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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1601 - 1650 of 2674
Monday, 12 April 2021
2021. Ses vas vir renosterstropery.

Ses vermeende renosterstropers en een ivoorsmokkelaar is verlede week in hegtenis geneem. Die drie beskuldigdes van die stropery van 'n ver dragtige witrenosterkoei by 'n lodge in die Gobabis-distrik verlede naweek is mnre. Zondundi Tjipuiko, Frederik Hamukoto en Tjimbaka Mbatiminua. Hulle is vasgetrek nadat boere, die K9-teenstropingseenheid en spoorsnyers hul spore tot by die informele nedersetting in Gobabis gevolg het waar hulle met voertuie gevlug het.

Sunday, 11 April 2021
2021. Wildlife report indicates that pangolin is the most trafficked high-value protected species.

Pangolin was the most trafficked high-value protected species according to the 2020 Annual Report on the Combatting of Wildlife Crime released last week. According to the report, only one pangolin of the 74 seized by the law enforcement agencies was alive while 129 of these nocturnal animals were poached in 2019. The report emphasised that law enforcement relating to pangolin poaching and trafficking represent a major challenge because the animals are largely collected opportunistically. However, transboundary intelligence collaboration has led to the…

Saturday, 10 April 2021
2021. Improved law enforcement helps reduce rhino poaching in Namibia: report.

Improved law enforcement and more effective disruption of criminal networks led to the decline in the number of rhino poaching in Namibia in 2020, according to a report released Friday. On the other hand, significantly more rhino horns were seized during 2020 than in 2019, the Combating Wildlife Crime in Namibia Annual Report 2020 states. The report states that the arrests during 2020 have included a number of high-level perpetrators, with significant international connections.

Saturday, 10 April 2021
2021. Three cases opened, seven suspects arrested for wildlife crimes.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) wildlife crime statistics indicate that three new cases of wildlife crime were opened and seven suspects arrested from 29 March 2021 to 06 April 2021. Statistics availed to Nampa on Thursday indicate that six suspects were arrested for rhino poaching, including cases of conspiracy of rhino poaching. One suspect was arrested for alleged elephant poaching and trafficking. One rhino carcass and two elephant tusks were recovered during the period under review, while two firearms were seized.

Thursday, 8 April 2021
van der Berg K 2021. Hawks revive old cases against suspects in Bruwer case.

During their investigation of the Bruwer case, the Hawks found that Elliot Sindane (69), Elvis Mlimi (50) and Mabuthi Khoza (35) were implicated on charges of illegal hunting, illegal possession of firearms and illegal rhino horn dealings over a decade ago.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021
2021. Mutmaßliche Wilderer gefasst.

Drei mutmaßliche Nashorn-Wilderer wurden am Samstag mit Hilfe von Farmern und der K9-Anti-Wilderei-Einheit mit einer Schusswaffe festgenommen, nachdem am Freitag bei einer Lodge im Gobabis-Distrikt der Kadaver einer trächtigen Breitmaulnashornkuh entdeckt worden war.

Three suspected rhinoceros poachers, with a gun, were arrested on Saturday with the help of farmers and the K9 anti-poaching unit after the carcass of a pregnant white rhinoceros was discovered on Friday at a lodge in the Gobabis district.

Tuesday, 6 April 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Spoorsnyers help 'renosterstropers' vastrek.

Drie vermeende renosterstropers met 'n vuurwapen is Saterdag met behulp van boere, spoorsnyers en die K9- teenstropingseenheid vasgetrek nadat die karkas van 'n dragtige witrenosterkoei Vrydag by 'n lodge in die Gobabis-distrik ontdek is.

Three suspected rhino poachers with a firearm were arrested on Saturday with the help of farmers, trackers and the K9 anti-poaching unit after the carcass of a pregnant white rhino cow was discovered at a lodge in the Gobabis district on Friday.

Tuesday, 6 April 2021
Tenywa G 2021. Ugandan policemen held over possession of wildlife products.

Five people including three policemen have ended up in hot soup over possession of wildlife trophies including elephant ivory. According to Bashir Hangi, the Public Relations Manager at Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), the suspects were arrested in two different incidences in Kampala and Kapelabyong in Teso sub region.

Sunday, 4 April 2021
2021. Cabo Delgado Provincial Court sentences poachers to 16 years in prison.

According to a press release issued by REN, André Mariano Baridi was captured carrying hunting tools and mechanical traps for large animals when leaving a poachers' camp. REN stresses that, at the time of his arrest, the individual was in the company of a friend, also a poacher, who ran away after realizing the presence of the Reserve inspectors.

Saturday, 3 April 2021
Muvundisi J 2021. Worry over increased poaching of painted dogs.

Painted dogs, also known as wild dogs, face extinction as a result of increased illegal hunting by poachers, a conservation centre has revealed. The Painted Dogs Conservation Centre in Dete, which is located at the foot of the Hwange National Park, said snares set up by poachers, mostly villagers, have become a huge threat to the population of painted dogs.

Thursday, 1 April 2021
Alim AJ 2021. Stop the Illegal Wildlife Trade: Pangolin scales worth £5m seized in Cameroon on 'major trafficking route'.

Four thousand kilograms of pangolin scales were seized by authorities in Cameroon on what experts are calling a "major trafficking route".

Thursday, 1 April 2021
2021. Drei Schmuggler festgenommen.

Drei mutmaßliche Schmuggler von Nasenhorn erschienen am vergangenen Montag vor dem Amtsgericht von Ondangwa. Die Männer erhielten keine Kaution. Laut dem Leiter der "Blue Rhino Task Force", Barry de Klerk, war einer der Angeklagten, Pendapala Herman, bereits auf Kaution auf freiem Fuß aufgrund eines vorigen Falls, bei dem 33 Nasenhörner bei Outjo gestohlen worden waren. Die beiden weiteren Angeklagten sind Michael Muronga, welcher der Kriminalpräventionseinheit der namibischen Polizei in Otjiwarongo angehört, und Alfons Tjukuru. Der Fall wurde bis zum 19. Juli vertagt.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021
2021. Bengo: 50-year-old man arrested for ivory trafficking and elephant slaughter.

The Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) detained a national citizen for allegedly slaughtering elephants and selling ivory, in the municipality of Dembos, Bengo province, the director of the institutional communication and press office of the SIC-general, informed the Novo Jornal. of criminal investigation Manuel Halaiwa.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Drie in hof oor horing in kattebak.

Drie vermeende renosterhoringsmokkelaars het Maandag in die landdroshof op Ondangwa verskyn en is borgtog geweier. Volgens die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, is een van die beskuldigdes, mnr. Pendapala Herman, op borgtog uit in die opspraakwekkende saak van die diefstal van 33 renosterhorings op Outjo. Die ander twee beskuldigdes, is konstabel Michael Muronga, wat verbonde is aan die misdaadvoorkomingseenheid van die Namibiese polisie op Otjiwarongo, en mnr. Alfons Tjukuru van die Oshanastreek.

Monday, 29 March 2021
Simasiku O 2021. Cop, pastor nabbed for possession of rhino horn.

An Otjiwarongo-based police constable and a pastor of the Enlightened Christian Gathering Church were arrested on Friday in Omuthiya after they were found in possession of a rhino horn. A third accomplice from Oshana region was also arrested. The trio was apprehended around 02h15 after the police received a tipoff from Otjiwarongo that the suspects were allegedly carrying prohibited contents.

Monday, 29 March 2021
Mzantsi S 2021. 40 SANParks employees sacked over rhino poaching.

Forty SANParks employees found guilty of being involved in rhino poaching have been dismissed, Forestry, Fisheries and Environment Minister Barbara Creecy has revealed. She was responding to a Parliamentary question on whether any SANParks staff were involved in the poaching of rhino for their horns. "SANParks staff members have been involved in rhino poaching since 2009. In dealing with rhino poaching-related offences, SANParks runs a parallel process alongside the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA)," said Creecy.

Friday, 26 March 2021
2021. 32 Ziegen binnen zwei Tagen geschlachtet.

Polizei fahndet bei Omaruru nach Viehdieben - Mutmaßliche Wilderer gestellt. Erneut treiben Viehdiebe und Wilderer in der Umgebung von Omaruru ihr Unwesen. Die Polizei konnte inzwischen einige mutmaßliche Täter festnehmen, dennoch wird die Öffentlichkeit aufgerufen, jegliche Hinweise zu melden.

Friday, 26 March 2021
Nyika L 2021. Villager arrested over elephant tusks.

A 23-year-old villager from Sikabela on the outskirts of Victoria Falls town has been arrested after being found with two elephant tusks. Police and ZimParks rangers trapped Fredrick Ndlovu after getting a tip-off that he was selling the ivory at Lupinyu Business Centre near the Victoria Falls Airport.

Thursday, 25 March 2021
Amanyisa Z 2021. Killers of lions wanted body parts for sale – officials.

Last week, six lions were found dead and dissected in a suspected poisoning incident in the Queen Elizabeth National Park in Kanungu District, southwestern Uganda. The lions were discovered with their heads and appendages chopped off, and their carcasses were surrounded by dead vultures, which raised suspicion that they had been poisoned. Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) said it could not rule out illegal wildlife trafficking.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021
2021. Babi denied bail again.

Prophet Jackson Babi has yet again been denied bail in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court, because of fear he might again interfere with investigations, as he faces a bribery charge in addition to the poaching charges he was initially arraigned on. In the bribery case, Babi is accused of attempting to bribe a police officer with N$13 000.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Amakali M 2021. Preacher denied bail.

Self-proclaimed prophet and founder of the House of Joy Ministries Jackson Babi was denied bail by the Windhoek Magistrate's Court on Friday. "The applicant was capable of interfering with state witnesses while still behind bars and there is no determination of what he could do should he be released on bail," said magistrate Linus Samunzala.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Sadike M 2021. Kruger National Park rangers say courts not taking rhino poaching seriously.

Kruger National Park section rangers have expressed concern at the courts taking too long to convict alleged rhino poachers arrested in the facility, despite evidence. Speaking to the Pretoria News, Karen Keet, the head ranger at the Phalaborwa gate, and Andrew Desmet, who heads the Letaba section within the Kruger National Park, said they often arrested poachers. However, they never get convicted because of laxity within the judiciary system. The two claimed the system seldom took the matter seriously.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021
2021. Team work results in arrest of two rhino poaching suspects.

Tragically another white rhino cow and her calf were killed in South Africa over the weekend for their horns, but fortunately two rhino poaching suspects have been caught thanks to an incredible amount of team work.

Sunday, 21 March 2021
2021. Why it's so hard to prosecute wildlife crimes: Lessons from Tanzania.

Developments in two major ivory trafficking cases in Tanzania are not what conservationists might have hoped for. The conviction of Boniface Mathew Malyango, known as "Shetani Hana Huruma" ("the Devil has no mercy" in Kiswahili), was hailed by conservation organisations as a victory in 2017, with one of East Africa's most notorious illegal ivory traders. However, his conviction was quietly overturned in mid-2020 - a development that was largely unreported in the press. 

Thursday, 18 March 2021
Nkala O 2021. Namibian rhino poaching suspect is a fugitive from justice in Botswana.

The Namibian man intercepted alongside a party of suspected Zambian rhino poachers that he was attempting to guide into Botswana is a repeat offender wanted in Botswana for skipping the country when he was due for prosecution for rhino poaching and illegal possession of firearms, the Botswana Gazette can reveal.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021
2021. SANParks welcomes sentences for rhino poaching related crimes.

South African National Parks (SANParks) has welcomed sentences imposed for rhino poaching related crimes in two separate cases that have been finalised in Mpumalanga.The trials were concluded in the Mhala regional court in February and March. In one matter three people who were arrested in August 2018 were convicted of rhino poaching related charges including possession of two sets of rhino horns, a high calibre hunting rifle, ammunition and trespassing in a national park with the intention of committing crime as well as the illegal hunting of an endangered animal.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021
Smit E 2021. 110 pangolin scales confiscated at Outapi.

The police confiscated 110 pangolin scales when they arrested two men at Outapi on 7 March. The two Namibians, Nikodemus Kotekeni Hafeni Nicodemus and Simon Akwenye, were also found in the possession of one pangolin skin.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021
2021. Mozambique’s tough task tackling rhino crimes.

For years environmentalists have warned that the biggest threat to the future of rhino populations is the indiscriminate killing of these animals in South Africa's Kruger National Park by organised syndicates infiltrating from neighbouring Mozambique.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Maron DF 2021. Wildlife seizures are down - and an illicit trade boom may be coming.

The amount of elephant ivory, rhino horn, and pangolin scales intercepted by authorities in 2020 was far less than compared with the previous five years, according to analysis for National Geographic by the Center for Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS). The coronavirus pandemic likely dampened both the ability of wildlife traffickers to move their products internationally and of law enforcement to detect them, according to the group, a U.S.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Kandovazu E 2021. Babi’s bail judgment on Friday.

A decision on whether or not Windhoek self proclaimed Prophet, Jackson Babi, will be granted bail will be heard on Friday at the Windhoek Magistrate's Court. Babi was arrested last year on poaching and bribery charges. On the bribery charge, Babi and one Ananias Ananias are alleged to have attempted to offer a police officer N$13 000 to make the charges against Babi in the poaching case disappear.

Monday, 15 March 2021
2021. Ses vas oor kameelperdjag by Kamanjab  .

Ses mans is Saterdag in die omgewing van Kamanjab in verband met die onwettige jag van 'n kameelperd vasgetrek. Volgens die Namibiese polisie se weeklikse misdaadverslag is die ses verdagtes omstreeks 19:40 Saterdag met die vleis van een kameelperd en 'n ongelisensieerde vuurwapen waarmee hulle glo die beskermde dier gejag het, in hegtenis geneem.

Friday, 12 March 2021
Reitz M 2021. Rhino poaching in Botswana – is pride hampering prevention?.

Botswana's recent upsurge in rhino poaching is reaching a crisis point. More than 100 rhinos have been poached in under two years from a population of less than 400. Yet, the government remains resolute in its denial of a growing catastrophe. Former Botswanan president Ian Khama recently announced on social media that over 120 rhinos have been poached in the past 18 months.

Friday, 12 March 2021
Madzianike N 2021. St George's College clerk caught with ivory.

A clerk at St George's College in Harare appeared in court after he was arrested in the capital’s suburb of Budiriro, while attempting to trade raw ivory worth US$2 099.

Thursday, 11 March 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Horingsmokkelaar met halfmiljoen beboet - Twee Angolese vas.

'n Renosterhoringsmokkelaar, Robertos Ipingi, is 'n stewige boete van N$500 000 of twee jaar tronkstraf opgelê. Ipinge is verlede Vrydag in die Otjiwarongo-landdroshof gevonnis ná hy in Augustus 2019 skuldig bevind is aan die onwettige besit van en handel in een renosterhoring, asook op die oortreding van die georganiseerde misdaadwet (Poca).

Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Muonwa J 2021. Elephant tusk lands Karoi villagers in trouble.

TWO Karoi villagers have been dragged to court for illegal possession of an elephant tusk valued at US$1 467,10.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Smit E 2021. Six arrested for wildlife crimes.

Six suspects were arrested in connection with wildlife crimes and five new cases were registered recently, while five wildlife products were seized. Two suspects were arrested for rhino poaching or trafficking. Another suspect was arrested for elephant poaching or trafficking. This is according to information provided by the intelligence and investigation unit within the ministry of environment and tourism and the protection resources division within the safety and security ministry. On 28 February, Muronga Hamutima was arrested at Rundu for being in possession of a pangolin skin…

Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Amakali M 2021. Babi awaits bail judgement.

The bail judgement into the case of self-proclaimed prophet and founder of the House of Joy Ministries, Jackson Babi, is scheduled to be delivered next week in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court. Magistrate Linus Samunzala will pronounce himself on whether Babi has satisfied the court that he should be granted bail pending the finalisation of his case. The court scheduled the matter to 19 March and remanded Babi in police custody. The "prophet" is scheduled to stand trial on bribery charges for allegedly offering investigating officers N$13 000 in an attempt to have him released on…

Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Ashipala N 2021. Rhino poaching declines in Kunene.

The Kunene region saw a marked decline in cases of illegal poaching of rhinos in the last five years, with no incident reported last year. Head of operations in the region Deputy Commissioner Jaron Iita said 28 rhinos were poached between 2015 and 2017. Iita said, between 2018 and 2019, there were minimal cases of rhino poaching; however, there were no cases of rhino poaching recorded last year. The Deputy Commissioner said, last year alone, 51 suspects were arrested for attempting to poach rhinos and elephants.

Monday, 8 March 2021
2021. Wildtierkriminalität im Februar.

Es wurden acht neue Fälle der Wilderei und 14 Verhaftungen in diesem Zusammenhang für die vergangene Februar registriert. Das geht aus einem Statistikbericht des Umweltministeriums und der namibischen Polizei (NamPol) hervor. "Bei einem der Fälle handelt es sich um den illegalen Besitz von jeweils zwei Elefantenstoßzähnen und Nilpferdzähnen. Der Vorfall ereignete sich in Katutura und zwei Verdächtigte wurden verhaftet," so der Bericht. Der zweite Vorfall habe sich in Oshakati zugetragen, wo vier Teile von Stoßzähnen sowie auch Munition beschlagnahmt worden seien.

Monday, 8 March 2021
2021. Suspects found with rhino horn at Otjiwarongo.

The police at Otjiwarongo on Saturday arrested two male suspects after they were allegedly found in possession of a rhino horn without a permit at the Erindi game reserve. The weekend crime report of the Namibian Police Force said the men aged 33 and 60 were arrested during a police operation. The value of the rhino horn is still to be determined and the suspects were expected to appear in the Otjiwarongo Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

Monday, 8 March 2021
Smit E 2021. 17 arrested for wildlife crimes last month.

A total of 17 suspects were arrested in connection with wildlife crimes and nine new cases were registered last month, while 21 wildlife products were seized. This is according to information provided by the intelligence and investigation unit within the environment ministry and the protected resources division within the safety and security ministry. Wildlife products confiscated included three pangolin skins, two live pangolins, two elephant tusks, four elephant tusk pieces, two hippo teeth, five lechwe carcasses and a giraffe carcass.

Friday, 5 March 2021
2021. Police register eight cases of illegal possession of pangolin products in a month.

The Ministry of Environment and Tourism reports that 14 cases of illegal possession of wildlife products as well as convictions were made between 25 of January to 28 February. Of the 14 cases, eight were for the possession of live pangolins, skins, scales and bones, demonstrating that this nocturnal animal is under serious threat. In Opuwo Tjihepo Tjondo was found guilty on 15 February for possession of one pangolin skin and was ned N$60 000 of which N$3 000 is suspended or six months imprisonment, suspended for three months.

Friday, 5 March 2021
2021. Multinational poacher arrested after firefight.

A member of a notorious poaching gang from Zambia that plies their trade across the borders of three countries was arrested after getting involved in a shootout with a Namibian anti-poaching unit on the banks of Linyanti River. The shootout occurred on the Namibian side of the river last Thursday night and according to reports, one of the gang members was arrested. The suspected poacher is currently being held at the Katima Mulilo Police Station.

Friday, 5 March 2021
Dykes J 2021. The crackdown on rhino poaching is starting to pay off, but conservation is more crucial than ever.

Although the fight is far from over, rhino poaching is in decline. Tough enforcement is part of the solution, but the power of grassroots conservation mustn't be overlooked The sound of Judge Siboleka's gavel reverberated through the Windhoek High Court on April 19, 2019. Four heads bowed in acceptance of egregious crimes. Sternly, Siboleka extended the sentences of Wang Hui, Pu Xuexin, Li Zhihing and Li Xiaoliang from 11 years to 15. Their charge: the illegal export of 14 rhino horns from Namibia in March 2014.

Thursday, 4 March 2021
Naidoo J 2021. Alleged pangolin traffickers arrested in Kyalami while looking for a buyer.

Six alleged pangolin traffickers aged between 30 and 43, were arrested by the Hawks on Wednesday in Kyalami, north of Johannesburg. The arrest came as a result of a collaborative effort between the Hawks' Wildlife Trafficking unit and NGO Pangolin Africa, an initiative of the University of Pretoria.

Thursday, 4 March 2021
2021. Zambian poacher caught in Namibia trying to cross into Botswana.

One suspected Zambian ivory poacher was arrested and four others escaped when they were ambushed by police in Namibia while trying to cross into wildlife-rich northern Botswana. The poachers were accosted by a Namibian border patrol unit on the Namibian side of the Linyanti River as they tried to cross into the Okavango Delta on Thursday night.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021
Kooper L 2021. Suspected poaching syndicate member denied bail.

Barks Sobozi (44) was arrested at Silonga after months of joint investigations by the Wildlife Protection Services (WPS) division of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, and the Namibian Defence Force. Sobozi is allegedly part of a transnational syndicate suspected of rhino poaching in the Botswana Delta.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021
2021. Roadside bust: Duo caught selling rhino horn in Benoni.

Benoni K9 officers have foiled an illegal sale of a rhino horn. Two suspects aged 38 and 39 were arrested. They were trying to sell the horn along the roadside on Lionel Street, Benoni, east of Johannesburg. Police seized the horn, valued at R80,000, as well as the Mercedes-Benz vehicle they were using.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021
2021. Rhino poaching: 'Khama is lying, malicious, grossly irresponsible'.

The Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) director Kabelo Senyatso has strongly refuted claims by former president Ian Khama that 120 rhinos have been poached in the last 18 months.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Dube M 2021. Botswana Denies 120 Rhinos Poached in 18 Months.

Botswana, confronting an unprecedented rise in poaching, has refuted reports by former President Ian Khama that at least 120 rhinoceroses have been killed in the last 18 months. Instead, the government says, wildlife crimes have dropped by 70 percent since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.