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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 901 - 950 of 1414
Monday, 27 July 2020
Amakali M 2020. Incarcerated 'prophet' appeals for bail.

The self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi (30) and his co-accused Frizans Naululu Dumeni (25) have approached the court to be released on bail. They appeared before Magistrate Linus Samunzala in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court on Friday. The court gallery was packed to the rafters with Babi’s supporters. The court scheduled their bail hearing to 30 July, further issuing an order to have the two accused transferred from the Dordabis police station to the Windhoek police station for their bail hearing.

Friday, 24 July 2020
Smit E 2020. 10 arrested for wildlife crimes.

Ten suspects were arrested recently in connection with wildlife crimes and four new cases have been registered. Seven of the suspects were arrested for elephant poaching or trafficking cases, while another suspect was arrested in connection with a rhino poaching case.

Thursday, 23 July 2020
2020. Beweismaterial besser handhaben.

Die Anti-Wilderei-Initiative ISAP (Intelligence Support Against Poaching) und „Wildlife Vets Namibia“ haben einen Kurs zur besseren Aufklärung von Wildtierverbrechen durch die Handhabung von Beweisen angeboten. Die Teilnehmer des Kurses, der bei der ISAP-Einrichtung stattfand, erhielten Information über die Wilderei sowie einen Einblick in die Komplexität der Beweisfindung. Als Hauptziel gilt, die Polizei durch die ordnungsgemäße Sicherung eines Tatorts und von Beweisen zu unterstützen.

Thursday, 23 July 2020
Denker H 2020. The rhino files: The three pillars of rhino management.

The Rhino Files are periodic articles exploring the complexity of rhino conservation in Namibia. "We aim to detect criminal activity and arrest poachers before a rhino is killed." This might sound overly-ambitious, but Barry de Klerk knows it's possible. Operation Blue Rhino has made over 100 pre-emptive arrests in around 30 cases since its inception in mid-2018. Would-be poachers are being caught before they can kill a rhino. Pro-active law enforcement has saved dozens of animals.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Smit E 2020. 10 vas vir wildmisdaad.

Tien verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem in verband met wildmisdaad en vier nuwe sake is aanhangig gemaak. Sewe van die verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem vir olifantstropery of -handel, terwyl ’n ander verdagte gearresteer is in verband met renosterstropery.

Ten suspects have been arrested in connection with game crime and four new cases have been filed. Seven of the suspects were arrested for elephant poaching or trafficking, while another suspect was arrested in connection with rhino poaching.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020
2020. Securing a poaching scene - the right way.

What should a farmer, lodge manager, landowner or a farm worker do when he stumbles across a poaching scene? Participants of the Animal Crime Scene and Evidence Handling Course received detailed answers to this question while gaining insight into the complexity of gathering evidence. During the course, participants were reminded that they are neither police officers nor experts in collecting evidence.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Chen A 2020. Different approaches adopted by countries to combat wildlife poaching.

The world is dealing with an unbelievable spike in the illegal wildlife trade, one that in many ways threatens the past few decades of gains in conservation efforts. To combat the rising threat from poaching, conservationists have devised several strategies, some of which have been greatly effective.

Thursday, 16 July 2020
Smit E 2020. Demand for ivory, rhino horn drops.

Annual illicit income generated from ivory and rhino horn trafficking between 2016 and 2018 was estimated at US$400 million and US$230 million respectively. The illegal global trade in ivory and rhino horn has declined, while trafficking of pangolins has soared, according to a United Nations report based on four years of data.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020
2020. IRF awards grant to offset Covid-19 impact, protect rhinos in southern Africa.

The International Rhino Foundation (IRF) has awarded emergency grants totalling nearly $150,000 to six wildlife organisations in Southern Africa following severe budget shortfalls as a result of the loss of tourism income in the region.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Baloyi T 2020. OR Tambo seizes R115 million worth of rhino horn.

Sars said the consignment of six boxes, containing the horns that had been concealed in carbon paper and foil, was destined for Kuala Lampur in Malaysia.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020
2020. Germany mobilizes additional €13m for Namibia to mitigate COVID-19 challenges in conservation, tourism sector.

The German Federal Government has mobilized additional resources of €13 million to support the Namibian Government, through the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, in mitigating the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in the conservation and tourism sector.

Monday, 13 July 2020
Peters C 2020. Elfenbein, Schuppen, Tropenholz - Schmuggel geschützter Arten boomt.

Der verbotene Handel mit geschützten Tieren und Pflanzen bleibt laut einem UN-Bericht ein Milliardengeschäft. Neben Elefant, Nashorn und Tiger geht es derzeit vor allem dem Schuppentier an den Kragen. Das stand zwischenzeitlich auch als Coronavirus-Wirt im Verdacht. 

The prohibited trade in protected animals and plants remains a billion dollar business, according to a UN report. In addition to the elephant, rhinoceros and tiger, the pangolin is currently on the collar. In the meantime, this was also suspected as a corona virus host.

Saturday, 11 July 2020
Murphy F, Maclean W Illegal ivory trade shrinks while Pangolin trafficking booms, U.N. Says.

The illegal global trade in ivory has shrunk while the trafficking of pangolins has soared, a U.N.

Friday, 10 July 2020
Smit E 2020. Anti-poaching dog unit given teeth.

Four new dogs will be imported from the Netherlands to beef up the environment ministry's anti-poaching dog unit, which has helped arrest suspects in 52 poaching cases so far. The four dogs at Waterberg are trained to search buildings, vehicles, luggage and open areas for firearms, ammunition and illegal wildlife products such as ivory, rhino horn, pangolin scales and bush meat.

Friday, 10 July 2020
Shihepo T 2020. Nam anti-poaching gets 'bite'.

Namibia has recorded a drastic reduction in poaching in the past three years because of improved response mechanisms. Most of the success is attributed to the Environment and Tourism Ministry's efforts to upscale law enforcement components of conservation. Environment and Tourism Minister Pohamba Shifeta said anti-poaching canine units (the Ministry of Environment and Tourism Dog Unit) had been deployed to good effect. "The Dog Unit is part of our anti-poaching initiatives.

Friday, 10 July 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Honde trek menige wildstropers vas - Teenstropery-eenheid suksesvol.

Die vyf honde wat in 2017 deur die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme ingespan is om met teenstropery te help, het reeds in 52 wildstroperysake verdagtes vasgetrek. Die minister, mnr. Pohamba Shifeta, het Woensdag in die hoofstad gesê in die mees onlangse voorval het vier honde van die eenheid, naamlik Alex, Benno, Baron en Nora, vermeende renosterstropers op ’n plaas aangrensend tot die Waterberg-platopark vasgetrek.

Thursday, 9 July 2020
2020. Anti-poaching drive gets boost from local partners - MEFT Dog Unit contributes to the fight.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism’s anti poaching campaign specifically the Dog Unit, was this week beefed up when they received a Toyota Land Cruiser Double CAB V8 from Standard Bank as well as donations from other organisations. The other organizations namely SWAVET, MDS Animal Health and Rhino Park Private Hospital also donated vital veterinary amenities for the dogs which included drugs and food to the Canine Unit.

Thursday, 9 July 2020
Smit E 2020. Poaching incidents declining - Shifeta.

Namibia is experiencing a reduction in wildlife poaching incidents, while more arrests have been recorded. This is according to environment minister Pohamba Shifeta, who gave a breakdown of rhino, elephant and pangolin poaching incidents and arrests dating back to 2018. This year, 17 rhinos have been poached, compared to 46 last year and 78 in 2018. A total of 89 suspects has been arrested for rhino poaching cases this year, compared to 175 last year and 109 in 2018. Shifeta said 15 rhino horns have been seized this year, compared to eight last year and 16 in 2018.

Thursday, 9 July 2020
Ngatjiheue C, Shikongo A 2020. Rhino, elephant poaching cases down.

Namibia has recorded a drastic drop in rhino and elephant poaching cases in the past three years because of improved response mechanisms, the government said yesterday. Minister of environment Pohamba Shifeta said the country has seen a reduction in rhino poaching numbers from 78 cases in 2018, 49 in 2019 and 17 so far this year.

Thursday, 9 July 2020
2020. Großer Beitrag zum Kampf gegen die Wilderei.

Die Standard Bank hat dem Umweltministerium ein Geländefahrzeug im Wert von 840000 Namibia-Dollar gespendet, das für Einsätze der Antiwilderei-Hundeeinheit im Kampf gegen organisierte Umweltverbrechen vorgesehen ist. Der Umweltminister, Pohamba Shifeta, nahm den Schüssel des Toyota Land Cruisers, der speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der Einheit abgestimmt wurde, gestern in Windhoek entgegen und übergab ihn an die Hundebetreuer.

Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Smit E 2020. B2Gold project steps in to save rhinos.

Local organisations supporting conservation in Namibia have seen their budgets slashed by up to 30%, as the coronavirus pandemic significantly impacts the world's economy. Among these organisations are Save the Rhino Trust Namibia (SRT), Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC) and the Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF), which provide critical field-based support to trackers and rhino rangers.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020
Shikongo A 2020. Environment ministry receives donation for Canine Unit.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism today received a donation of a vehicle and vetenary drugs for the ministry's Canine Unit, aimed at supporting anti-poaching efforts. The two donations were made by Standard Bank and Swavet, MDS Animal Health and the Rhino Park Private Hospital, at a handover ceremony hosted in Windhoek today.

Monday, 6 July 2020
Smit E 2020. Optrede teen wildstropery nodig - Implementeer toepaslike wette.

Die Finansiële Aksie-taakmag beskryf in sy eerste verslag oor wildmisdaad dit as 'n internasionale bedreiging wat verbind kan word met georganiseerde misdaad soos slawerny, dwelm- en wapensmokkelary. Volgens die verslag is daar 'n gebrek aan fokus op die finansiële aspek van wildmisdaad en stel voor alle regerings moet wette op geldwassery implementeer. Die studie se bevindings is gebaseer op die insette van 50 lande, Namibië ingesluit, wat lid is van die Oostelike en Suider-Afrika Teengeldwasserygroep (ESAAMLG). 'n Totaal van 22 uit 45 lande het aangedui dat hulle…

Monday, 6 July 2020
Matthys D 2020. B2Gold supports community-backed rhino conservation efforts in north-west Namibia.

With conservation funding affected by the lockdown, a number of areas in north-western Namibia’s rhino range have been left exposed by the lack of tourists thus requiring extra patrolling. With the donation of 1,000 ounces of gold by B2Gold, the launch of the B2Gold Rhino Gold Bar in January 2020 and the subsequent sale of 600 bars to local buyers, the B2Gold Rhino Gold Bar Advisory Committee has responded to the crisis.

Thursday, 2 July 2020
Wernick A 2020. Rhino poaching in South Africa declines during coronavirus lockdown.

In South Africa, the COVID-19 pandemic and strict government-imposed lockdown have led to an unexpected consequence: a major decline in rhino poaching. More than 80% of African rhinos remaining in the world are in South Africa, making it the hotspot for rhino poaching. The number of rhinos killed for their horns has been slowly declining over recent years, but the pandemic and lockdown have quelled rhino poaching even more.

Thursday, 2 July 2020
Denker H 2020. Understanding rhino conservation in Namibia.

It's important to know that it wasn't always like this – the government, local communities, NGOs, the private sector and international agencies have made a huge investment in rebuilding Namibian rhino populations from historic lows. The black rhino, a frugal browser of herbs and shrubs, was once distributed across most of what is today Namibia. It penetrated the Namib down to the coast along all larger ephemeral and perennial rivers. Its distribution extended from the Nama Karoo in the south to the broad-leaved woodlands and rivers of today's Zambezi region.

Thursday, 2 July 2020
Smit E, Steffen S 2020. Wildtierkriminalität im Fokus.

FATF-Mitgliedsländer sollen illegalen Wildtierhandel bestrafen In einem ersten globalen Bericht über den illegalen Handel mit Wildtieren hat die Arbeitsgruppe für Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung (Financial Action Task Force, FATF) diesen als globale Bedrohung beschrieben, vergleichbar mit organisierten Verbrechen wie Sklaverei, Drogen- und Waffenhandel.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Smit E 2020. Nine arrested for wildlife crimes.

Nine suspects were arrested in connection with wildlife crimes and four new cases were registered last week. Four of the suspects were arrested in connection with rhino poaching or trafficking, while one suspect was arrested and charged with elephant poaching. This is according to the latest statistics provided by the intelligence and investigation unit in the environment ministry and the protected resource division within the safety and security ministry. A total of seven wildlife products were seized, which included a rhino horn, five elephant tusks and a…

Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Smit E 2020. Illegal wildlife trade must be punished.

In its first global report on the illegal wildlife trade, the Financial Action Task Force (FAFT) has described it as a global threat with links to other organised crimes such as slavery, drug trafficking and the arms trade. The report expressed concern over the lack of focus on the financial aspects of wildlife crime and suggested that all member governments should apply money-laundering laws. The findings of the study are based on inputs from countries in 50 jurisdictions, including Namibia, which is a member of the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering…

Tuesday, 30 June 2020
2020. 5 olifanttande, 1 renosterhoring gekonfiskeer.

Die Namibiese polisie het verlede week op vyf olifanttande en een elk renosterhoring, ietermagôvel en ‘n voertuig beslag gelê.

Last week, Namibian police seized five elephant tusks and one rhinoceros horn, a pangolin skin and a vehicle.

Tuesday, 30 June 2020
2020. Babi-Jünger in Erklärungsnot.

Der Prozess gegen den der Nashorn-Wilderei beschuldigten Prediger Jackson Babi und dessen mutmaßlichen Komplizen Friza Dumeni, hat gestern eine Wendung genommen, als die Staatsanwaltschaft auch gegen einen Anhänger des selbsternannten Propheten formal Anklage erhoben hat.

The trial of preacher Jackson Babi, accused of poaching rhino and his alleged accomplice Friza Dumeni, took a turn yesterday when the prosecution also formally charged a supporter of the self-proclaimed prophet.

Monday, 29 June 2020
2020. Babi, volgeling van omkopery aangekla.

Die vermeende renosterstroper, pastoor Jackson Babi en een van sy kerkvolgelinge, mnr. Ananias Ananias, het vandag in die Windhoek-landdroshof op twee klagte van die oortreding van die teenkorrupsiewet verskyn. 

The alleged rhino poacher, pastor Jackson Babi and one of his church followers, Mr. Ananias Ananias, appeared in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court today on two charges of violating the anti-corruption law.

Monday, 29 June 2020
Kandovazu E 2020. Prophet appears on attempted bribery charge.

An attempt by Prophet Jackson Babi to bribe the detective investigating poaching charges against him to bear false testimony in court during his formal bail application, has caused the man of God to sink deeper into legal trouble. Besides an amount of N$13 000 in cash police officers searching the cells during the past weekend also found two mobile phones in the possession of the accused persons while they were incarcerated at the Windhoek Police Station which added even more charges to the accused persons’ charge sheets.

Friday, 26 June 2020
Smit E 2020. Eight arrested for wildlife crimes.

While only two new cases of wildlife crimes were reported recently, eight suspects were arrested and charged. At Katima Mulilo, Roster Mazila Mukendwa was arrested on 14 June for the illegal hunting of protected game. He was found in possession of a duiker carcass and charged with contravening the Nature Conservation Ordinance Act. In a separate incident, Gerhard Iyambo was arrested on 17 June at Okahao in connection with an old case, dating back to February, regarding conspiring to hunt a rhino. 

Friday, 26 June 2020
Zille P, Bell C 2020. Legalising rhino horn trade will be a disaster.

A ministerial panel is reviewing policies on international trade in rhino products. Any move to legalise this trade would be a disaster - for the remaining population of wild rhinos, for South Africa's tourism and for
impoverished people living near our wildlife reserves.

Thursday, 25 June 2020
Denker H 2020. The Rhino Files: Rhino conservation during a pandemic.

The Rhino Files are periodic articles exploring the complexity of rhino conservation in Namibia.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020
2020. Tighter provisions for domestic trade in rhino horn published.

The regulatory measures apply to all sub-species of black rhino found in South Africa, including the Eastern black rhino, and the white rhino.

Thursday, 18 June 2020
2020. Botswana saws off horns to save rhinos from poachers.

Botswana began removing the horns from its rhinos and moving them away from the iconic Okavango Delta as an unprecedented poaching crisis threatens their survival in the country. The government said that at least 56 of the animals had been killed by poachers in the past two years, marking the worst onslaught since Botswana’s black rhino population was wiped out in 1992 and the number of white rhinos dropped to just 27.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Steffen F 2020. Große Pläne mit wenig Geldmitteln.

Umweltministerium setzt auf Nachhaltigkeit und bekämpft erfolgreich die Wilderei. Obwohl der Sektor als maßgebliches Wirtschaftsstandbein gehandelt wird, steht das Ministerium für Umwelt, Forstwirtschaft und Tourismus mit seinem Ausgabenplan im namibischen Haushalt für 2020-21 gerade Mal an 16. Stelle von insgesamt 33 Ausgabenposten. Der Minister verlässt sich indessen auf viel Hilfe aus Deutschland und von weiteren Entwicklungspartnern.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Shikongo A 2020. Wildlife gets bulk of environment budget.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism has allocated 36% of its budget to wildlife and protected area management. This was announced by minister of environment, forestry and tourism Pohamba Shifeta during his budget motivation in the National Assembly on Thursday.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020
2020. Botswana resumes dehorning to fight rhino poaching.

Botswana's Wildlife Department had embarked on an operation to relocate and dehorn all rhinos to tackle poaching in the country. According to a statement issued by the department on Monday, the Okavango Delta rhino population had been hard hit with 56 animals reported poached as of May 4.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020
2020. Police arrest two men in possession of ivory for trade in central Angola.

Lubango, Angola, June 16 (Xinhua) - Two men have been arrested on Tuesday by the National Police of Angola while they were heading towards the central Huila province with 28 kg of ivory.

Friday, 12 June 2020
2020. More than 1790 poaching suspects netted over 2 years.

Namibia has managed to arrest more than 1,790 suspected poachers of high valued and iconic species such as rhino and elephant at the end of 2018 up to May 2020, an official said this week.

Friday, 12 June 2020
Motylska I 2020. The Breaking Point: Could this report spell the end of SA's wildlife trade?.

The Chinese Academy of Engineering claims that the 'legal' wildlife industry is valued at $74 billion. South Africa is the largest exporter of live wild animals to Asia. At least 5 035 live wild animals were exported from South Africa to China between 2016 and 2019, according to The Breaking Point report published by the EMS Foundation and Ban Animal Trading (BAT).

Thursday, 11 June 2020
Smit E 2020. 17 arrested for wildlife crimes.

A rhino horn, two elephant tusks, a pangolin skin and a crocodile skin were seized by the police last week. Thirteen suspects were arrested in connection with rhino poaching or trafficking and two for elephant poaching or trafficking. Five wildlife products were seized: a rhino horn, two elephant tusks, a pangolin skin and a crocodile skin.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020
2020. Rhino horns in preacher's fridge - police.

The police suspect that two rhino horns, allegedly found at the Windhoek house of religious preacher Jackson Babi, had been kept in a refrigerator before Babi handed the horns and a firearm over to a police officer two weeks ago.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Pastoor in Gobabis-hof oor renosterstropery - Bly in aanhouding.

Pastoor Jackson Babi (30) van die House of Joy Ministries het Maandag in die landdroshof op Gobabis op nóg 'n klag van renosterstropery verskyn. Dit volg nadat die selfverklaarde profeet verbind word met 'n sindikaat van minstens agt beskuldigdes wat glo verantwoordelik is vir die stropery van vier renosters op twee verskillende plase in die Gobabis-distrik.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020
Potgieter GC 2020. How Namibia is Outsmarting Criminals Involved in the Illegal Wildlife Trade.

Serious crimes are being committed in Namibia - crimes against our precious wildlife, our natural heritage and, ultimately, our people. The criminal syndicates behind poaching are highly organised, professional and very clever. They are growing rich by stealing Namibia’s natural heritage, using poor Namibians to do their dirty work for them in return for less than 10% of the product’s market value. Those poaching on the ground thus bear all the risks associated with illegal activities, yet see precious little of the profit.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020
2020. Prophet bleibt in Untersuchungshaft.

Der selbsternannte Prophet Jackson Babi, der des illegalen Besitzes von zwei Rhinozeros-Hörner angeklagt ist, wird bis auf weiteres in Haft bleiben, nachdem sein Prozess gestern am Magistratsgericht in Gobabis auf den 15. September vertagt wurde.

Self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi, who is accused of illegally possessing two rhinoceros horns, will remain in custody until his trial commences at the Gobabis magistrate's court on September 15.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020
Smit E 2020. Babi withdraws urgent High Court application.

An urgent application by self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi to, amongst others, review and set aside his arrest in connection with rhino poaching was withdrawn yesterday. The High Court application was filed by his lawyer Kadhila Amoomo on 4 June. However, Magistrate Linus Samunzala last week ordered Babi to be transferred to the Gobabis Magistrate's Court to appear on a charge of hunting specially protected game.