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de los Ríos A, Garrido‑Benavent I, Limón A, Cason ED, Maggs-Kölling G, Cowan D, Valverde A 2022. Novel lichen‑dominated hypolithic communities in the Namib Desert. Microbial Ecology 83 (4) 1-13
Lines R, Bormpoudakis D, Xofis P, MacMillan DC, Pieterse L, Tzanopoulos J 2022. Utility of human footprint pressure mapping for large carnivore conservation: The Kafue-Zambezi Interface. Sustainability 14 116
Govender N, Staver C, Archibald S, Wigley-Coetsee C, Strydom T, Humphrey G, Kimuyu D 2022. Lessons from a century of evidence-based fire management in grassy ecosystems. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 39 (1) v-vii
Naidoo R, Beytell P, Brennan A, Kilian W, McCulloch G, Stronza A, Taylor R, Tsholofelo C, Songhurst A 2022. Challenges to elephant connectivity from border fences in the world's largest Transfrontier Conservation Area. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3
Swanepoel W, Weeks A, van Wyk AE 2022. Commiphora omundomba (Burseraceae), a new species from Angola and Namibia. Phytotaxa 543 (4) 207-218
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Perry I, Jams IB, Casas-Mulet R, Hamutoko J, Marchbank A, Lendelvo S, Naomab E, Mapani B, Creer S, Wanke H, Durance I, Kille P 2022. Challenges to implementing environmental-DNA monitoring in Namibia. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9 e773991
Naidoo Y, Valverde A, Pierneef RE, Cowan DA 2022. Differences in precipitation regime shape microbial community composition and functional potential in Namib Desert soils. Soil Microbiology 83 689-701
Bosch J, Marais E, Maggs-Kölling G, Ramond J-B, Lebre PH, Eckardt F, Cowan DA 2022. Water inputs across the Namib Desert: implications for dryland edaphic microbiology. Frontiers of Biogeography
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Kerby JT, Krivak‑Tetley FE, Shikesho SD, Bolger DT 2022. Livestock impacts on an iconic Namib Desert plant are mediated by abiotic conditions. Oecologia 199 229-242
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Crawford RJM, Sydeman WJ, Tom DB, Thayer JA, Sherley RB, Shannon LJ, Mcinnes AM, Makhado AB, Hagen C, Furness RW, Carpenter-Kling T, Saraux C 2022. Food limitation of seabirds in the Benguela ecosystem and management of their prey base.   Namibian Journal of Environment 6 (A) 1-13
Walters M, Hauptfleisch M 2022. An analysis of trophy size trends in popular hunting species in Namibia over five years. Namibian Journal of Environment 6 (A) 37-46
Theart F, Ping TJ, Engelking K, Becker FS 2022. Range extension of Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia (Laurenti, 1768) in Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 6 (C) 7-9
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Hilland RVJ, Bernhofer C, Bohmann M, Christen A, Katurji M, Maggs-Kölling G, Krauss M, Larsen JA, Marais E, Pitacco A, Schumacher B, Spirig R, Vendrame N, Vogt R 2022. The Namib Turbulence Experiment:  Investigating surface-atmosphere heat transfer in three dimensions. BAMS E741-E760
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Basooma A, Nakiyende H, Olokotum M, Balirwa JS, Nkalubo W, Musinguzi L, Natugonza V 2022. A novel index to aid in prioritizing habitats for site-based conservation. Ecology and Evolution 12 (3) e8762
Pitiya R, Jacob L, Emilinot RJ 2022. A pilot study on the concentration of heavy metals in sediments from the Lower Orange River, //Karas Region, Namibia. Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering 10 1-14
Soetaert F, Wanke H, Dupuy A, Lusuekikio V, Gaucher EC, Bordmann V, Fleury J-M, Franceschi M 2022. Toward the sustainable use of groundwater springs: A case study from Namibia. Sustainability 14 3995
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McBride S-L 2022. Rethinking river resilience: the lower Orange/ Gariep river. Social Dynamics - A journal of African studies 48 (1) 70-84
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Gärtner A, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Sagawe A, Krause R, Stutzriemer M, Gesang S, Gerdes A, Marko L, Lana C, Linnemann U 2022. Implications for sedimentary transport processes in southwestern Africa: a combined zircon morphology and age study including extensive geochronology databases. International Journal of Earth Sciences 111 767–788
Walsh E, Caracciolo L, Ravida D, Burrough S, Thomas D 2022. Holocene fluvial depositional regimes of the Huab River, Skeleton Coast, Namibia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47 (7) 1820-1844
Turner WC, Périquet S, Goelst CE, Vera KB, Cameron EZ, Alexander KA, Belant JL, Cloete CC, du Preez P, Getz WM, Hetem RS, Kamath PL, Mackenzie M, Mendelsohn J, Mfune JKE, Muntifering JR, Portas R, Scott HA, Strauss WM, Versfeld W, Wachter B, Wittemyer G, Kilian JW 2022. Africa's drylands in a changing world: Challenges for wildlife conservation under climate and land-use changes in the Greater Etosha Landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation 38 e02221
Portas R, Wachter B, Beytell P, Uiseb KH, Melzheimer J, Edwards S 2022. Leopard Panthera pardus camera trap surveys in the arid environments of northern Namibia. Mammalian Biology
Mabaso S, Seyama E, Mamba S, Ginindza S, Mthupha N, Kunene S, Masuku M, Msibi N, Dlamini W, Lushaba L, Zwane F, Nxumalo N, Dlamini W, Dlamini M, Sihlongonyane P, Hleta N, Mabuza M, Thwala L, Mpapane M 2022. Understanding the causes, socio-economic and environmental impacts of 2019 veld fires in the Kingdom of Eswatini. Open Journal of Social Sciences 10 202-225
Irob K, Blaum N, Baldauf S, Kerger L, Strohbach B, Kanduvarisa A, Lohmann D, Tietjen B 2022. Browsing herbivores improve the state and functioning of savannas: A model assessment of alternative land-use strategies. Ecology and Evolution 12 (3) e8715
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Huang Y-H, Kausrud K, Hassim A, Ochai SO, van Schalkwyk OL, Dekker EH, Buyantuev A, Cloete CC, Kilian JW, Mfune JKE, Kamath PL, van Heerden H, Turner WC 2022. Environmental drivers of biseasonal anthrax outbreak dynamics in two multihost savanna systems. Ecological Monographs e1526
Broekman MJE, Hilbers JP, Huijbregts MAJ, Mueller T, Ali AH, Andrén H, Altmann J, Aronsson M, Attias N, Bartlam- Brooks HLA, van Beest FM, Belant JL, Beyer DE, Bidner L, Blaum N, Boone RB, Boyce MS, Brown MB, Cagnacci F, Cerne R, Chamaillé- Jammes S, Dejid N, Dekker J, Desbiez ALJ, Díaz- Munoz SL 2022. Evaluating expert- based habitat suitability information of terrestrial mammals with GPS- tracking data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (8) 1526-1541
't Sas-Rolfes M, Emslie R, Adcock K, Knight M 2022. Legal hunting for conservation of highly threatened species: The case of African rhinos. Conservation Letters 2022 (15) e12877
Amakali AM, Halajian A, Wilhelm MR, Tjipute M, Heckmann R, Luus-Powell W 2022. Selected parasites of silver kob (Argyrosomus inodorus) (Actinopterygii: Sciaenidae) from northern Namibia. South African Journal of Science 118 (1/2)
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