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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 76
Wednesday, 7 August 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Master hunting guide in court.

Represented by a gruff lawyer - he slapped the phone out of the journalist's hand - hunting guide Brian Roodt is facing trial in the Magistrates' Court for a number of wildlife crimes. The defendant has also appeared in court in other parts of the country for similar offences. He is currently free on bail.

Thursday, 1 August 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Game poacher's accomplice pleads guilty.

Markus Rooinasie (27), the co-accused of serial game poacher Derick Brockerhoff, pleaded guilty to a charge of illegal hunting of huntable game. Both appeared on this charge after a well-known neighbourhood watch member and security officer caught them with a gemsbok and kudu carcass and a Remington hunting rifle in the mountains behind Windhoek's Eros neighbourhood on 11 April.

Thursday, 18 July 2024
Steynberg F 2024. White rhino bull poached on farm.

A farmer in the Okahandja district encountered rhino poachers for the third time after discovering the carcass of a white rhino bull on his farm on Monday afternoon. Initially, the poachers injured the bull in a failed attempt last week. Two renowned veterinarians, Drs HO Reuter and Ulf Thubbesing, visited the farm last week to treat the injured rhino after the poachers shot him in the forehead. The eight-year-old bull was then marked with a large cross on his back to facilitate easy identification and monitoring from the air.

Tuesday, 16 July 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Witrenosterbul in Okahandja-distrik gestroo.

'n Witrenosterbul se karkas is gistermiddag op 'n plaas in die Okahandja-distrik gevind nadat hy aanvanklik deur stropers gekwes is. Die gekweste bul is verlede week op die plaas ontdek. Twee veeartse het die plaas besoek om die agtjarige renoster te behandel nadat hy deur die stropers in die voorkop geskiet is. Die eienaar van die plaas het aan NMH gesê hy het nog Sondag omstreeks 18:00 oor die plaas met sy girokopter gevlieg en die bul lewend gesien.

Thursday, 6 June 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Byna 50 renosters in halfjaar gestroop.

Altesaam 47 renosters is al vanjaar in Namibië gestroop waarvan 32 karkasse in die Etosha Nasionale Park gevind is.Volgens die woordvoerder van die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerrisme, Romeo Muyunda, is 33 swartrenosters en 14 witrenosters gestroop. 

A total of 47 rhinos have been poached in Namibia this year, of which 32 carcasses were found in the Etosha National Park. According to the spokesperson of the Ministry of the Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Romeo Muyunda, 33 black rhinos and 14 white rhinos were poached.

Thursday, 6 June 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Fast 50 Nashörner im Halbjahr gewildert.

In diesem Jahr wurden in Namibia schon insgesamt 47 Nashörner gewildert, von denen 32 Kadaver im Etoscha-Nationalpark gefunden wurden. Nach Angaben des Sprechers des Umweltministeriums, Romeo Muyunda, handelt es sich bei 33 um Spitzmaulnashörner und 14 um Breitmaulnashörner. "Von den 47 Nashörnern, die in diesem Jahr bisher gewildert wurden, wurden zusätzlich zu den 32 in Etoscha acht Spitzmaulnashörner auf Farmen, die Teil des Nashornschutz-Projekts sind, gewildert. Davon sechs auf privaten Farmen und eines in der Kunene-Region", sagte Muyunda. Vor weniger als einem Monat, am 13…

Wednesday, 5 June 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Meer as 30 renosterkarkasse al in Etosha gevind.

Altesaam 47 renosters is al vanjaar in Namibië gestroop waarvan 32 karkasse in die Etosha Nasionale Park gevind is. 

A total of 47 rhinos have been poached in Namibia this year, of which 32 carcasses have been found in the Etosha National Park.

Thursday, 9 May 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Geen borgtog vir 'renosterstropers' van Gobabis-bul.

Die beskuldigdes wat die afgelope naweek betrokke was by die stropery van ‘n witrenosterbul op 'n plaas in die Gobabis-distrik, bly in aanhouding. Volgens die hoofwoordvoerder van die Namibiese polisie, adjunk-kommissaris Kauna Shikwambi, het die beskuldigdes reeds in die landdroshowe van Gobabis en Katutura in Windhoek verskyn. Die name van die beskuldigdes soos verskaf deur Shikwambi is Micheal Shomeya Koshondatile (39), Barnabas Shitaleni Muzanime (35), die 31-jarige Petrus Petrus Nghifindaka, Victory Henghono (ook 31) en die 34-jarige Imanuel Stafanus Nangwasha.

Thursday, 9 May 2024
Steynberg F 2024. No bail for 'rhino poachers' from Gobabis bull.

The suspects involved in the poaching of a white rhinoceros bull on a farm in the Gobabis district remain in custody. According to the spokesperson of the Namibian police, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, the suspects have already appeared in the magistrate's courts of Gobabis and Katutura in Windhoek over the past weekend. The names of the suspects as provided by Shikwambi are Micheal Shomeya Koshondatile (39), Barnabas Shitaleni Muzanime (35), 31-year-old Petrus Petrus Nghifindaka, Victory Henghono (also 31), and 34-year-old Imanuel Stafanus Nangwasha.

Wednesday, 8 May 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Renosterstropers slaan derde keer op plaas toe.

'n Karkas van 'n groot witrenosterbul is Sondagoggend op 'n plaas in die Gobabis-distrik ontdek wat

Friday, 3 May 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Suspected poachers killed in exchange of fire with cops in Etosha.

Two suspected poachers were shot to death in an exchange of fire with members of the anti-poaching unit in the Etosha National Park on Wednesday. The incident occurred at the Scorpionbelt, Western Zone, when a patrol of the anti-poaching unit observed shoeprints that had entered the park through the park's fence. According to the police, the suspects' tracks were pursued for a distance of 60 km up to a water point where Rhinos mostly feed on small shrubs.

Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Nigeria arrests two key ivory traffickers connected to recent seizure in Vietnam.
Tuesday, 30 April 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Artificial intelligence tracking rhinos At Addo Elephant National Park.

Some of the rhinos at Addo Elephant National Park are now collared with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to secure their safety. This is a first-of-its-kind intervention at the Park. Smart algorithms continuously monitor the rhino's behaviour and in the event of an incident, an alert is generated that pinpoints the rhino's location via GPS. This enables the effective, real-time investigation of possible poaching incidents. Behaviours that can be tracked include fighting, mating, giving birth and death.

Monday, 29 April 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Cop nabbed for transporting suspected poachers.

A Windhoek City Police constable was arrested on Friday for allegedly using a work car to transport suspected poachers and fresh meat from poached animals. It is alleged that he intentionally used a company car in order to pass through a police roadblock with minimal suspicion. As of Saturday, the officer had not yet been charged and is currently being held at the Seeis police cells outside Windhoek.

Thursday, 25 April 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Rhino exports: Namibia considered a transit route.
Twelve white rhinos of South African origin were exported from Namibia to America in 2022.This is according to the trade database of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Cites).
Tuesday, 9 April 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Wir verlieren den Kampf.

Private Nashornbesitzer fürchten, dass Namibia den Kampf gegen die Wilderei verliert – während die Regierung nicht genug beisteuert. "Wir kämpfen einen Krieg, den wir nicht gewinnen werden", sagte ein empörter Nashornbesitzer, der seine Breitmaulnashörner an Wilderer verloren hat, gegenüber Namibia Media Holdings (NMH). Zuvor hatte das Umweltministerium schockiert mitgeteilt, dass in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres 28 Nashörner in Namibia gewildert wurden. "Zwei Drittel meiner Nashornpopulation sind verschwunden!

Wednesday, 27 March 2024
Amutenja H-M 2024. Three NDF members arrested for poaching in Mangetti National Park.

Three members of the Namibian Defence Force (NDF) were apprehended on Friday, within the confines of Mangetti National Park. The arrests followed after park officials saw the perpetrators climbing over a fence during a routine anti-poaching patrol and fence inspection. The three soldiers were arrested while attempting to claim over the Mangetti Park’s boundary fence into the Mururani location, bearing bags laden with dried game meat ranging from Eland, Kudu and Wildebeest.

Monday, 25 March 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Two jailed for possessing live Pangolin in Balaka.
The Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court sitting in Balaka district-Malawi has convicted and sentenced two men to 30 months and 36 months imprisonment with hard labor respectively, for the offense of being found in possession of protected species (Live Pangolin) contrary to Section 86 of the National Park and Wildlife Act.
Wednesday, 13 March 2024
Steynberg F 2024. University student, accomplice jailed for possessing pangolin scales.
University student, accomplice jailed for possessing pangolin scales.
Monday, 4 March 2024
Amutenja H-M 2024. More than 600 rhinos were poached in ten years.

Between 2015 and February 2024, Namibia lost a staggering 631 rhinos due to poaching, marking a concerning downturn in its conservation success. This is according to statistics provided by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism last week during the Commemoration of World Wildlife Day 2024. Breaking down the figures year by year, statistics paint a grim picture of 97 rhinos poached in 2015 alone, with six reported to be poached in 2016 and five poached in 2017.

Tuesday, 27 February 2024
Steynberg F 2024. Vee- en wildboere ly reuse-verliese.
'n Omvattende ontleding deur die Lewendehaweprodusenteorganisasie (LPO) toon verbysterende verliese van byna N$14,4 miljoen wat deur roofdiere, diefstal, droogte-verwante siektes en rampe asook probleemdiere in 2023 veroorsaak is. Hierdie astronomiese bedrag spruit uit slegs 1 248 voorvalle wat deur LPO-lede gerapporteer is, wat ‘n fraksie van die totale veesektor verteenwoordig, volgens die Namibië Landbou-unie (NLU). "Boere voel moedeloos omdat niks aan hul situasie gedoen word nie en daarom is die rapportering baie laag.
Sunday, 26 November 2023
Amutenja H-M 2023. Zambian poachers flee as officials confiscate 24 elephant tusks.

In an operation led by Members of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT), in collaboration with the Namibian Police (Nampol) and Namibian Defense Force (NDF), 24 elephant tusks were confiscated during an early morning interception on Friday in the Zambezi region.

Monday, 9 October 2023
Amutenja H-M 2023. Poachers sentenced to 15 years.

The Windhoek Magistrate Court has handed down prison sentences of up to 15 years to four individuals involved in a heinous rhino poaching case. The culprits were found guilty for their involvement in a poaching incident dating back to December 2016, where four white rhinos were ruthlessly killed on a private farm in the Gobabis District. On 22 December 2016, the suspects allegedly, without a hunting permit, killed four white rhinos - two bulls and two pregnant cows - each valued at N$1.25 million, with a total value…

Wednesday, 15 February 2023
Amutenja H-M 2023. MEFT employee nabbed for poaching.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism has identified its employee Otto Jan Uirab as the suspect in the poaching incident that occurred last week. He is charged alongside Nedbank employee, Harold Xarageb, and two other suspects Gaeb Franklin and Veldskoendraer Neely. The suspects were arrested on suspicion of illegally hunting a blue wildebeest in the Dan Viljoen Park near Windhoek last week. They have since appeared in the Katutura Magistrate’s court. A case has been opened with the Otjomuise Police station and the suspects were remanded in custody until the May 2023…

Friday, 10 February 2023
Amutenja H-M 2023. Ministry official arrested for poaching.

An official from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism was amongst three other suspects that were arrested on suspicion of illegally hunting a blue wildebeest in Dan Viljoen Park near Windhoek. "The incident happened on Tuesday at a roadblock between Dan Viljoen and Windhoek. The Ministry condemns the incident particularly, the alleged involvement of a staff member," said the ministry’s spokesperson Romeo Muyunda. They were arrested on Tuesday at the roadblock, west of Windhoek, leading to the game park.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
Matthys D 2022. 48 rhinos poached in 8 months.

The first eight months of 2022 saw 48 rhinos poached, four times more than the rhinos poached in 2021, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced on Wednesday. The country recorded 44 rhinos poached in 2021, 42 in 2020, 57 in 2019, 83 in 2018, and 55 in 2017. The Etosha National Park alone saw 20 cases this year, with two carcasses discovered in the area just last week. In total, 32 poached rhinos are black and 16 are white. A total of 12 black rhinos were poached on custodianship farms and 16 white rhinos were poached on private farms.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
Matthys D 2022. 48 rhinos fall prey to poachers.

Namibia saw 48 rhinos killed for their horns in the first eight months of 2022, four more than the 44 cases reported in 2021. The country recorded 44 rhinos poached in 2021, 42 in 2020, 57 in 2019, 83 in 2018, and 55 in 2017. Etosha National Park alone saw 20 cases this year, with two carcasses discovered in the area just last week. The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism said of the poached rhinos, 32 are black and 16 are white.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Vierde 'renosterstroper' van Gobabis vas.

Die vierde vermeende renosterstroper in die Gobabis-saak, mnr. Hamukoto Kanana Erastus, is ook verlede week in hegtenis geneem. Dit volg nadat die karkas van 'n ver dragtige witrenosterkoei op Vrydag 2 April op 'n lodge in die Gobabis-distrik gevind is. Met behulp van boere, spoorsnyers en die K9-teenstropingseenheid is drie verdagtes, mnre. Zondundi Tjipuiko, Frederik Hamukoto en Tjimbaka Mbatiminua, Sondag 4 April by 'n padblokkade buite Gobabis in hegtenis geneem. In hul besit was glo 'n jaggeweer en 22 patrone.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Wildmisdaadsindikate in 2020 vasgetrek: Bosslagtery gedy in Covid.

Die voorkoms van wildmisdaad, veral rakende renosters, olifante en ietermagôs het in 2020 gedaal, maar steeds is ’n derde van alle inhegtenisnemings verwant aan dié hoë waarde spesies. Volgens 2020 se wildmisdaadverslag is 31% minder sake aanhangig gemaak, asook 31% minder verdagtes as in 2019 in hegtenis geneem. Altesaam 145 verdagtes is in verband met renosterstropery of horingsmokkelary in hegtenis geneem, maar in 2020 is op meer renosterhorings (21) beslag gelê as die 13 in 2019.

Tuesday, 6 April 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Spoorsnyers help 'renosterstropers' vastrek.

Drie vermeende renosterstropers met 'n vuurwapen is Saterdag met behulp van boere, spoorsnyers en die K9- teenstropingseenheid vasgetrek nadat die karkas van 'n dragtige witrenosterkoei Vrydag by 'n lodge in die Gobabis-distrik ontdek is.

Three suspected rhino poachers with a firearm were arrested on Saturday with the help of farmers, trackers and the K9 anti-poaching unit after the carcass of a pregnant white rhino cow was discovered at a lodge in the Gobabis district on Friday.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Drie in hof oor horing in kattebak.

Drie vermeende renosterhoringsmokkelaars het Maandag in die landdroshof op Ondangwa verskyn en is borgtog geweier. Volgens die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, is een van die beskuldigdes, mnr. Pendapala Herman, op borgtog uit in die opspraakwekkende saak van die diefstal van 33 renosterhorings op Outjo. Die ander twee beskuldigdes, is konstabel Michael Muronga, wat verbonde is aan die misdaadvoorkomingseenheid van die Namibiese polisie op Otjiwarongo, en mnr. Alfons Tjukuru van die Oshanastreek.

Thursday, 11 March 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Horingsmokkelaar met halfmiljoen beboet - Twee Angolese vas.

'n Renosterhoringsmokkelaar, Robertos Ipingi, is 'n stewige boete van N$500 000 of twee jaar tronkstraf opgelê. Ipinge is verlede Vrydag in die Otjiwarongo-landdroshof gevonnis ná hy in Augustus 2019 skuldig bevind is aan die onwettige besit van en handel in een renosterhoring, asook op die oortreding van die georganiseerde misdaadwet (Poca).

Wednesday, 24 February 2021
Steynberg F 2021. 'Geen personeel betrokke by stropery'.

Die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme het bevestig dat geen van sy personeel by wildstropery betrokke was nie en stropery het in nasionale parke afgeneem. Die woordvoerder, mnr. Romeo Muyunda, sê volgens die ondersoek na die vuurwapens wat in die Etosha Nasionale Park gekonfiskeer en vir ballistiese toetse gestuur is, is geen personeellid aan enige stroperysaak verbind nie. Die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, het dit aan Republikein bevestig.

Thursday, 11 February 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Wildstropery in 2020 grootliks vasgevat.

Wildstropery het in 2020 ’n afname getoon, met altesaam 31 renosters en elf olifante wat gestroop is en 654 vermeende wildstropers wat vasgetrek is. Die 654 verdagtes bestaan uit 597 Namibiërs, 26 Zambiërs, 22 Angolese, een elk uit Botswana en Zimbabwe asook sewe ander burgers wat betrokke is by 308 wildmisdaadsake wat in 2020 aanhangig gemaak is.

Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Eerste renoster vanjaar gestroop - Beskuldigdes bly in aanhouding.

Ses vermeende renosterstropers is vasgetrek en bly in aanhouding nadat 'n witrenosterbul in die Okahandja-distrik gestroop is. Volgens die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, is die karkas van die bul met sy horings verwyder omstreeks 07:30 op Vrydag 8 Januarie op 'n private wildreservaat gevind. Hy het bevestig dit is die eerste renoster wat vanjaar in Namibië gestroop is.

Saturday, 16 January 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Ses vermeende renosterstropers vas.

Ses vermeende renosterstropers is vasgetrek nadat 'n witrenosterbul verlede week in die Okahandja-distrik gestroop is. Volgens die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, is die karkas van die bul met sy horings verwyder omstreeks 07:30 op Vrydag, 8 Januarie op 'n private wildreservaat gevind.

Friday, 15 January 2021
Steynberg F 2021. Namibia - six arrested for rhino poaching after white rhino killed on private reserve at Okahandja.

Six men suspected of rhino poaching have been arrested after a white rhino bull was poached in the Okahandja district last week. According to the head of the Blue Rhino task team, Commissioner Barry de Klerk, the carcass of the bull - with its horns removed - was discovered around 07h30 on a private game reserve."Detectives from the task force and the protected species unit of the Namibian police launched an intelligence-driven investigation last Saturday. During a secret operation, two suspects, Jeff Makayi Nadango (36) and Stefanus Muyenga Musore (49), were…

Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Poachers kill rhino calf.

A one-year-old white rhino calf has been killed by poachers on a farm in the Gobabis district. Farm owner Walter Kinnear says the calf’s tiny horn was removed by the poachers.

Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Eenjarige renosterkalf gestroop - Stompie verwyder.

’n Renosterverskalfie van slegs een jaar oud wat steeds aan haar ma gedrink het, is op ’n wildsplaas in die Gobabis-distrik gestroop.

A one-year-old rhino calf who was still drinking from her mother was poached on a game farm in the Gobabis district.

Thursday, 22 October 2020
Steynberg F 2020. China se rookskerm vir ietermagogs.

Vier maande gelede het Chinese staatsmedia aangekondig ietermagôskubbe is van tradisionele medisynelyste verwyder, maar navorsing weerspreek dat dié benadering in werklikheid toegepas word. Volgens ’n verslag getiteld “Smoke and Mirrors” van die Omgewingsondersoekagentskap (EIA) wat vandeesmaand gepubliseer is, word ietermagôprodukte steeds in tradisionele medisyne gebruik.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Angolees, ses Namibiërs kwes glo swartrenosterbul.

Een Angolese en ses Namibiese mans is verlede week by Mururani in verband met renosterstropery vasgetrek. Volgens die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, is ’n swartrenosterbul gekwes. "Weens die erge skietwonde moes 'n veearts ongelukkig die renoster uitsit," het De Klerk aan Republikein gesê.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Steynberg F 2020. 19 vir wildmisdaad aangekla.

Altesaam 19 vermeende wildmisdadigers is verlede week in hegtenis geneem en aangekla.

A total of 19 suspected wildlife criminals were arrested and charged last week.

Monday, 14 September 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Renosterstropery: Drie bly in aanhouding.

Drie Namibiese mans wat glo ‘n renoster in die Etosha Nasionale Park wou stroop, bly in aanhouding nadat hulle vandag in die Outjo-landdroshof op vyf klagte verskyn het.

Three Namibian men who allegedly wanted to poach a rhino in the Etosha National Park remain in custody after appearing in the Outjo Magistrate's Court today on five charges.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Renosterkarkas en -horing gekonfiskeer.

Drie Namibiese mans is verlede week in verband met renosterstropery en twee oor horingsmokkelary in hegtenis geneem.

Three Namibian men were arrested last week in connection with rhino poaching and two for rhino horn smuggling.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Zambiër vas met ivoor, 81 ietermagôskubbe.

’n Zambiese man, mnr. Tumone Biemba, is verlede week op Katima Mulilo glo met een olifanttand en 81 ietermagôskubbe vasgetrek.

A Zambian man, mr. Tumone Biemba, was allegedly caught on Katima Mulilo last week with one elephant tooth and 81 pangolin scales.

Friday, 28 August 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Renosterstropers’ bly in aanhouding.

89 ietermagôskubbe gekonfiskeer. Vier vermeende renosterstropers bly in aanhouding nadat hulle glo ’n witrenosterbul gestroop en ’n witrenosterkoei in die Grootfontein-distrik gekwes het.

89 pangolin scales confiscated. Four suspected rhino poachers remain in custody after they allegedly poached a white rhino bull and injured a white rhino cow in the Grootfontein district.

Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Vier vas oor renosterstropery.

Vier vermeende renosterstropers is verlede week by Grootfontein in hegtenis geneem nadat hulle glo ’n witrenosterbul gestroop en ’n witrenosterkoei gekwes het.

Four suspected rhino poachers were arrested at Grootfontein last week after they allegedly poached a white rhino bull and injured a white rhino cow.

Thursday, 6 August 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Amerika help met vastrek van 'ietermagôsmokkelaars'.

Samewerking tussen Amerikaanse wetstoepassers en die Namibiese polisie (Nampol) het gelei tot die inhegtenisneming van vier vermeende ietermagôsmokkelaars.

Cooperation between US law enforcers and the Namibian police (Nampol) has led to the arrest of four suspected pangolin smugglers.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Steynberg F 2020. Namibië tweede beste in wildbewaring.

Namibië is as die tweede beste land in wildbewaring op die Megafauna Conservation Index (MCI) aangewys. Buurland Botswana is as die wenner uit 152 lande gekroon.

Namibia was named the second best country in wildlife conservation on the Megafauna Conservation Index (MCI). Neighboring Botswana was crowned the winner from 152 countries.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Steynberg F 2020. 'Horingsmokkelaar' by Vioolsdrif-grenspos vas.

'n Man met dubbele burgerskap en twee identiteite wat met die rooftog van 33 renosterhorings uit 'n kluis in 'n huis op Outjo in September 2019 verbind word, is in Februarie by die Suid-Afrikaanse grenspos, Vioolsdrift, met twee renosterhorings vasgetrek.

A man with dual citizenship and two identities connected to the robbery of 33 rhino horns from a safe in a house on Outjo in September 2019, was arrested at the South African border post, Vioolsdrift, in February with two rhino horns.