian Defence Force for nearly two hours on a farm outside Otavi on Sunday.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Terblanché N 2019. Two ivory smugglers remanded in custody.

THE 25-year-old Tjingeje Muhuka and Mbinda Kenahama also aged 25, who stands accused of attempting to sell an elephant tusk to undercover detectives at the start of the weekend, were remanded in custody until 19 October after the made their first appearance in the Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Court on Monday. The two accused persons were arrested on charges of possession and trade in protected wildlife products after they attempted to sell a single elephant tusk and a dried pangolin skin to undercover detectives In Walvis Bay on Friday evening.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019
2019. Vermeende skietmal renoserstroper verskyn in Otavi-hof.

Die vermeende renosterstroper wat Sondag glo op polisie- en weermaglede op 'n plaas buite Otavi losgebrand het, het vanoggend in dié dorp se landdroshof verskyn. Mnr. Joseph Ngoma (42) het op klagte van die onwettige jag van beskermde wild, asook die besit van 'n renosterhoring en 'n ongelisensieerde vuurwapen en ammunisie verskyn. 'n Klag van poging tot moord is bygevoeg omdat hy Sondag glo op 15 polisie- en weermaglede geskiet het toe hulle hom in hegtenis wou neem.

Monday, 9 September 2019
2019. Vier vas oor olifantprodukte.

Die Namibiese polisie het verlede week drie olifanttande, twee -velle en een stuk ivoor gekonfiskeer. 
Vier verdagtes is in verband met olifantstropery en -ivoorsmokkelary in hegtenis geneem, lui statistieke van wildmisdaad van 2 tot 8 September wat deur die polisie se eenheid vir bekermde hulpbronne (PRU) en die ministerie van die omgewing en toerisme se intelligensieen ondersoekeenheid verskaf is.

Thursday, 5 September 2019
Louw L 2019. Vermeende ivoorskelms op heterdaad betrap.

Geheime polisie het twee mans Saterdag op heterdaad betrap toe hulle glo twee olifanttande van die hand probeer sit het. Geen borgtog is Maandag aan mnre. Dirk Vermeulen (51) and Edgar Clark (41) toegestaan ná hulle die tande na bewering aan polisiebeamptes probeer verkwansel het nie.

Monday, 2 September 2019
Terblanché N 2019. Elephant tusk smugglers arrested in Walvis Bay.

A STING operation executed by members of the Namibian Police in the Erongo Region that were joined by officers from other regions in country saw the arrest of two men in Walvis Bay who attempted to sell elephant tusks to undercover detectives. According to Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu, Erongo Regional Crime Investigations Coordinator, the two suspects aged 41 and 51 were arrested after they tried to finalise the transaction on Saturday afternoon.

Monday, 2 September 2019
Kandovazu E 2019. Nine arrested for wildlife crimes.

NINE men were arrested over the past for the poaching of protected wildlife species. This is according to environment ministry spokesperson, Romeo Muyunda, who stated that the suspects form part of the three newly registered wildlife criminal cases. It is alleged that Gideon Gao-Naseb, Timotheus Kasera and Champion Haraseb killed a rhino at the Omateva farm in the Omitara constituency. They now face charges of hunting of specially protected species and the removal of protected products. The trio was arrested on 20 August and have been remanded in custody.

Monday, 2 September 2019
Hartman A 2019. Two men nabbed over elephant tusk.

Two men appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court on a charge of dealing in elephants tusks on Monday.

Friday, 16 August 2019
Terblanché N 2019. Rhino horn theft cause for serious concern.

The Ministry of Environment and Tourism have mobilised all available resources to collaborate with the Namibian Police in tracing the 34 rhino horns that was stolen from a house in Outjo during a burglary.
According to the MET’s Director of Wildlife and National Parks, Colgar Sikopo, the incident is a cause of serious concern for the ministry as the custodial authority because of the reputational damage the incident caused to Namibia as a responsible manager of wildlife and other natural resources.

Thursday, 15 August 2019
Steynberg F, Springer M 2019. Farmer suffers millions loss .

The owner of a game farm in the Outjo district has suffered millions in the weekend after burglars stole 34 rhinoceros horns, cash of unknown value, jewels, cell phones and three weapons from a vault in his home.

Thursday, 15 August 2019
Kooper L 2019. Man nabbed for possession of elephant tusk, rhino horn .

A 31-Year-old Zambian man was arrested yesterday arrested at Mukuyu village after he was found in possession of one elephant tusk and a rhino horn.

Thursday, 15 August 2019
Mogotsi K 2019. Police arrest 118 for drug possession .

Meanwhile, the police have arrested 19 suspects in connection with wildlife crimes, and seized eight wildlife products since the start of August. According to a wildlife crime statistics report for this month issued by the Protected Resources Division of the Namibian Police yesterday, the wildlife products seized include four oryx carcasses, two live pangolins, a pangolin skin and a duiker.

Thursday, 15 August 2019
2019. Renoster in Etosha gestamp.

'n Renoster is laat gister teen skemertyd in die Etosha Nasionale Park deur 'n voertuig gestamp.
Die hoofwoordvoerder van die Namibiese polisie, adj.komm. Edwin Kanguatjivi, het die voorval bevestig en gesê die renoster moes deur 'n veearts uitgesit word. Hy het gesê die voorval het in die noordelike deel van die park plaasgevind en die voertuig is deur 'n beampte van die ministerie van die omgewing en toerisme bestuur. "Die polisie is besig om die saak te ondersoek of die bestuurder nalatig bestuur het of nie," het Kanguatjivi gesê.

Thursday, 15 August 2019
2019. Rhino horns and goods worth N$100 million looted.

Goods, among them rhino horns with a combined value of N$100 million, were stolen from a house in Outjo while the owner was away over the weekend. 

Thursday, 15 August 2019
2019. Zambiër vas met renosterhoring, ivoor.

'n Zambiese man is gister in Malengalenga in die Zambezistreer met een renosterhoring en een olifanttand deur die Nambiese polisie in hegtenis geneem.

Thursday, 15 August 2019
Terblanché N 2019. Theft of 34 rhino horns will damage Namibia's reputation.

THE protection and management Namibian wildlife and products derived from it will suffer immeasurable damage after 34 rhino horns and millions in local and foreign currency with a total value of N$100 million was stolen on an unguarded hunting farm in the district of Outjo over the weekend. One of the most comprehensive investigations were launched by the Inspector General of the Namibian Police, Lieutenant General Sebastian Ndeitunga, into the theft and especially the circumstances surrounding the theft while the police legal department on the instruction of the general…

Thursday, 15 August 2019
2015. 48 rhino poaching suspects arrested since June: NamPol.

The Namibian Police Force (NamPol)'s Anti-Poaching Unit has since June this year arrested 48 people for alleged rhinoceros poaching crimes. Furthermore, about 22 of those arrested have appeared in the Okahao Magistrate's Court in Omusati Region during the month of July this year, while an unspecified small number of suspects were released, pending further police investigations into their cases.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Smit E 2019. Cites concerned about poaching: Inconsistencies in exporting of Namibian rhino trophies.

A report that will be up for discussion at this week's World Wildlife Conference highlights inconsistencies in the exporting of rhino trophies from Namibia and says that 295 rhinos have been poached in Namibia between 2009 and 2018. It says the 44 rhinos that were poached in 2017 represented 1.5% of Namibia's rhino population. The 183 Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) will adopt decisions and resolutions to expand and further strengthen the global wildlife trade regime at to be considered at the 18th…

Wednesday, 14 August 2019
2019. Employee of electricity company among four arrested for possession of rhino horns.

A 33-year-old employee of an electricity company is one of four men arrested at Otjiwarongo on Monday with rhino horns that had been freshly sawed off.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Steynberg F 2019. 19 vas oor wildmisdaad.

Volgens statistieke wat deur die polisie-eenheid vir beskermde hulpbronne en die ministerie van die omgewing en toerisme se eenheid vir intelligensie en ondersoeke vir wildmisdaad in Augustus saamgestel is, is twee verdagtes in verband met renosterstropery of -horingsmokkelary of pogings daartoe in hegtenis geneem. 

Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Steynberg F 2019. 34 renosterhorings uit boer se kluis gesteel.

'n Boer (58) van 'n wildsplaas in die Outjo-distrik is die naweek van 34 renosterhorings, kontant in Amerikaanse en Nambiiese dollars, euros, rand, twee trouringe en drie vuurwapens ter waarde van sowat N$100 miljoen beroof.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Smit E 2019. 19 arrested for wildlife crime.

A total of 19 suspects were arrested for wildlife crimes during August with six new cases that were registered this month. This is according to wildlife crime statistics compiled by the Intelligence and Investigation Unit in the environment ministry and the Protected Resources Division in the Namibian Police. Statistics show that out of the 19 suspects arrested, two suspects were arrested for rhino poaching and or trafficking crimes (including cases of conspiracy of rhino poaching).

Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Smit E 2019. 19 arrested for wildlife crime.

A total of 19 suspects were arrested for wildlife crimes during August with six new cases that were registered this month. This is according to wildlife crime statistics compiled by the Intelligence and Investigation Unit in the environment ministry and the Protected Resources Division in the Namibian Police. Statistics show that out of the 19 suspects arrested, two suspects were arrested for rhino poaching and or trafficking crimes (including cases of conspiracy of rhino poaching). Furthermore wildlife products that were seized included two live pangolin, one…

Monday, 12 August 2019
2019. Ten in illegal hunting case at Kalkfeld appear in court .

The 10 people charged with illegal hunting and possession of game meat at Kalkfeld settlement, made their first court appearance on Monday in the Otjiwarongo Magistrate's Court.

Sunday, 11 August 2019
2019. Group arrested for illegal hunting at Kalkfeld.

Ten suspects between the ages of 16 and 33 years were on Friday arrested at Kalkfeld settlement in the Otjiwarongo constituency on charges of illegal hunting and possession of game meat without a valid permit.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Simasiku O 2019. NDF member nabbed for illegal hunting.

An instructor at Valombola Vocational Training Center in Ongwediva and a member of the Namibian Defence Force attached to the Otavi   military base, were on  Sunday arrested by the Oshikoto police for illegal hunting.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Terblanché N 2019. NAC meat thieves kill rare African wild dog pack.

Three security officers and three employees of the Namibia Airports Company (NAC) are in custody at the Hosea Kutako International Airport after they killed two near extinct African wild dogs and wounded another one that was part of a pack of five in order to steal a kudu carcass that the animals managed to kill on the world famous N/a’an ku sê wildlife sanctuary where the animals were in the process of being rehabilitated.

Monday, 22 July 2019
Mutanga M 2019. Poaching decreases compared to last year.

Poaching remains a big concern in Namibia, where it shows that poaching is moving away from the National parks and more into private farms and custodian farms. It can be attributed to the intensified security in parks.

Sunday, 21 July 2019
2019. Making a killing: There is frantic logging activity in the northeastern regions as the deadline approaches for the suspension of timber transport and export permits.

A Namibian Sun investigation in Kavango, where it is alleged Chinese national Hou 'Josy' Xuecheng and others are continuing with logging, has revealed frenetic activity before transport and export permits expire this Sunday. Hou has, however, again denied that he is continuing to harvest trees in the Kavango East Region. Sources close to his operation have made the claim that his company, New Force Logistics CC, is still harvesting trees for export via the Walvis Bay harbour.

Friday, 19 July 2019
Kandovazu E 2019. Poacher gets N$18 000 bail.

A man, who stands accused of poaching two rhinos along with four other men on a private farm in the area of Kamanjab in December last year, was granted bail in the amount of N$18 000 this morning. Magistrate Immanuel Udjombala found that the 35-year-old George Nanyeni only role in the crime was that he transported his four co-accused, who actually slaughtered the rhinos, away from the crime scene.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019
Kooper L 2019. Two suspected poachers arrested in Zambezi region again.

Two men were arrested at Katima Mulilo in the Zambezi region on Wednesday after they were found in possession of four elephant tusks.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019
Kooper L 2019. Suspected poachers arrested in Zambezi region.

Two suspected poachers were arrested on Monday night after they were found in possession of a crocodile skin in Kongola area of the Zambezi region.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019
David M 2019. Senior NDF officer arrested for poaching.

The 51-year-old Tobias Nuuyoma, a senior officer in the Namibian Defence Force and the 55-year-old Samuel Mumbala, a lecturer at the Valombola Vocational Training Centre were released on bail of N$ 5 000 each after they were arrested on charges of poaching over the past weekend.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019
2019. Seven elephants, 19 rhinos poached since January.

The Ministry of Environment and Tourism has recorded 26 poaching incidents since January, according to the ministry’s spokesperson Romeo Muyunda this week. According to the statistics, seven elephants and 19 rhinos were poached since January. In May, the ministry recorded 18 incidents in which eight animals were killed.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019
Terblanché N 2019. Smugglers of wildlife products appear in court.

The arrest of four people in the Zambezi Region on Sunday while they were in possession of wildlife contraband during concentrated operations by Namibian law enforcement agencies, revealed a smuggling route that stretches over Namibia’s borders with neighbouring Botswana and Zambia. The four accused persons, of whom two are teenage children and the third a Zambian national, appeared in three separate cases in the Katima Mulilo Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Hartman A 2019. Illegal immigrant caught poaching in Erongo.

An illegal immigrant from Angola was part of a gang of three men arrested last week for poaching in the Otjimbingwe district in the Erongo region. An incident report by Erongo crime investigations coordinator Erastus Iikuyu indicated that Benicio Tavalu (40), an Angolan who only had an Angolan voter's card in his possession, was arrested with Namibians Simson Katambo (42) and Titus Kamati (26) last Thursday.

Friday, 24 May 2019
Shikongo A 2019. Justice ministry to prioritise wildlife crime.

Government is tightening the noose on wildlife crime syndicates as the country's flora and fauna increasingly become endangered.