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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1751 - 1800 of 2674
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Amakali M 2020. Preacher takes bail fight to High Court.

Self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi has approached the High Court to appeal against a decision by the Windhoek Magistrate's Court to deny him bail. The flamboyant Babi claims magistrate Linus Samunzala misdirected himself in law and fact when he denied him bail. In September, the lower court refused to release Babi on bail, citing he failed to give convincing evidence to be released pending his trial. The court also ruled there was a likelihood Babi would interfere with the investigations.

Sunday, 15 November 2020
2020. Uganda's rhino population grows after years of extinction.

The rhino population at Uganda's Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary has been growing steadily, from nearly extinction in the 1970s to 32 at present, due to increased security and protection.

Friday, 13 November 2020
2020. Mozambique: Vietnamese arrested with rhino horns, lions' teeth and claws.

A Vietnamese woman was arrested at Maputo International Airport on Monday, found in possession of ve pieces of rhino horn and 162 assorted lions' teeth and claws. It can be inferred that three rhinos and 12 lions, both species protected by law, were slaughtered in the amassing of the haul.

Friday, 13 November 2020
Leuschner E 2020. Beritten gegen die Wilderei.

Das Ministerium für Umwelt, Forstwirtschaft und Tourismus greift hart und konsequent gegen die Wilderei durch. Im Etoscha-Nationalpark wurde vor einiger Zeit eine spezialisierte Hundeeinheit stationiert, nun soll noch eine berittene Einheit dazukommen. "Der Etoscha-Nationalpark ist Namibias Aushängeschild. Touristen reisen in den Park und wollen die Artenvielfalt bewundern und beobachten - und genau das müssen wir schützen", stellte Umweltminister Pohamba Shifeta am Mittwoch bei Okaukuejo klar.

Friday, 13 November 2020
Nakale A 2020. K9 unit helps sniff out poachers.

Etosha - Although poaching of endangered species such as rhino and elephant have been reported to be minimal in the Etosha National Park, environment minister Pohamba Shifeta has called on law enforcement officials to do ballistic testing among communities adjacent to the park. Shifeta made the call Wednesday when he was briefed on the security situation cluster on antipoaching operation 'Yes Ongava' phase 18 in the Etosha National Park.

Friday, 13 November 2020
CGTN Africa 2020. Namibia to establish mounted unit to help curb poaching.

Namibia is in the process of establishing a special operations unit that will include the use of horses to help curb poaching, an ofcial said on Wednesday. According to Manie le Roux, who coordinates the K9 unit at the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, the mounted unit, which will have 12 horses and 14 members, will work together with the canine unit.

Friday, 13 November 2020
Kaminzi M 2020. NamPower linked to poaching.

A NamPower employee's arrest and court appearance in connection with poaching has shone the spotlight on the parastatal's employees abusing their access to farms.

Thursday, 12 November 2020
Atieno W 2020. Kenya: Rhino numbers go up as efforts to fight poaching pay off.

Kenya's black rhino population has doubled from less than 400 in 1985 to 794 by the end of 2019. Kenya is home to the last remaining two Northern White Rhinos in the world. "But, the Northern White Rhinos are endangered. There are only two existing in the world that are only found at the Ol Pejeta conservancy. We are making sure the white rhinos are saved and we produce more. We must protect these animals," said Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala during a webinar commemorating World Rhino Day last month.

Thursday, 12 November 2020
2020. K9 unit highlights major success in anti-poaching drive.

Namibian law enforcement arrested 121 suspected poachers in three months inside the Etosha National Park with the help of the newly-established anti-poaching K9 unit, the police have said on Wednesday.

Thursday, 12 November 2020
2020. NamPower investigating employee accused of illegal hunting at Kalkfeld.

NamPower has launched an internal investigation against its employee, Joel Ochurub, who was arrested Saturday near Kalkfeld after he was allegedly found with poached warthogs and an impala in an official vehicle.

Thursday, 12 November 2020
Vaupel M 2020. Schuppentiere: Stark gewildert, wenig untersucht.

Auf reges Interesse stieß am 29. Oktober eine Veranstaltung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Swakopmund. Der Veranstaltungssaal des Swakopmund Museums war zu drei viertel gefüllt, als Kelsey Prediger ihren Vortrag zur Ökologie des Steppenschuppentieres (Temminck's ground pangolin) in Namibia hielt. Diese in Namibia heimische Art ernährt sich von Termiten und Ameisen und spielt in der Ökologie des Landes eine wichtige Rolle.

Thursday, 12 November 2020
2020. Special operations unit set to help curb poaching.

The government is in the process of establishing a special operations unit that will include the use of horses to help curb poaching, an ocial said this week. According to Manie le Roux, who coordinates the K9 unit at the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, the mounted unit, which will have 12 horses and 14 members, will work together with the canine unit. "Anti-poaching efforts need a combination of support," he said. "We want to add horses patrol to the air, vehicle and dog patrols."

Wednesday, 11 November 2020
2020. Elephant tusks seized by Border Force during international operation against wildlife crime.

During the month-long Operation Thunder, Border Force officers at ports and airports made 178 seizures containing thousands of products regulated under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). These included elephant tusks and other ivory goods, live corals and reptile skin products. Border Force also made a number of non-CITES seizures including heroin, cocaine, cannabis and cigarettes.

Monday, 9 November 2020
Menges W 2020. Preacher denies bribery charge.

An evangelical preacher who has been in jail since May after being arrested over the possession of rhino horns and the poaching of a rhino in the Gobabis district on Friday denied guilt on a charge of bribery in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court.

Friday, 6 November 2020
Kapembwa J 2020. Zambia lobbies hard for ivory sales.

Zambia is leading a push for African countries to obtain a CITES waiver that would allow them to legally export ivory stockpiles. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has an international ban on trade and sale of ivory and related products. Southern African countries have accrued huge stockpiles of ivory worth millions of dollars over the decades. The stockpiles mostly constitute ivory from elephants culled for conservation and ecological purposes.

Thursday, 5 November 2020
Denker H 2020. Conservation in a crisis.

Namibian conservation efforts have faced a number of major crises over the past half century.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Pieterse C 2020. Alleged rhino poachers granted bail.

The three Kruger National Park employees who were arrested for possession of rhino horns were granted bail in the Bushbuckridge Magistrate's Court last Thursday.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020
2020. Support for SRT.

The Bank of Namibia (BoN) joined the fight to preserve Namibian rhinos by supporting the Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) Namibia through a donation of N$480 000.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020
2020. Knapp eine halbe Million für den Artenschutz.

Die Bank of Namibia (BoN) hat gestern dem Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) eine Spende in Höhe von 480000 N$ übergeben. "Das Nashorn ist eins der schönsten prähistorischen Tiere auf der Erde, jedoch ist es auf dem Weg der Ausrottung aufgrund des unverantwortlichen Verhaltens von Menschen" so der stellvertretende BoN-Gouverneur, Ebson Uanguta (r).

Tuesday, 3 November 2020
2020. Independence anniversary note grows unexpected windfall for rhino conservation.

The Thirty Namibia Dollar banknote that was issued by the Bank of Namibia during the lockdown to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Independence, has proven so popular with collectors that a recent auction of only a few notes garnered proceeds of N$480,000.

Saturday, 31 October 2020
2020. Kruger employees in court after found with rhino horns.

Three Kruger National Park staff members who were arrested for the possession of rhino horns earlier this month are due to appear in the Bushbuckridge Magistrate's Court for bail application today.

Friday, 30 October 2020
Amakali M 2020. Cops complete bribery probe against preacher.

The police have concluded their investigations into the case of self-proclaimed preacher Jackson Babi, who stands accused of attempting to bribe officers of the law about three months ago. Babi appeared alongside his co-accused Ananias Ananias yesterday before magistrate Linus Samunzala in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court.

Thursday, 29 October 2020
Jason L 2020. Two nabbed for hunting game.

The police in the Omusati region have arrested two men for allegedly illegally hunting protected game. According to the regional crime investigations coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Moses Simaho, the offences were committed on 17 October 2020 around 18h00 at Omutambowomawe and Okaonde areas in the Ruacana constituency. He said the suspects used their private vehicle to transport illegally hunted game meat, of which the police recovered one carcass of eland, three duikers, a dik-dik, a rabbit and a bow white bird.

Thursday, 29 October 2020
Kandovazu E 2020. Prophet Babi returns to court in November.

Prophet Jackson Babi and another man, Ananias Ananias, who stand accused of attempting to bribe a police officer, are expected to make another court appearance next month in connection with the charges. The two men briefly appeared in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court on bribery charges after it was alleged that they offered a police officer N$13 000 to make the charges against Babi disappear.

Thursday, 29 October 2020
2020. 'Pofeet' Babi pleit volgende week op klagte van omkopery.

Die selfverklaarde profeet Jackson Babi en ’n medebeskuldigde wat glo polisieondersoekbeamptes met N$13 000 probeer omkoop het, sal volgende week in die hof pleit.

The self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi and a co-accused who allegedly tried to bribe police investigators with N $ 13 000, will plead in court next week.

Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Eenjarige renosterkalf gestroop - Stompie verwyder.

’n Renosterverskalfie van slegs een jaar oud wat steeds aan haar ma gedrink het, is op ’n wildsplaas in die Gobabis-distrik gestroop.

A one-year-old rhino calf who was still drinking from her mother was poached on a game farm in the Gobabis district.

Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Poachers kill rhino calf.

A one-year-old white rhino calf has been killed by poachers on a farm in the Gobabis district. Farm owner Walter Kinnear says the calf’s tiny horn was removed by the poachers.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020
2020. Nashorn bei Gobabis gewildert - Polizei fasst gleich mehrere mutmaßliche Ziegen- und Viehdiebe.

Die Polizei hat am Wochenende gleich mehrere Fälle des Viehdiebstahls bzw. der Wilderei gemeldet - darunter gehört auch die Tötung eines Nashorn-Kalbs. In einigen Fällen hat es Festnahmen gegeben.

The police reported several cases of cattle theft and poaching over the weekend - including the killing of a rhinoceros calf. There have been arrests in some cases

Sunday, 25 October 2020
Simpson M 2020. South Africa - SANParks laments arrest of employees for alleged rhino poaching.

The employees, two of whom are security guards while the other is attached to technical services at one of the Kruger National Park rest camps, appeared in court on Thursday following the discovery of fresh rhino horns in their vehicle. In a statement released by SANParks on Friday, the Managing Executive for the Kruger park, Gareth Coleman, said it was "always disheartening when colleagues from SANParks are involved in criminal activities.

Saturday, 24 October 2020
2020. Three SANParks employees arrested with rhino horns outside gates of Kruger Park.

Three SA National Parks (SANParks) employees, among them two security guards, have been arrested in possession of fresh rhino horns outside the gates of the Kruger National Park. SANParks said the third person arrested is in technical services.

Saturday, 24 October 2020
2020. SANParks staff members arrested on suspicion of rhino poaching.

South African National Parks (SANParks) announced the arrest of three staff members on 20 October 2020; in an extended Intel driven operation by SANParks, SAPS Crime Intelligence Unit, Sabi Sands and Skukuza SAPS Stock Theft Unit outside Kruger Gate. Two of the officials were employed as Security Guards and one was attached to Technical Services at one of the rest camps. The three were likely to appear in court on Thursday, 22 October 2020 and will thereafter be subjected to internal employee disciplinary procedures.

Friday, 23 October 2020
Munsaka L 2020. Anti-poaching initiatives pay dividends.

Anti-poaching initiatives instituted by Zimbabwe are bearing fruits as the country recorded a 78 percent decline in rhino poaching incidents in the first six months of 2020 compared to same period last year. Statistics from the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks) show that four rhinos were poached from January to June 2020. The figure for January - June 2019 was 19.

Friday, 23 October 2020
Ngobeni L 2020. Two arrested in Pretoria CBD for allegedly trying to sell pangolin for R350 000.

Two men were arrested in the CBD for allegedly trafficking and trying to sell a pangolin for approximately R350 000. Preliminary investigations revealed the pangolin was from Thabazimbi.

Thursday, 22 October 2020
Koro E 2020. Opinion - Why SADC, countries still 'oppose' rhino horn trade.

SADC countries have individually decided not to get involved in the non-commercial international trade in rhino horn. This questionable decision has happened despite approval for such trade by the UN international wild trade-regulating agency, CITES, and despite the help, it would give to wildlife conservation, the jobs it would create, and the socio-economic benefits it would bring to Southern Africa. Why? The reluctance to trade rhino horn in any way possible seems strange in the face of the economic devastation, particularly to rural areas, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thursday, 22 October 2020
2020. Namibia drastically reduces poaching cases: minister.

Namibia has drastically cut down on the number of rhino poaching cases in the past year despite the country still battling the problem, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta told Parliament on Wednesday.

Thursday, 22 October 2020
Steynberg F 2020. China se rookskerm vir ietermagogs.

Vier maande gelede het Chinese staatsmedia aangekondig ietermagôskubbe is van tradisionele medisynelyste verwyder, maar navorsing weerspreek dat dié benadering in werklikheid toegepas word. Volgens ’n verslag getiteld “Smoke and Mirrors” van die Omgewingsondersoekagentskap (EIA) wat vandeesmaand gepubliseer is, word ietermagôprodukte steeds in tradisionele medisyne gebruik.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Koro E 2020. Why SADC countries still 'oppose' rhino horn trade.

SADC countries have individually decided not to get involved in the non-commercial international trade in rhino horn. This questionable decision has happened despite approval for such trade by the UN international wild trade-regulating agency, CITES, and despite the help it would give to wildlife conservation, the jobs it would create, and the socio-economic benefits it would bring to Southern Africa.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Smit E 2020. Seven apprehended for wildlife crimes.

At Opuwo, two Namibians were arrested on 13 October for being in possession of a pangolin. At Grootfontein, a Namibian, Raimo Kakongo, was arrested on 11 October on a charge of conspiring to poach a rhino. The case dates back to August this year. He has been charged with contravening the Riotous Assemblies Act. At Opuwo, two Namibians were arrested on 13 October for being in possession of a pangolin. Uaninazo Muheke and Mavetumbuavi Mutambo were charged with contravening the Controlled Wildlife Products and Trade Act.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020
2020. Rhino gold bar proceeds fund new patrol car for Save the Rhino Trust.

At a time when tourism income has evaporated, the demand on wildlife protection has only increased. Helping to fill this gap is local gold major, B2Gold who donated a new Land Cruiser to Save the Rhino Trust.

Monday, 19 October 2020
Nkwame M 2020. Anti-poaching squad ropes in 27 suspects.

Patrol groups of the paramilitary National Anti-Poaching Squad have arrested 27 people on suspicions of being involved in a series of poaching incidents in the past 10 months in the Moyowosi and Uvinza game reserves of Kigoma region.

Monday, 19 October 2020
Ledger E 2020. Stop The Illegal Wildlife Trade: The detection dogs sniffing out wildlife crime (Malawi).

Until an illegal wildlife trade report was published in May 2015, Malawi's role in one of the world's largest transnational organised crimes was largely unknown. The landlocked southeast African nation - bordered by countries with large wildlife populations - was revealed to be a major trafficking hub for ivory, pangolin scales, rhino horn and other illegal wildlife commodities. Malawi's weak identification and enforcement systems were being systematically exploited by criminals to export their products to China, Vietnam and other demand countries. In response…

Sunday, 18 October 2020
2020. Elephants: 'My mission to stop poachers in Zimbabwe'.

"We've gone 12 months without an elephant being shot and killed by poachers at Mana Pools National Park, which is a huge result." For Nick Murray, a conservationist born in Pontypridd, this result has followed years of hard work. Nick now runs a conservation project with his wife Desiree covering the Lower Zambezi Valley of Zimbabwe, an area of 10,000 sq km (3,800 sq miles).

Sunday, 18 October 2020
2020. Two men arrested for dealing in endangered plants.

Springbok - Two men have been arrested after they were found in possession of an endangered plant species worth about R200 000 in Springbok in the Northern Cape in the early hours of Sunday morning, the South African Police Service (SAPS) in the province said.

Friday, 16 October 2020
2020. Namibia dehorns 666 rhinos since 2018 to curb poaching.

Namibia is dehorning most of its endangered black rhinos in an effort to curb poaching, official said Thursday. According to Environment Ministry spokesperson Romeo Muyunda, Namibia has dehorned about 208 rhinos this year, bringing the total number of dehorned rhinos to 666 since 2018.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020
2020. Wildlife zones introduced to protect rhino.

By introducing a zoning approach, the necessary resources can be redirected to areas most in need of support. Seven Integrated Wildlife Zones are being introduced across South Africa to protect the country’s rhino. "By demarcating areas primarily around rhino populations, wildlife in the area, as well the people living in and around conservation areas, will be protected," said the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Barbara Creecy.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Angolees, ses Namibiërs kwes glo swartrenosterbul.

Een Angolese en ses Namibiese mans is verlede week by Mururani in verband met renosterstropery vasgetrek. Volgens die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, is ’n swartrenosterbul gekwes. "Weens die erge skietwonde moes 'n veearts ongelukkig die renoster uitsit," het De Klerk aan Republikein gesê.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Smit E 2020. 363 arrested for wildlife crimes in 2019.

Pangolins are the most poached and trafficked animal species in Namibia, crime statistics show. A total of 174 wildlife crime cases involving high-value species were registered last year and more than 360 suspects were arrested. According to the 2019/2020 annual progress report of the environment ministry, 92 of these cases related to pangolin, 54 related to elephants, 32 related to rhinos and 17 to conspiracy to poach rhinos.

Friday, 9 October 2020
2020. Bail denied to rhino horn suspect.

The arrest and recovery was made by the Pietermaritzburg Flying Squad and K9 Unit during a joint operation. A South Coast man was arrested for being in possession of a rhino horn valued at R1,2 million after being stopped during a police operation in Pietermaritzburg last week.

Thursday, 8 October 2020
Smit E 2020. 14 caught for wildlife crimes.

Fourteen suspects have been arrested in connection with wildlife crimes and seven new cases have been registered. Three of the suspects were arrested in connection with rhino poaching or trafficking. According to the information provided by the intelligence and investigation unit within the environment and tourism ministry and the protected resources unit within the safety and security ministry, 11 illegal wildlife products were seized.

Thursday, 8 October 2020
2020. 'Dehorned is better than dead': rangers race to protect rhinos as borders reopen.

As international borders reopen, the government has warned game reserves around SA to prepare for a possible resurgence in rhino poaching. Because of this threat, hundreds of rhinos in game reserves in the North West have been dehorned to protect them from poachers. Dehorning involves tracking the animals and darting them before removing their horns while they are sedated. Tracking the rhinos requires two helicopters and teams of people on the ground.