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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 117Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Bergholtz M, Piekarzewska M, Waernquist J, Vignuolo Y, Öberg H 2001. Land degradation - natural and human induced - Hoanib River catchment.
Leggett K, Fennessy J, Schneider S 2001. Hoanib catchment study, Northwestern Namibia Fauna.
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Hoanib catchment study_Northwestern Namibia Fauna.pdf 41.33 MB
Ezzell C 2001. The Himba and the dam.
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The Himba and the dam.pdf 2.71 MB
Berger WH, Lange CB, Wefer G 2001. Namibia Upwelling: Ocean Meadows off the Desert.
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Namibia Upwelling_Ocean Meadows off the Desert.pdf 145.94 KB
Economic Commission for Africa 2001. State of the Environment in Africa.
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State of the Environment in Africa_2001.pdf 1.4 MB
Mittendorfer E 2001. FAO Nutrition Country Profiles - Namibia.
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FAO Nutrition Country Profiles.pdf 753.94 KB
Burke A, Simmonds EB 2001. Natural Resource Mapping of the Kavango Region.
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Natural_Resource_Mapping_of_the_Kavango_Region_January_2001.pdf 3.14 MB
Jones BTB, Social Impact Assessment and Policy Analysis Corporation (SIAPAC) 2001. Socio-ecological survey report for the Okavango River Region (Namibia - 2001).
Long SA, Vaughan C, Murphy C, Kuvare U 2001. The Khaibasen Participatory Research Group Livelihoods Workshop Report.
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Leggett K, Fennessy J, Schneider S 2001. Hoanib River Catchment Study, Northwestern Namibia - Soil.
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Hoanib River Catchment Study_Northwestern Namibia_Soil.pdf 7.07 MB
Margoluis R, Russell V, González M, Rojas O, Magdaleno J, Madrid G, Kaimowitz D 2001. Maximum yield? Sustainable agriculture as a tool for conservation.
Annegarn HJ, van Grieken RE, Sellschop JPF, Winchester JW 2001. Background aerosol composition in the Namib Desert.
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Background aerosol composition in the Namib Desert_2001.pdf 240.92 KB
Namibia Development Consultants 2001. Regional development plan for Kavango.
Cassidy L, Good K, Mazonde I 2001. An assessment of the status of the San in Botswana.

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