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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 151 - 200 of 2674
Tuesday, 9 April 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Wir verlieren den Kampf.

Private Nashornbesitzer fürchten, dass Namibia den Kampf gegen die Wilderei verliert – während die Regierung nicht genug beisteuert. "Wir kämpfen einen Krieg, den wir nicht gewinnen werden", sagte ein empörter Nashornbesitzer, der seine Breitmaulnashörner an Wilderer verloren hat, gegenüber Namibia Media Holdings (NMH). Zuvor hatte das Umweltministerium schockiert mitgeteilt, dass in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres 28 Nashörner in Namibia gewildert wurden. "Zwei Drittel meiner Nashornpopulation sind verschwunden!

Thursday, 4 April 2024
Weidlich B 2024. Drahtschlinge bei Nashornkuh entfernt.

Tierärzte haben einem Nashorn eine Drahtschlinge aus dem Bein operiert. Ein schon älteres und ziemlich großes Nashorn auf einer Farm im Süden Namibias mit einer alten und teilweise verheilten Wunde am linken Hinterbein fing wieder an zu humpeln. Tierärzte stellten fest, dass der Dickhäuter seit Jahren eine Drahtschlinge, wie sie Wilderer gebrauchen, in ihrem unteren Bein verwachsen mit sich herumschleppte. Die Nashornkuh war damals wohl den Wilddieben entkommen und die Wunde verheilte, indem sich Gewebe um die Drahtschlinge bildete.

Thursday, 4 April 2024
Parafini Z 2024. Two men fined for illegal possession of lion heads.

Two men, who were found in possession of five lion head skulls, which they intended to sell, were yesterday fined for the offence. Shelton Chibaya (36) and Benedict Mutinhima (31) work at Kyle Recreational Park in Masvingo. They appeared before Harare magistrate Ruth Moyo and were charged with contravening the Parks and Wildlife Act.

Wednesday, 3 April 2024
Smit E 2024. Urgent meeting called to discuss steep rise in rhino poaching.
The environment ministry has called for an urgent high-level meeting with security clusters after 28 rhinos were poached in Namibia this year, with 19 of them killed in Etosha National Park.
Wednesday, 3 April 2024
Nashama S 2024. Security cluster to meet after 28 rhinos were poached this year.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism has recorded 28 cases of rhino poaching in Namibia this year so far. Out of these 28 cases, 19 rhinos were poached in the Etosha National Park, and 10 carcasses of the animals were discovered during dehorning operations in March. The Ministry’s spokesperson, Romeo Muyunda, has expressed concern about the poaching situation in the Etosha National Park, which is a flagship tourist attraction in Namibia. The park has a high number of rhinos and other wildlife species.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
2024. Namibie bekommerd oor renosterstropery.
Namibia wil sy stryd teen stropery versterk nadat 28 renosters sedert die begin van die jaar vir hul horings doodgemaak is. Namibia wants to step up its fight against poaching after 28 rhinos were killed for its horns since the beginning of the year.
Tuesday, 2 April 2024
Smit E 2024. 28 renosters reeds vanjaar gestroop.

'n Dringende hoëvlak-vergadering tussen die ministerie van omgewing, bosbou en toerisme en sekuriteitsgroepe is belê nadat 28 renosters in die eerste drie maande van die jaar in Namibië gestroop is. Uit die 28 renosters is 19 in die Etosha Nasionale Park gestroop. Volgens die ministerie se woordvoerder Romeo Muyunda is tien van die 19 gestroopte renosters in die park verlede maand tydens onthoringsoperasies ontdek.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
Moser K 2024. Enormer Anstieg der Wilderei.
Namibia ist in den letzten Tagen von mehreren Fällen der Nashornwilderei heimgesucht worden. Sowohl im Etoscha-Nationalpark als auch auf privaten Farmen häuften sich in der vergangenen Woche die Funde getöteter Nashörner. Wie das Umweltministerium mitteilte, ist die Zahl gewilderter Nashörner im laufenden Jahr 2024 somit auf 28 gestiegen. "Es ist besorgniserregend, dass 19 Nashörner im Etoscha-Nationalpark gewildert wurden, von denen 10 bei Enthornungsaktionen im März entdeckt wurden", so Romeo Muyunda, Sprecher des Ministeriums.
Tuesday, 2 April 2024
2024. Environment ministry records 28 rhinos poached this year.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism has recorded 28 rhinos poached in Namibia from January to date. This was announced yesterday in a media statement by ministry spokesperson Romeo Muyunda. “It is concerning to note that 19 were poached in Etosha National Park, of which 10 were discovered during dehorning operations throughout the month of March,” he said.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
2024. MEFT calls urgent meeting as 28 rhinos lost to poaching.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism is currently conducting an assessment to determine the extent of rhino poaching. In light of the recent poaching incidents in the park, the ministry has also requested an urgent high-level meeting with the security cluster. To date, a total of 28 rhinos have been poached in Namibia. Out of these, 19 were poached in the Etosha National Park, while the remaining 10 were discovered during dehorning operations throughout the month of March.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
2024. Namibia concerned about surge in rhinoceros poaching.

Namibia's Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism on Monday expressed deep concern over the surge in poaching activities within its flagship Etosha National Park where 19 rhinoceros have been illegally killed so far since the start of 2024. Namibia's Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism on Monday expressed deep concern over the surge in poaching activities within its flagship Etosha National Park where 19 rhinoceros have been illegally killed so far since the start of 2024.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
2024. Namibia investigates surge in rhino poaching in Etosha park.

Namibian authorities are investigating a surge in rhino poaching that has seen 28 rhinos poached already this year, two-thirds of them in the Southern African country's flagship Etosha National Park. It was particularly concerning that 19 rhinos were poached in Etosha this year, given the park is a focus for conservation efforts and a major international tourist attraction, the environment ministry said in a statement on Monday.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
2024. Surge in rhino poaching incidents continues - 28 rhinos poached to date.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism has reported a distressing surge in rhino poaching incidents, with 28 rhinos poached in the country so far this year. Of particular concern is the discovery of 19 poached rhinos within the iconic Etosha National Park, 10 found during dehorning operations throughout March. Ministerial spokesperson, Romeo Muyunda said in a statement. Muyunda said the recent spate of poaching threatens not only the rhino population but also the integrity of this vital tourism attraction.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
Mavata K 2024. Five men arrested for rhino poaching in Limpopo.

Five suspects in Limpopo have been arrested for rhino poaching and illegal trades if elephant tusks. According to Sowetan Live, Col Malesela Ledwaba, police spokesperson, stated that the men were apprehended by the endangered species unit and wildlife security on Thursday. The five men who four of them are reported to be foreigners and one South African are expected to appear at the Letsitele and Maake magistrates’ court.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
Mpaka C 2024. Man, 18, arrested as police recover 20 kg of elephant tusks.

An 18-year-old man has been arrested and 20 kg of elephant tusks valued at Sh2 million recovered at a roadblock in Loruk, Baringo county. The suspect had stashed the tusks in a gunny bag when he was arrested on March 31, police said. Police said he was arrested in in Loruk trading centre in a public service vehicle. He will be arraigned and charged with being in possession of wildlife trophies of endangered species contrary to section 92 (4) of the Wildlife Conservation Management Act 2013.

Monday, 1 April 2024
Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) 2024. Update on the elephant and rhino poaching in namibia.
Update on the elephant and rhino poaching in namibia.
Wednesday, 27 March 2024
Amutenja H-M 2024. Three NDF members arrested for poaching in Mangetti National Park.

Three members of the Namibian Defence Force (NDF) were apprehended on Friday, within the confines of Mangetti National Park. The arrests followed after park officials saw the perpetrators climbing over a fence during a routine anti-poaching patrol and fence inspection. The three soldiers were arrested while attempting to claim over the Mangetti Park’s boundary fence into the Mururani location, bearing bags laden with dried game meat ranging from Eland, Kudu and Wildebeest.

Wednesday, 27 March 2024
Moser K 2024. Wildstropers se Nemesis.

In kamoefleerdrag, swart stewels en ’n semi-outomatiese wapen in sy holster, is Marcus Jacobs soggens reg vir aksie. Wat dalk na ’n militêre operasie klink, is in werklikheid die daaglikse roetine van ’n man met ’n missie: die beskerming van bedreigde wild teen stropers. Jacobs is die hoofbestuurder van Namibia Wildlife Protection (NWP), ’n private sekuriteitsmaatskappy wat bedreigde wildspesies in Namibië teen stropers beskerm. Dit sluit in "hoë teikenspesies" soos renosters en olifante. "Ons kan nie meer ons kosbare spesies sonder wapens beskerm nie.

Wednesday, 27 March 2024
Moser K 2024. NWP ernstig oor bewaring.
Namibia Wildlife Protection se veldwagters ontvang opleiding in onder meer die hantering van wapens, taktiese bewegings en spoorsny. Namibia Wildlife Protection rangers receive training in, amongst others, weapons handling, tactical movements and tracking.
Wednesday, 27 March 2024
Mpaka C 2024. Large ivory seizure in Mozambique comes amid worrying signs of increasing elephant poaching.

A major shipment of 651 pieces of elephant ivory has been seized in Mozambique en route to Dubai. Officials from Mozambique's Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) and the Tax Authority intercepted a container at Maputo port on 22 March 2024 and found the ivory concealed in a shipment of bags of corn. This is the third known large-scale seizure of elephant ivory exported from Mozambique since 2022.

Monday, 25 March 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Two jailed for possessing live Pangolin in Balaka.
The Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court sitting in Balaka district-Malawi has convicted and sentenced two men to 30 months and 36 months imprisonment with hard labor respectively, for the offense of being found in possession of protected species (Live Pangolin) contrary to Section 86 of the National Park and Wildlife Act.
Friday, 22 March 2024
Reiter C 2024. Mensch-Elefant-Konflikt weiterhin ein Problem.
Angolanischer Mann wird bei Ruacana von Elefanten angegriffen. Angolan man attacked by elephants near Ruacana.
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
Moser K 2024. Namibia Wildlife Protection führt Anti-Wilderei-Markt an.
Die AZ hat das führende Anti-Wilderei-Unternehmen in Namibia, Namibia Wildlife Protection (NWP), begleitet, und in Erfahrung gebracht: "Es besteht eine große Nachfrage nach Anti-Wilderei-Einheiten in der namibischen Farmbranche und ein massiver Markt für Anti-Wilderei-Dienstleistungen." Das sagt Salmon Vermaak, der Gründer und Direktor von Namibia Wildlife Protection. Er entschied sich, sich auf Nashörner und Elefanten zu spezialisieren. Inzwischen beschäftigt er über 200 Ranger auf 700 000 Hektar privatem Farmland.
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
2024. Zimbabwe: Two poachers gunned down, three arrested in mid-Zambezi.

In a recent incident in Katombora, Middle Zambezi Valley, two suspected poachers met a fatal end after engaging in a firefight with Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife (Zimparks) rangers. The confrontation resulted in the deaths of the poachers, while three others were apprehended. The rangers acted swiftly to protect wildlife and recovered 15 elephant tusks, along with a rifle and ammunition.

Tuesday, 19 March 2024
Smit E 2024. Growing number of leopard-hunting guides arrested.

A handful of hunting guides have been arrested in various parts of the country over the past few months, each charged with separate illegal activities related to leopard hunting. The ministry is working very closely with the police and has decided that if the industry cannot rid itself of illicit practices, then rigorous law enforcement is the only option.

Tuesday, 19 March 2024
2024. Mans betrap met beskermde plante.

Drie mans is die afgelope naweek in hegtenis geneem nadat hulle met beskermde plantspesies van ongeveer N$80 000 in die Kavango-Wesstreek betrap is. "Die drie verdagtes van onderskeidelik 27, 30 en 37 jaar oud, is Vrydag by die Namasira-polisiekontrolepunt gearresteer nadat hulle met 7 x 150 kg-sakke Cyphostemma, met 'n gewig van sowat 429 kg en ter waarde van N$79 288, betrap is," lui die Namibiese polisie se misdaadverslag. Volgens die verslag het die verdagtes nie 'n permit gehad wat hulle goedkeuring verleen het om die spesifieke beskermde plantspesies te oes of te vervoer…

Tuesday, 19 March 2024
Kheibes E 2024. Three men caught with protected plants worth N$80 000.

Three Namibians were nabbed last week after they were caught in possession of close to 450 kilograms of protected plants, estimated to be worth nearly N$80 000. According to the Namibian Police, the three men - aged 27, 30 and 37 - were caught at the Namasira police checkpoint in the Kavango West Region last Friday. Police discovered the men were transporting seven 150-kilogram bags containing 176 gouty-vine (cyphostemma) plants weighing, 429 kilograms in total. The pants were valued at N$79 288.

Wednesday, 13 March 2024
Steynberg F 2024. University student, accomplice jailed for possessing pangolin scales.
University student, accomplice jailed for possessing pangolin scales.
Friday, 8 March 2024
Denker H 2024. Leopardenjagd eskaliert.

In Namibia werden vermehrt Leoparden auf inakzeptable Weise gejagt. Jagdpraktiken, die der Tierquälerei nahekommen und nichts mehr mit naturschutzorientierter Jagd im Einklang mit der Natur zu tun haben, fassen in der Branche zunehmend Fuß - dem muss ein Ende gesetzt werden. In Namibia, leopards are increasingly being hunted in unacceptable ways. Hunting practices that come close to animal cruelty and no longer have anything to do with conservation-oriented hunting in harmony with nature are increasingly gaining a foothold in the industry - this must be put to an end.

Thursday, 7 March 2024
Ndalikokule P 2024. Court freezes car, residential block belonging to suspected poacher Bishop Burugu.

A Nairobi court has frozen ownership of a Mercedes Benz and a block of residential flats built on prime land within Allsops area in Ruaraka belonging to televangelist and businessman Jackson Mbugua Burugu. This is in connection with a case of poaching that is pending in court. Lady Justice Diana Kavedza of the Nairobi Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Division issued the freezing order following a suit filed by the Asset Recovery Agency. Burugu is a prominent Nairobi-based televangelist who is commonly referred to as 'Bishop'.

Wednesday, 6 March 2024
2024. Growing, growing, gone: safeguarding SA's illegally traded succulents.

South Africa's Succulent Karoo is home to flora that occur nowhere else on earth. But a rapidly escalating onslaught by criminal networks threatens many of these rare species. This webinar will showcase insights from a new ENACT report that explores the illegal market for ornamental succulents, focusing on South Africa’s multistakeholder efforts to counter the trade. Speakers will highlight key challenges and opportunities, and put forward recommendations to improve responses.

Monday, 4 March 2024
Amutenja H-M 2024. More than 600 rhinos were poached in ten years.

Between 2015 and February 2024, Namibia lost a staggering 631 rhinos due to poaching, marking a concerning downturn in its conservation success. This is according to statistics provided by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism last week during the Commemoration of World Wildlife Day 2024. Breaking down the figures year by year, statistics paint a grim picture of 97 rhinos poached in 2015 alone, with six reported to be poached in 2016 and five poached in 2017.

Monday, 4 March 2024
2024. Namibia: Deforestation and poaching threaten endangered species.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism has sounded the alarm on the rapid decline of wildlife habitats due to deforestation and industrial emissions, exacerbating the impacts of climate change and hindering efforts to sustainably manage natural resources. In a statement released over the weekend to mark World Wildlife Day, Romeo Muyunda, spokesperson for the ministry, highlighted the urgent need to confront the challenges confronting local wildlife.

Monday, 4 March 2024
Happiness L 2024. Rhino-poaching still a major concern for Namibian Government.

Windhoek, March 04-Namibia boasts a healthy population of wildlife species, and its conservation efforts are held in high regard globally. However, recent poaching statistics reveal a troubling trend, with the country losing a total of 631 rhinos over the past decade. According to Romeo Muyunda, spokesperson for the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, Namibia recorded 97 rhino poachings in 2015, 66 in 2016, 55 in 2017, 84 in 2018, 61 in 2019, 48 in 2020, 53 in 2021, 92 in 2022, 67 in 2023, and 8 in 2024 to date.

Sunday, 3 March 2024
2024. Namibia warns of wildlife crisis due to deforestation, poaching.

Namibia's Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism said Saturday that rapid deforestation and industrial emissions in the country are causing habitat loss for rare and endangered wildlife, exacerbating climate change impacts such as droughts and floods, and hindering efforts to sustainably manage natural resources for future generations. In a statement commemorating World Wildlife Day, Romeo Muyunda, the ministry's spokesperson, underscored the critical need to address the challenges facing Namibia's wildlife.

Thursday, 29 February 2024
2024. Poaching increases in South Africa.
Rhino poaching in South Africa rose by 10% in 2023 versus the previous year. While the numbers came as no surprise, it is a stark reminder that there is still a lot of work to do to overcome the rhino poaching crisis!
Thursday, 29 February 2024
Thornycroft P 2024. Scores of elephants killed in Botswana amid poaching surge.

Scores of elephants have been killed for their ivory in Botswana in recent months as a southern African country once considered a sanctuary for wildlife has seen a surge in poaching. Poachers are thought to have killed at least 60 elephants in the past three months in the north of the country and in Chobe National Park, one of the world's top wildlife destinations. Gunmen are particularly targeting the few remaining "big tusker" elephants which have already been hunted to near-extinction.

Wednesday, 28 February 2024
2024. Livestock farmers lose N$14m to theft, drought.
Livestock and game farmers have lost more than N$14 million worth of animals to predation, theft, drought-related illnesses and disasters, as well as property damage by problem animals. According to the latest issue of the Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU) newsletter, a comprehensive analysis by the Livestock Producers' Organisation (LPO) reveals a staggering loss of N$14 399 440 stemming from only 1 248 reports from the organisation's members. "This represents a fraction of the total livestock sector.
Wednesday, 28 February 2024
2024. Nashorn-Wilderei in Südafrika merklich angestiegen.
In Südafrika hat die Wilderei von Nashörnern merklich zugenommen. Im vergangenen Jahr seien 499 Breitmaul- und Spitzmaulnashörner illegal getötet worden, teilte das südafrikanische Umweltministerium am Dienstag mit. Dies sei ein Anstieg um 11 Prozent im Vergleich zu 2022, sagte Umweltministerin Barbara Creecy. Besonders stark betroffen sei die südöstliche Provinz KwaZulu-Natal, in der 325 Fälle registriert wurden, so die Ministerin. Hotspot sei der Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park der Provinz, wo 307 illegal getötete Nashörner entdeckt wurden.
Wednesday, 28 February 2024
2024. South African National Parks and Namibian Rangers unite against poaching.

In a landmark display of cross-border cooperation, |Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld Transfrontier Park Field Rangers from South Africa joined forces with their Namibian counterparts to conduct regular joint river patrol along the Orange River. This milestone collaboration marks a significant achievement following a three-year interruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The joint patrol, integral to the management of the |Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld Transfrontier Park (ARTP), aimed to address the rampant illegal gillnet activities that have been decimating fish populations in the area.

Tuesday, 27 February 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Vee- en wildboere ly reuse-verliese.
'n Omvattende ontleding deur die Lewendehaweprodusenteorganisasie (LPO) toon verbysterende verliese van byna N$14,4 miljoen wat deur roofdiere, diefstal, droogte-verwante siektes en rampe asook probleemdiere in 2023 veroorsaak is. Hierdie astronomiese bedrag spruit uit slegs 1 248 voorvalle wat deur LPO-lede gerapporteer is, wat ‘n fraksie van die totale veesektor verteenwoordig, volgens die Namibië Landbou-unie (NLU). "Boere voel moedeloos omdat niks aan hul situasie gedoen word nie en daarom is die rapportering baie laag.
Tuesday, 27 February 2024
2024. KwaZulu-Natal carried the brunt of rhino poaching in 2023, says Creecy.
During 2023, 499 rhinos were poached across South Africa, 406 were killed on state properties and 93 on privately owned parks/reserves/farms. This was an increase (of 51) in comparison to 448 rhinos poached in 2022.
Tuesday, 27 February 2024
2024. Rhino poaching in South Africa increases in 2023.
South Africa recorded 499 rhinos poached in 2023, 51 more than the previous year, despite efforts to protect the animals, the government said on Tuesday. South Africa is home to nearly half of the critically-endangered black rhino population in Africa and to the world's largest population of near-threatened white rhinos. Rhinos are poached for their horns, which are used in east Asian countries for making traditional medicines and jewellery.
Tuesday, 27 February 2024
2024. Rhino poaching on the rise.
A sobering statistic out of South Africa today as they report an increase in rhino poaching. Almost 500 rhinos were killed for their horn in 2023, more than 60% of those in just one state park. While Kruger National Park has successfully deployed layers of security measures to adapt to the poaching crisis, other Parks haven’t taken the necessary steps to date to prevent these devastating losses.
Tuesday, 27 February 2024
2024. South Africa sees marked rise in rhino poaching.
The South African Environment Ministry said on Tuesday that the number of rhinos poached in the country had risen by more than 10% in 2023 compared with the previous year. International trade of rhino horn is prohibited but rhino horn continues to be smuggled to Asia, where it is highly valued, especially in Vietnam and China. How the figures broke down - The ministry said 499 black and white rhinoceroses were killed in 2023, mostly in state-run parks, compared with 448 the previous year.
Monday, 26 February 2024
Morris C 2024. Opportunity lost or covered - Nairobi court acquits Chinese national of wildlife trafficking.

It could have been the proverbial pot of gold. Instead, it became at best, an opportunity lost in the fight against transnational organized wildlife crime. On February 2, a Nairobi area court acquitted Hoang Thi Diu, a female of apparent Vietnamese/Chinese dual citizenship, of charges relating to the dealing and possession of 145 kilograms of ivory, rhino horn, lion's teeth, and claws. Objectively, and considering the evidence before the court, the verdict was not incorrect.

Thursday, 22 February 2024
2024. Successful apprehension of abalone poachers at Smitswinkel Bay, Cape Town.

The South African National Parks (SANParks) Environment Crime Investigation (ECI) Unit received tip-offs from the public about potential poaching activities at Smitswinkel Bay, Cape Town. A prompt response by the ECI, its Canine Unit and the Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) Marine Unit Rangers led to the apprehension of two suspected poachers who were found with a total of 291 units of abalone. The apprehended suspects were transported to the South African Police Services.

Tuesday, 20 February 2024
2024. Pangolins in danger of extinction.
The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism says pangolins are in danger of extinction. This was revealed by executive director of environment, forestry and tourism Teofilus Nghitila on World Pangolin Day on Saturday. "While observing the day, the line ministry wishes to remind the public that our pangolins are in danger of extinction. These species continue to be illegally captured and are the most trafficked mammals since 2014," she said. Nghitila said the illegal capturing of pangolins is causing the local population to steeply decline, putting them at risk of extinction.
Monday, 19 February 2024
2024. Pangolins most trafficked mammals since 2014 - Ministry concerned over pervasive poaching.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism in Namibia delivered a stark message on World Pangolin Day, shedding light on the alarming rise in illegal trafficking and poaching activities targeting pangolins. Teofilus Nghitila, the Ministerial Executive Director, expressed deep concern over the ongoing illegal capture of pangolins, highlighting them as the most trafficked mammals since 2014. "Unfortunately, this relentless exploitation has led to a steep decline in their population, pushing them perilously close to extinction," he emphasized.

Saturday, 17 February 2024
Moser K 2024. Namibia warns of rising pangolin trafficking on World Pangolin Day.
Namibia's Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism issued a warning on World Pangolin Day, exposing the extent of illegal trafficking and poaching activities targeting pangolins.