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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 901 - 950 of 2674
Monday, 12 September 2022
Noechel S 2022. Selbsternannter Prophet verurteilt.

In einer Pressemitteilung des Umweltministeriums gab dieses bekannt, dass es die Urteilsverkündung des Magistratsgerichtshofes in Gobabis gutheißt. Der selbsternannte Prophet Jackson Babi, der in 2020 festgenommen wurde, nachdem die Polizei zwei Rhinozeros-Hörner in seiner Wohnung im Windhoeker Stadtteil kleine Kuppe beschlagnahmt und auch ein Jagdgewehr samt Munition dort konfisziert hatten, wurde in 12 Anklagepunkten der Wilddieberei für schuldig befunden. Zusammen wurde er auf 19 Anklagepunkten verurteilt, von denen er ein Minimum von bis zu zehn Jahren hinter Gittern…

Monday, 12 September 2022
Truscott R 2022. As poachers poison wildlife, Zimbabwe finds an antidote in tougher laws.

Poisons like cyanide can be a deadly weapon for poachers, allowing them to kill dozens of animals without needing access to firearms or the backing of criminal syndicates. Wildlife poisoning is on the rise across Africa, targeting elephants as well as pushing endangered vultures toward extinction. A new study says Zimbabwe, which a decade ago witnessed some of the deadliest mass poisonings of elephants, has developed a sound basis for curbing poisonings by tightening laws to criminalize intent to use poison to kill wildlife.

Sunday, 11 September 2022
Morris C 2022. African courts need to take the lead in trying traffickers.

It was a mistake. Ten tons of ivory and 190 kilograms of rhino horn were sold over a seven-year period, according to the indictment. It was actually much more than that. Much, much more. Moazu Kromah, a Liberian national, had pled guilty in March to three charges relating to wildlife trafficking in Africa. In his letter pleading for leniency submitted to the Southern District of New York, he thanked the court for the opportunity to "give some information about myself and the circumstances that led me to make the mistakes which bring me before you."

Sunday, 11 September 2022
Dlamini N 2022. Bush meat poachers target Vic Falls wildlife.

Rising demand for bush meat during Covid-19 lockdowns has decimated wild animals that used to roam the streets of Zimbabwe’s prime resort town of Victoria Falls, conservationists say. The Victoria Falls Anti-Poaching Unit (VFAPU) said animals such as warthogs that used to roam the city were now hard to come by because they were killed by poachers, who use snares. VFAPU said between January and April, it apprehended 59 suspected poachers around Victoria Falls. The anti-poaching unit removed 163 snares and another 309 snares were identified by Zambezi Horse Safaris.

Friday, 9 September 2022
Smit E 2022. Namibia recommits to combatting elephant poaching.

The elephant population in Namibia has increased over the years from an estimated 7 000 at independence to about 23 736, but the growing population has become a major cause of human-wildlife conflict. Namibia is part of seven southern African elephant range states that have strongly reconfirmed their commitment to combatting elephant poaching ahead of this year's World Wildlife Conference (Cop 19).

Wednesday, 7 September 2022
Menges W 2022. Owners to lose cars over wildlife crimes.

The owners of two cars that were used to transport pangolin skins are set to lose their vehicles to the state, following an order given in the Windhoek High Court yesterday. In terms of an order given by judge Shafimana Ueitele, a Nissan NP200 bakkie and Nissan Tiida sedan seized by the police in the Grootfontein district four years ago have now been declared forfeited to the state.

Wednesday, 7 September 2022
2022. DA concerned over decline in rhino numbers at Kruger National Park.

The Kruger National Park rhino population has again decreased from 2 809 at the end of 2020 to 2 458 rhinos at present.

Wednesday, 7 September 2022
2022. Poacher jailed, fined K242,000 for poaching.

The Itezhi Tezhi Magistrates Court has found a farmer guilty of unlawful possession of game meat and sentenced him to three years in prison. The details of count three are that Mafuta unlawfully hunted and killed a game animal, namely a warthog, without a hunting license on the same date, jointly and with others unknown.

Tuesday, 6 September 2022
Smit E 2022. Dehorning to protect against poachers.

Private rhino owners have begun dehorning their animals again to protect them against a recent surge in rhino poaching. The number of rhinos poached this year has increased to 48, surpassing last year's total of 44, and the 42 rhinos poached in total in 2020. Of the animals poached this year so far, 32 were black rhinos and 16 were white rhinos. Twelve black rhinos were poached on custodianship farms and 16 white rhinos were poached on private farms.

Monday, 5 September 2022
2022. Anti-poaching drive receives jab in the arm.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT) last week on Friday received equipment and vehicles to assist in the fight against poaching and the illegal wildlife trade as the country continues to battle with a surge in cases. The donation from the U.S. government which included two Toyota Landcruiser and two Hyundai Game Viewer Trucks as well as anti-poaching equipment all valued at N$9 million Namibia dollars was handed over to the MEFT officials by a senior leader delegation from the U.S. Africa Command.

Monday, 5 September 2022
Schmidt M 2022. Courts fire shots across the bows of poaching syndicates.

Strides made with hefty sentences and fines for criminals endangering game rangers and animals. When Jimmy Mashopane of Winterveld, north of Pretoria, was arrested for shooting, killing and mutilating nine white rhino in a Free State game reserve, taking 14 horns estimated at more than R500,000, veteran prosecutor Antoinette Ferreira threw the book at him. That one of the rhino was a month away from giving birth "only enhances one's sense of abomination", judge Phillip Loubser said.

Monday, 5 September 2022
2022. Two Zambians arrested for selling tusks to undercover cop.

Two Zambian nationals were arrested on Thursday, 1 September, at about 14:30, after they were found in possession of four elephant tusks, which they attempted to sell to an undercover officer. According to the police, the incident happened in Ibbu village in Katima Mulilo. It is further alleged that the suspects entered the country without valid documents. The suspects are scheduled to make their first court appearance at the Ngoma Magistrate Court on Monday, 5 September. Police investigations continue.

Friday, 2 September 2022
Reiter C 2022. Enthornung zum Schutz vor Wilderern.

Private Nashornbesitzer gehen wieder dazu über, ihre Tiere zu enthornen, um sie vor dem jüngsten Anstieg der Nashornwilderei zu schützen. Jaco Muller, Besitzer einer Nashornfarm und Gründer der Organisation HoRn (Help our Rhino's Now), sagte gegenüber der Schwesterzeitung Namibian Sun, dass die letzten Wochen die schlimmsten in Bezug auf die Nashornwilderei waren, insbesondere auf privaten Farmen. Laut ihm wurden in den letzten sechs Wochen etwa 14 Breitmaulnashörner von Wilderern getötet. "Es ist sehr traurig für mich.

Friday, 2 September 2022
Smit E 2022. Renosters word onthoring na stropery toeneem.

Private renostereienaars onthoring tans hul diere om hulle teen die onlangse toename in stroperyvoorvalle te beskerm. Altesaam 48 renosters is reeds vanjaar gestroop, wat reeds verlede jaar se syfer van 44 oortref, asook die 42 renosters in 2020. Uit dié 48 was 32 swart- en 16 witrenosters – waarvan 12 swartrenosters op bewaringsplase gestroop is en 16 witrenosters op private plase.

Friday, 2 September 2022
Kyeyune H 2022. Uganda jails 2 poachers for 17 years over killing of lions.

A court in Uganda has sentenced two men to 17 years each in prison for poisoning to death six lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Last year, the bodies of six tree-climbing lions were discovered at the park in southwestern Uganda, making headlines around the world. All of them had been poisoned, their heads and paws cut off and their carcasses left to attract vultures, which were then also killed by the poachers for their body parts.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
Karuuombe M 2022. 20 rhinos poached at Etosha this year.

About 20 rhinos have been poached at the Etosha National Park so far this year, with five carcasses discovered between June and August. This was announced in a statement yesterday by Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism spokesperson Romeo Muyunda. Muyunda said 12 black rhinos were poached on custodianship farms and 16 white rhinos were poached on private farms across the country. A total of 32 poached rhinos were black, while 16 were white.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
Nhongo K 2022. Rhinoceros poaching surges in Namibia.

Namibia is experiencing a surge in poaching, with the number of poached rhinoceros rising to 48 this year, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism spokesperson Romeo Muyunda said Wednesday. In a statement, Muyunda said of the poached rhinoceros, 32 were black rhinoceros and 16 were white rhinoceros.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
2022. Rhinoceros poaching surges in Namibia.

Namibia is experiencing a surge in poaching, with the number of poached rhinoceros rising to 48 this year, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism spokesperson Romeo Muyunda said Wednesday. In a statement, Muyunda said of the poached rhinoceros, 32 were black rhinoceros and 16 were white rhinoceros.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
Matthys D 2022. 48 rhinos fall prey to poachers.

Namibia saw 48 rhinos killed for their horns in the first eight months of 2022, four more than the 44 cases reported in 2021. The country recorded 44 rhinos poached in 2021, 42 in 2020, 57 in 2019, 83 in 2018, and 55 in 2017. Etosha National Park alone saw 20 cases this year, with two carcasses discovered in the area just last week. The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism said of the poached rhinos, 32 are black and 16 are white.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
Matthys D 2022. 48 rhinos poached in 8 months.

The first eight months of 2022 saw 48 rhinos poached, four times more than the rhinos poached in 2021, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced on Wednesday. The country recorded 44 rhinos poached in 2021, 42 in 2020, 57 in 2019, 83 in 2018, and 55 in 2017. The Etosha National Park alone saw 20 cases this year, with two carcasses discovered in the area just last week. In total, 32 poached rhinos are black and 16 are white. A total of 12 black rhinos were poached on custodianship farms and 16 white rhinos were poached on private farms.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
2022. Nashornwilderei wieterhin Hochaktiv.

Auf zwei privaten Wildfarmen in den Gegenden um Otjituuo und Otjiwarongo wurden erneut zwei Spitzmaulnashörner gewildert. Eines der zwei weiblichen Tiere war gar tragend. Damit ist die Zahl gewilderter Nashörner in Namibia auf insgesamt 48 gestiegen, 32 davon die bedrohten Spitzmaulnashörner. Laut Ermittlerin Maureen Mbeha von der Polizei in der OtjozondjupaRegion wurde das trächtige Nashorn von unbekannten Verdächtigen erschossen und wurden beide Nasenhörner abgehackt. Der Verlustwert liegt bei geschätzt einer Million Namibia-Dollar.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
Smit E 2022. Nog twee swart renosters gestroop.

Karkasse op private wildplase gevind: Een van die renosterkarkasse wat ontdek is, was dié van 'n dragtige koei. 

Carcasses found on private game farms: One of the rhino carcasses discovered was that of a pregnant cow.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
2022. The war against rhino poachers intensified.

The 2022 poaching statistics show a loss of 210 rhino on state properties and 49 in privately owned parks. As indicated, hardest hit during this period is KwaZulu-Natal which recorded a loss of 133 rhino. This is more than triple the 33 rhino killed in the first six months of 2021.

Tuesday, 30 August 2022
Bega S 2022. Direct jail sentences a win in fight against South Africa wildlife trade.

A six-year jail sentence for a man who smuggled 1 100 Emperor scorpions, 42 Bell's hingeback tortoises and a water lizard. Seventeen years imprisonment for elephant poachers in the Kruger National Park. A 10-year jail sentence for a pangolin poacher. 

Monday, 29 August 2022
Reiter C 2022. Rückgang der Nashornwilderei in Afrika.

Die Nashornwilderei in Afrika ist von 3,9 % in 2018 auf 2,3 % in 2021 zurückgegangen. Dies geht aus einem neuen Bericht der IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) und der NGO Traffic hervor. Der Bericht ist für die 19. Tagung der Konferenz der Vertragsparteien des Übereinkommens über den internationalen Handel mit gefährdeten Arten freilebender Tiere und Pflanzen (CITES) bestimmt, die im November dieses Jahres in Panama stattfinden wird. Dem Bericht zufolge wurden zwischen 2018 und 2021 mindestens 2 707 Nashörner in Afrika gewildert.

Monday, 29 August 2022
Smit E 2022. Rhino poaching in Africa drops during Covid-19.

Rhino poaching rates in Africa declined to 2.3% in 2021 from 3.9% of the population in 2018. This is according to a new report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the global non-governmental organisation Traffic. The report was compiled for the 19th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which will be held in Panama in November.

Monday, 29 August 2022
Muyamba J 2022. Three nabbed for elephant tusks.

Three Namibian male suspects aged 26, 30 and 33 are due in court after they were arrested on Saturday night in Kavango West for illegal possession of a live pangolin and two elephant tusks.

Sunday, 28 August 2022
2022. Police thwart rhino poachers. Kormorant

Members of the Hartbeespoort Crime Prevention and K9 Unit and Brits police received information regarding a rhino poaching syndicate that had moved into the Brits area. Information was immediately followed up and police discovered the six men's whereabouts in Majakaneng. Police also established that the men were targeting a game lodge with rhinos near Brits where the alleged poachers had an inside informant.

Sunday, 28 August 2022
2022. Two found guilty of poisoning lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Court in Kampala has convicted two men who were arrested last year in connection with poisoning six lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park in Kanungu District.

Saturday, 27 August 2022
McCain N, Lekoma N 2022. Rhino conservation groups call for cross-border enforcement as poaching numbers rise after Covid-19.

Rhino conservation groups say a collaborative, cross-border approach is needed to stop poaching. South Africa lost 259 rhinos to poaching in the first half of the year. Private game reserves are increasingly targeted by poachers, forcing them to increase security measures.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022
2022. Mozambique: Supreme court seeks strategies for fight against poaching.

The President of the Mozambican Supreme Court (TS), Adelino Muchanga, has expressed his concern about the persistence of poaching in the country. According to Muchanga, speaking on 18 August in Maputo at the launch of the Manual for Training and Supporting Magistrates in Matters of Combating Wildlife Crime, the numbers are worrying because the poachers have been changing their areas of operation, target species, and modus operandi. According to Muchanga, hunting today is no longer for survival, but for profit, a fact that puts strong pressure on nature.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Oghifo B 2022. UNODC concerned Nigeria is primary hub for illicit wildlife products.

There is growing concern that Nigeria, in recent years, has become a primary transit hub for several illicit wildlife and forest products.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022
2022. Rhino poaching on the rise as SA opens.

Cape Town - Threats to African rhinos from transnational crime networks remain high, despite the reported pause during the Covid-19 lockdown periods. This is according to the IUCN African Rhino Specialist Group's (AfRSG) updated information on rhino populations. At a continental scale, the threat of illegal wildlife trade in rhino horn to African rhinos has declined to 2.3% poaching rate of the total population from the peak in 2015, at 5.3%.

Tuesday, 23 August 2022
Mwende S 2022. DCI arrests 3 suspects found in possession of pangolin in Kwale.

DCI detectives based at the Serious Crimes Unit on Tuesday arrested three suspects in Kinango, Kwale County, after being found in possession of a male pangolin.

Monday, 22 August 2022
2022. Poaching, horn trade declining but rhinos still threatened.

The rhino's survival remains in grave danger despite Covid-19-related drops in poaching and the illegal trade in their horns, a conservation body said on Monday. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) said that poaching was still "an acute threat" to the survival of the species. A total of 2 707 rhinos were poached in Africa between 2018 and 2021, according to the IUCN, the vast majority of which were killed in South Africa, mainly in the Kruger National Park. South Africa is home to nearly 80 percent of the world's rhinos.

Sunday, 21 August 2022
Motlhoka T 2022. Rhino killed at Khama Sanctuary?.

A white rhino has reportedly been killed and dehorned by poachers inside the protected Khama Rhino Sanctuary (KRS) in Botswana. Two separate conservationists have reported about the killing. One conservationist told this publication that their sources inside the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) confirmed the incident. "Two weeks ago a white rhino was poached at Khama Rhino Sanctuary but they are denying it happened at their property but sources inside DWNP confirm it was indeed at KRS."

Sunday, 21 August 2022
Dlamini N 2022. Poaching syndicates trap vulnerable villagers.

Poaching syndicates are recruiting vulnerable villagers in Zimbabwe's animal corridors to kill animals such as elephants for their ivory and to find markets, even on the streets, it has emerged. Police in areas such as Hwange, Kamativi and Victoria Falls in Matabeleland North have in recent months arrested people found trying to sell pieces of ivory on the streets. Conservationists say most of the locals arrested were people that were exploited by cunning syndicates, including some run by Zambian nationals, and they often lacked knowledge about wildlife crimes.

Saturday, 20 August 2022
Ngounou B 2022. Gabon: Alleged ivory trafficker arrested in Fougamou.

The Gabonese authorities have just arrested an alleged wildlife trafficker. The latter was caught in the act of holding and selling about twenty kilograms of ivory. In Gabon, elephants are protected by the wildlife law in force.

Friday, 19 August 2022
Brooks C 2022. US Judge sentences Liberian wildlife tTrafficker to more than 5 years in jail.

New York - A U.S. judge sentenced a Liberian man to 63 months in prison for conspiring to traffic millions of dollars’ worth of horns and ivory from endangered rhinoceros and elephants, federal prosecutors said Thursday.

Thursday, 18 August 2022
Smit E 2022. Poaching gang targets white rhinos.

Last week, five white rhinos were poached on private farms, bringing 2022's total to 39, of which 15 were white rhinos.

Thursday, 18 August 2022
Akomolafe B 2022. Nigeria: Breaking yoke of illegal wildlife trafficking.

Despite huge seizures, Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) is still battling smugglers from China, Vietnam and some South East Asian countries using Nigerian ports and porous borders as transit hub for the transshipment of pangolin scales and ivory. Shipments of pangolin scales intercepted and reported by Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) between 2010 and September 2021 has been put at 190,407 kilogrammes. It was gathered that some seizures in ports of Hong Kong, China, Vietnam and other parts of South East Asia valued at $1.5 billion were traced to Nigeria.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Reiter C 2022. Professionelle Nashornwilderer vermutet.

in der vergangenen Woche fünf Breitmaulnashörner auf privaten Farmen durch Wilderer verloren, womit sich die Gesamtzahl der in diesem Jahr gewilderten Nashörner auf 39 erhöht hat, von denen 15 Breitmaulnashörner waren.

Namibia has lost five white rhinos on private farms to poachers in the past week, bringing the total number of rhinos poached this year to 39, of which 15 were white rhinos.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Nangolo N 2022. Vermeende stroper in been geskiet.

'n Vermeende stroper is Sondag op die plaas Kaliombo in die Karibib-omgewing in die been geskiet. Volgens die Namibiese polisie se misdaadverslag het die 65-jarige plaaseienaar omstreeks 23:45 die honde hoor blaf. Veiligheidswagte van K-Sapu het hom ingelig oor vermeende stropers op sy eiendom. Die boer het ondersoek gaan instel en drie mans met vleis gewaar. Die verdagtes was met assegaaie en 'n byl gewapen. Hulle het ook drie honde by hulle gehad. Die verdagtes het na bewering probeer om die boer aan te val.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Heita J 2022. Suspected poaching leaves Zambezi elephant dead.

The police in the Zambezi region have urged public assistance to trace a suspected poacher for arrest. The suspect allegedly fatally shot the elephant bull on Monday, 15 August, and the community members of Batubaja Village made the discovery. It was further reported that the elephant was shot and died in Batubaja area. The incident is believed to have occurred at around 15h00 in the afternoon. No suspect has been arrested so far, and the investigation is at an advanced stage.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Majavu N 2022. Rhino poaching case of former park ranger and state vet postponed again.

The trial of a former Kruger National Park ranger and a state veterinary technician accused of rhino poaching has been postponed to November 22 because the court dates of the accused's legal representative clash with another trial. The ranger, Rodney Landela, and state vet Kenneth Motshotso appeared in court on Tuesday for the trial, which was meant to run until Friday. Landela and Motshotso were arrested on July 27 2016 for the possession of two rhino horns, a rifle and ammunition.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022
Reiter C 2022. Wilderer wird angeschossen.

Ein mutmaßlicher Wilderer wurde am Sonntag auf der Kaliombo Farm, im Karibib-Distrikt, vom Farmeigentümer ins Bein geschossen. Laut dem Polizeibericht soll der 65-jährige Farmbesitzer gegen 23.45 Uhr Hundegebell auf seinem Farmgelände gehört haben. Die Sicherheitskräfte von K-Sapu alarmierten ihn außerdem über mutmaßliche Wilderer auf seinem Farmgelände.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022
Moser K 2022. Wilderei bedroht auch Hyänen.

Unter den Opfern der Wilderei im südlichen Afrika wird den meisten nicht zu allererst die Hyäne einfallen. Eine Studie zeigt, dass die Folgen der Drahtschlingenwilderei für die Population der Tüpfelhyäne bisher stark unterschätzt wurden.

Among the victims of poaching in southern Africa, the hyena will not come to mind for most. A study shows that the consequences of wire snare poaching for the spotted hyena population have been grossly underestimated.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022
Nangolo N 2022. Suspected poacher wounded by farmer.

A farmer shot and wounded a suspected poacher in the leg at farm Kaliombo in the Karibib district on Sunday. It is alleged the farmer acted in self-defence, after a group of alleged poachers attempted to attack him after he discovered them on his farm. According to a crime update provided by the Namibian police, the farm owner (65) was alerted to possible intruders (65) when he heard dogs barking on Sunday at about 23:45. He was also notified about suspected poachers on his farm by security guards from K-Sapu Security and Anti-Poaching.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022
Majavu N 2022. Former Kruger ranger and state vet to face the music for rhino poaching six years later.

Six years after two rhinos were killed and poached, a former Kruger National Park ranger and state veterinarian technician could soon hear their fate. Their trial dates have been set for Tuesday until Friday. Former ranger Rodney Landela and former state vet Kenneth Motshotso were arrested on July 27 2016. The pair were arrested for the possession of two rhino horns, a firearm and ammunition.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022
Semcer CE 2022. Rhino poaching and assassination highlights need for private wildlife conservancies to move beyond tourism.

South Africa has experienced an increase in rhino poaching following a lull during the Covid-19 lockdown. Earlier this month, the country's Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment reported that 259 rhinos had been poached during the first half of 2022. This is a four percent increase in the number of animals killed during the same period last year. Rhino poaching incidents appear to be moving away from South Africa's national parks and into private wildlife conservancies where roughly 40 percent of the country's rhinos are found.