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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 2001 - 2050 of 2674
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
2020. Prophet bleibt in Untersuchungshaft.

Der selbsternannte Prophet Jackson Babi, der des illegalen Besitzes von zwei Rhinozeros-Hörner angeklagt ist, wird bis auf weiteres in Haft bleiben, nachdem sein Prozess gestern am Magistratsgericht in Gobabis auf den 15. September vertagt wurde.

Self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi, who is accused of illegally possessing two rhinoceros horns, will remain in custody until his trial commences at the Gobabis magistrate's court on September 15.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020
Potgieter GC 2020. How Namibia is Outsmarting Criminals Involved in the Illegal Wildlife Trade.

Serious crimes are being committed in Namibia - crimes against our precious wildlife, our natural heritage and, ultimately, our people. The criminal syndicates behind poaching are highly organised, professional and very clever. They are growing rich by stealing Namibia’s natural heritage, using poor Namibians to do their dirty work for them in return for less than 10% of the product’s market value. Those poaching on the ground thus bear all the risks associated with illegal activities, yet see precious little of the profit.

Monday, 8 June 2020
Menges W 2020. Preacher questions rhino poaching arrest.

Religious preacher Jackson Babi, who is facing criminal charges after rhino horns were allegedly discovered in his house in Windhoek, is claiming the police's search of his home and also his second arrest last week were unlawful.

Monday, 8 June 2020
Smit E 2020. 16 arrested for wildlife crimes.

Ten wildlife products were seized, which included six rhino horns, two elephant tusks and two giraffe carcasses. A total of seven new wildlife crimes were reported recently, while 16 suspects were arrested. Eleven of the suspects were arrested in connection with rhino poaching and/or trafficking cases, while two others were arrested for elephant poaching and/or trafficking.

Monday, 8 June 2020
2020. Police nab abalone poachers and bust large scale cleaning facility.

Police in the Western Cape continue to crack down on abalone poaching and smuggling, and a separate offender gets 20 years behind bars.

Friday, 5 June 2020
Ikela S 2020. Prophet' has rhino case deferred.

Local so-called prophet Jackson Babi and his co-accused Frizans Naululu Dumeni who were due to appear in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court yesterday for a bail application had their criminal case postponed to 24 July for further police investigations. The duo were arrested for illegally possessing two rhino horns and for the possession of a firearm and ammunition without a licence.

Friday, 5 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Ses vir sameswering van renosterstropery gevonnis.

Ses Namibiese mans is verlede Woensdag in die Okahandja-landdroshof vir die sameswering om 'n renoster te stroop en die oortreding van die wet op vuurwapens en ammunisie gevonnis.

Six Namibian men were sentenced on Wednesday in Okahandja Magistrate's Court for conspiring to poach a rhino and violating the firearms and ammunition law.

Friday, 5 June 2020
2020. Namibians urged to stand against illicit activities that harm the environment.

The Ministry and the UNDP said biodiversity is especially significant to Namibia with about 70% of people depending on natural resources based productive systems for survival. "Even though many livelihoods depend on the environment, more needs to be done to safeguard and foster its ability to sustain livelihoods," they said. According to the two, poaching is one of the biggest threats to the country’s natural environment as it threatens the population of our iconic wildlife species such as elephants and rhinos.

Friday, 5 June 2020
Terblanché N 2020. Poaching charges piling up against prophet.

Diligent detective work by the Protected Resources Division (PRD) of the Namibian Police, led to more poaching charges being registered against Prophet Jackson Babi. The prophet is currently in police custody on poaching charges that stem from an arrest last week at his home in the Kleine Kuppe neighbourhood of Windhoek. Babi, along with Frizans Naululu Dumeni, Alberto Mbwale and Joseph Matheus, were all taken into custody when they were found in possession of two rhinoceros horns last Tuesday evening.

Friday, 5 June 2020
2020. Suspected poacher collapses, dies at Dete Police Station (Zimbabwe).

According to a police report compiled after his death, Brighton Munkombwe, 30, of Douglasdale in Bulawayo, collapsed at the entrance of the police charge offce last Friday. He was arrested after he was found with three kilogrammes of the deadly cyanide granules in a bag when he was cornered by an anti-poaching reaction team of police and rangers. The reaction team had received a tip-off that Munkombwe wanted to buy ivory from some villagers and laid an ambush in Gwayi. Four villagers who Munkombwe was suspected to have been trading with…

Friday, 5 June 2020
2020. South Africa dehorns rhinos to curb poaching surge.

Dehorning is controversial, especially as it makes male rhinos vulnerable in fights. But they are not essential for survival, and, like fingernails, they grow back.

Thursday, 4 June 2020
Shikongo A 2020. 16 Namibians nabbed for Wildlife crime.

The report, which is jointly compiled by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism's intelligence and investigations unit and the protected resources division of the Namibian Police, detailed that the seven cases saw the arrest of 16 suspects. All those apprehended are Namibian nationals. Of those arrested, 11 were in connection with rhino poaching or trafficking, two in connection with elephant poaching or trafficking, two for the hunting of giraffe, and one for contravening the Arms and Ammunition Act. Among the wildlife products seized were six rhino…

Thursday, 4 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Renosterkarkasse word met sindikaat verbind.

Net voor die vermeende renosterstropers, pastoor Jackson Babi (30) en die 25-jarige mnr. Frizans Dumeni, gisteroggend in die Windhoek-landdroshof vir hul borgtogaansoek verskyn het, het 'n boer laat weet nóg twee witrenosterkarkasse is op 'n plaas in die Gobabis-distrik gevind.

Thursday, 4 June 2020
Braczkowski A 2020. South Africa - effort to return threatened pangolins to the wild at Phinda.

Each year in South Africa the African Pangolin Working Group (APWG) retrieves between 20 and 40 pangolins through intelligence operations with security forces. These pangolins are often-traumatised and injured and are admitted to the Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital for extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation before they can be considered for release. In 2019, seven rescued Temminck’s pangolins were reintroduced into South Africa’s Phinda Private Game Reserve in the KwaZulu Natal Province. Nine months on, five have survived.

Thursday, 4 June 2020
Smit E 2020. Groupies form human shield around 'prophet' Babi.

Followers of self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi yesterday formed a human shield around him during his latest appearance in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court. Babi (30) left the court surrounded by his supporters, who pushed reporters away and grabbed cameras to prevent photos being taken of him. Although the matter was set down for a bail application yesterday, the defence decided to apply for bail at a later stage.

Thursday, 4 June 2020
Steynberg F, Steffen F 2020. Wilderern wird Kaution verweigert.

Prophet Babi und Mitbeschuldigte Teil eines größeren Wilderei-Syndikats. Kurz bevor der aufsehenerregende "Prophet Babi" und der mitbeschuldigte Dumeni dem Haftrichter vorgeführt werden, werden neue Wilderei-Fälle bekannt, in die Babi ebenfalls verstrickt sein soll. Die Kaution wird ihm verweigert und am Montag muss er wieder vor den Kadi.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Boyle L 2020. Confront illegal wildlife trafficking with international criminal laws, former global trade chief says.

The former head of the global convention on international wildlife trade says that current rules surrounding legitimate enterprise “don’t cut it” to prevent future pandemics and that wildlife crime should be confronted with the same international legal force that tackles human trafficking and terrorism. John Scanlon served as Secretary-General of the Secretariat overseeing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) from 2010 until 2018. CITES is affiliated with the United Nations Environment Programme…

Wednesday, 3 June 2020
2020. Geen borgtog vir Babi en kie.

Die selfverklaarde profeet, pastoor Jackson Babi (30), bly in aanhouding en moet boonop volgende Maandag in die Gobabis-landdroshof op 'n klag van renosterstropery verskyn. Babi het vanoggend saam met sy medebeskuldigde, mnr. Frizans Dumeni, verskyn, maar hul borgtogaansoek het 'n wending geneem toe staatsaanklaer Rowan van Wyk gesê het dat Babi op Maandag 8 Junie in die Gobabis-landdroshof op 'n klag van die onwettige jag van spesiaal beskermde wild ('n renoster) moet verskyn.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020
2020. Wild- en veediewe teiken Omaruru-boere.

Omaruru se boere loop deur onder wild- en veediewe.

Omaruru's farmers targeted by wildlife and livestock thieves.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020
2020. Elf vas oor 'renosterstropery'.

Altesaam elf verdagtes is verlede week in verband met renosterstropery of -horingsmokkelary vasgetrek.

A total of eleven suspects were arrested in connection with rhino poaching or horn smuggling last week.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Menges W 2020. Preacher gets date for bail hearing.

A Windhoek-based preacher who was last week arrested after two rhino horns were allegedly found at his house is due to apply for bail in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court tomorrow.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Nguyen H 2020. Man gets five years in Hanoi for transporting rhino horns from Africa.

The Hanoi People’s Court sentenced a man to five years in prison on Monday for trafficking rhino horns from Angola to Vietnam. Nguyen Van Pho, 31, was charged with "illegally transporting rare and endangered animals" after arriving in Noi Bai International Airport from Bangkok on November 7, 2019, with the horns. When airport security personnel checked his baggage, they found a package wrapped in tin foil with two black rhino horns which weighed 1.9kg inside.

Monday, 1 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. 'Only God can judge him'.

Preacher Babi stands accused of illegally being in possession of two rhino horns, a firearm and ammunition.

Monday, 1 June 2020
2020. Twee 'renosterstropers' verskyn in Gobabis-hof.

Mnre. Alberto Mbwale en Joseph Matheus het op klagte van die onwettige jag van spesiaal beskermde wild ('n renoster) en geldwassery verskyn.

Messrs. Alberto Mbwale and Joseph Matheus appeared on charges of illegal hunting of specially protected wildlife (a rhino) and money laundering.

Monday, 1 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Pastoor Babi steeds agter tralies.

Pastoor Jackson Babi (30) van die House of Joy Ministries en sy medebeskuldigde, mnr. Friza Dumeni (25), bly steeds agter tralies. Landdros Linus Samunzela het vanoggend tydens die twee beskuldigdes se vlugtige verskyning in die Windhoek-landdroshof hul saak in verband met renosterstropery, -horingsmokkelary en die onwettige besit van 'n vuurwapen en ammunisie tot Woensdag uitgestel. Hulle sal dan vir borgtog aansoek doen.

Monday, 1 June 2020
Mwenda M 2020. In the midst of coronavirus poachers seize the chance to kill rhinos in Africa.

Poachers in Africa are encroaching on wildlife and killing rhinos in travel hotspots now devoid of visitors due to the coronavirus pandemic. Tourism revenue for some of Africa’s wildlife reserves and national parks has declined sharply as a result of the coronavirus crisis.

Saturday, 30 May 2020
Saunders J 2020. Outrage as South Africa law change could put elephants and giraffes on dinner table.

South Africa is deliberating over a radical review of their Meat Safety Act that wildlife activists fear could "pave the way" for elephants, rhinos, giraffes and every animal listed for human consumption.

Friday, 29 May 2020
2020. Wilderer erlegen zwei Nashörner nahe Gobabis.

Im Zuge der Ermittlungen in einem Fall der Nashornwilderei wurden in dieser Woche acht Verdächtigte festgenommen. Den Beschuldigten werden unerlaubte Jagd geschützter Wildtiere, illegaler Handel mit Nasenhörnern und Verstöße gegen das Waffengesetz vorgeworfen. Vier der Tatverdächtigen wurden gestern in Otjiwarongo dem Haftrichter vorgeführt und bleiben nach Aussage des Umweltministeriums vorerst in Untersuchungshaft. Heute sollen jeweils zwei weitere Verdächtige in Gobabis und Windhoek im Magistratsgericht erscheinen.

Friday, 29 May 2020
Smit E 2020. Poaching suspects appear in camera.

Four of the eight suspects arrested in connection with the alleged poaching of two rhino horns near Gobabis appeared in the Otjiwarongo Regional Court in camera yesterday.

Friday, 29 May 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Vier 'renosterstropers' verskyn in camera.

Die oorblywende vier verdagtes sal vandag hul verskyning in howe op Gobabis en in Windhoek maak. Vier van die agt verdagtes wat vandeesweek in verband met renosterstropery en -horingsmokkelary vasgetrek is, het gister in camera in die streekshof op Otjiwarongo verskyn.

Four of the eight suspects arrested this week in connection with rhino poaching and hornet smuggling appeared in camera in the Otjiwarongo regional court on Thursday.

Friday, 29 May 2020
Zincume M 2020. Two nabbed in Mtubatuba with elephant tusks (South Africa).

Vigilant Mtubatuba police officers arrested two suspects in Khula Village, near St Lucia, for being in possession of elephant tusks.

Friday, 29 May 2020
Nakale A 2020. Fishing expedition stumbles on elephant tusks.

Fishermen on a fishing expedition stumbled upon a bag containing four elephant tusks hidden in shallow waters between Ondangwa and Ongwediva over the long Africa Day weekend. A group of village boys between Opoto and Shipepe locations near Ongwediva were fishing in the water channel near the road when they made the elephant tusks discovery.

Friday, 29 May 2020
2020. Four armed poachers nabbed at Tugela South.

The carcasses of bushbuck and porcupines, together with a shotgun, a pistol and ammunition, were found in the possession of three men and a fourth driving a Toyota Fortuner, on a farm on the south bank of the Tugela River in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Thursday, 28 May 2020
Terblanché N 2020. Prophet and policeman arrested for poaching.

Jackson Babi, a well-known Prophet along with a police officer attached to the Very Important Persons Protection Directorate was amongst seven suspects arrested on Monday for poaching and trading in wildlife contraband. Lightning quick investigative work by members of the Protected Resources Division of the Namibian Police saw the arrest of the seven suspects on the same day that a farm worker discovered the carcasses of two illegally hunted rhinos on a farm in the Gobabis district.

Thursday, 28 May 2020
Steynberg F 2020. 8 vas oor renosterstropery.

Agt vermeende renosterstropers en -horingsmokkelaars is oor twee dae vasgetrek. Volgens die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, is twee renosterkarkasse Dinsdag op 'n plaas in die Gobabis-distrik ontdek.

Thursday, 28 May 2020
2020. Kampf gegen Wilderei: USA spenden zwei Allradwagen.

Das US-Verteidigungsministerium hat vergangene Woche zwei Geländefahrzeuge an das namibische Umweltministerium (MEFT) gespendet. Einer der beiden Toyota Land Cruiser soll von dem Polizeischulungszentrum am Waterberg verwendet werden. Der andere Land Cruiser ist für Einsätze der Antiwilderei-Hundeeinheit im Kampf gegen organisierte Umweltverbrechen vorgesehen.

Thursday, 28 May 2020
2020. Two poachers shot dead in Botswana.

The Botswana Defence Force (BDF) has reported death of two poachers killed in an anti-poaching incident in the Okavango Delta, bringing the number of poachers killed in the Southern Africa country to seven this year.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Ncube L 2020. Footie star arrested over elephant tusks.

Football Club player Craven Banda has been arrested after he was allegedly found with eight raw elephant tusks.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020
2020. 'Co-innovation' can save rhinos.

How technology, innovation and partnership are changing the fate of Africa's threatened megafauna.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020
2020. Two Land Cruisers donated by the American Defence Force help combat wildlife crime.

Poachers beware, local wildlife law enforcement has just taken a big leap with the acquisition of two Land Cruiser bakkies, courtesy of the American army, to bolster existing anti-poaching measures. The two bakkies were presented to conservation officials in the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism by Lieutenant Colonel John Lacy, the United States Defence Attaché in Namibia. The vehicles were donated by the US Department of Defence as part of the US Foreign Military financing programme for biodiversity.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Ngcobo N 2020. KZN poaching drops since virus lockdown.

KZN Ezemvelo Wildlife says they have seen a decrease in poaching since the start of the national lockdown. But the conservation body says they remain on high alert as poachers continue to operate in the province. Last week, a suspect was arrested in Mtubatuba, North of KZN for the illegal possession and sale of elephant ivory in the KwaMsane Township.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Mmana FB 2020. Was it poaching or self defence?.

North West District Council Chairperson, Kebareeditse Ntsogotlho is likely to face a poaching charge after being discharged from hospital, The Voice has learnt. Ntsogotlho was recently attacked and injured by a buffalo in his home area, Khwai during an alleged incident of illegal hunting and killing of a protected wild animal. He is currently nursing thigh wounds at Nyangabwe referral hospital in Francistown.

Monday, 25 May 2020
Tshikalange S 2020. Sixteen to appear in court for hunting springbok with dogs and knives.

Sixteen suspects who were arrested will appear in the Hofmeyr magistrate's court on Tuesday to face a charge of illegal hunting. The 16 suspects, who range between the ages of 23 and 48 years, were arrested on Sunday for illegal hunting on the farm Gruisheuwel, in the Hofmeyr district.

Monday, 25 May 2020
2020. MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube on arrest of suspect with elephant tusk.

Statement by the MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs Nomusa Dube-Ncube on the arrest of a suspect with elephant tusk valued at R150 000.

Monday, 25 May 2020
Munhende L 2020. Spike in wildlife poaching as poachers take advantage of lockdown laxities.

Zimbabwe has realised a spike in wildlife poaching as the wildlife management authority has redirected efforts towards combating the spread of Covid-19 during the current lockdown period, a top lobby has said.

Monday, 25 May 2020
Wiltshire J, Macdonald IAW 2020. Why are rhinos important for ecosystems?.

Most people understand that the poaching of rhinos is cruel and could, quite possibly, drive rhinos to extinction. But why the inordinate fuss about rhinos? Are they special enough from an ecological point of view, that ecosystems need them to be around? Of course, no species should go extinct due to man, and rhinos are iconic symbols and tourism draw-cards.

Monday, 25 May 2020
2020. Statistical models and ranger insights help identify patterns in elephant poaching.

The illegal wildlife trade is one of the highest value illicit trade sectors globally, threatening both human well-being and biodiversity. A prominent example is ivory poaching, leading to an estimated 30% decline in African elephant populations between 2007 and 2014 and costing African states an estimated US$25 million annually in lost tourism revenues.

Friday, 22 May 2020
David R 2020. Drop in recorded wildlife crime.

Between 11 and 17 May, only one new case of wildlife crime was registered with four suspects arrested and charged, according to the latest wildlife crime statistics compiled by the Intelligence and Investigation Unit within the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism and Protected Resources. Two of the suspects were arrested on rhino poaching/trafficking, including conspiracy of rhino poaching. One springbok horn was seized.

Thursday, 21 May 2020
2020. Internasionale Biodiversiteitdag môre herdenk.

Internasionale Biodiversiteitdag word jaarliks op 22 Mei volgens die Verenigde Nasies se Konvensie oor Biologiese Diversiteit (UNCBD) herdenk.

International Biodiversity Day is commemorated annually on May 22, according to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD).

Thursday, 21 May 2020
2020. Extension granted for submissions on work relevant to the panel reviewing lion, rhino, elephant and leopard management practices (South Africa).

An extension of two weeks has been granted to the public to make submissions on the work of the high-level panel established to review policies, legislation and related practices on the management, breeding, hunting, trade and handling of elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros.