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Naidoo R, Brennan A, Shapiro AC, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, du Preez P, Kilian JW, Stuart-Hill G, Taylor RD 2020. Mapping and assessing the impact of small-scale ephemeral water sources on wildlife in an African seasonal savannah. Ecological Applications In Press
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Shikangalah R, Mapani B, Mapaure I, Herzschuh U, Musimba A, Tabares X 2020. Growth ring formation of Dichrostachys cinerea and Senegalia mellifera in arid environments in Namibia. Dendrochronologia 59
Muntifering JR, Clark S, Linklater WL, Uri-Khob S, Hebach E, Cloete J, Jacobs S, Knight AT 2020. Lessons from a conservation and tourism cooperative: the Namibian black rhinoceros case. Annals of Tourism Research 82
Liebenberg-Enslin H, von Oertzen D, Mwananawa N 2020. Dust and radon levels on the west coast of Namibia - What did we learn?. Atmospheric Pollution Research In Press
Marion Meyer JJ, Meyer AC, Meyer NL 2020. Sand circles in stony landscapes of Namibia are caused by large Euphorbia shrubs. South African Journal of Botany 130 25-29
Lehmann D, Mfune JKE, Gewers E, Cloete J, Aschenborn OH-K, Mbomboro L, Kasaona S, Brain C, Voigt CC 2020. Spatiotemporal responses of a desert dwelling ungulate to increasing aridity in North-eastern Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 179
Naro EM, Maher SML, Muntifering JR, Eichenwald AJ, Clark SG 2020. Syndicate recruitment, perceptions, and problem solving in Namibian rhinoceros protection. Biological Conservation 243
du Preez CI, Gründemann C, Reinhardt JK, Mumbengegwi DR, Huber R 2020. Immunomodulatory effects of some Namibian plants traditionally used for treating inflammatory diseases. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 254
Zhang H, Ades G, Miller MP, Yang F, Lai K-w, Fischer GA 2020. Genetic identification of African pangolins and their origin in illegal trade. Global Ecology and Conservation 23
Ettler V, Mihaljevic M, Jarošíková A, Culka A, Kribek B, Majer V, Vanek A, Penížek V, Sracek O, Mapani B, Kamona F 2020. Vanadium-rich slags from the historical processing of Zn–Pb–V ores at Berg Aukas (Namibia): Mineralogy and environmental stability. Applied Geochemistry 14
Grodek T, Morin E, Helman D, Lensky I, Dahan O, Seely M, Benito G, Enzel Y 2020. Eco-hydrology and geomorphology of the largest floods along the hyperarid Kuiseb River, Namibia. Journal of Hydrology 582
Hauptfleisch M, Knox NM, Heita P, Aschenborn O, Mackenzie ML 2020. An analysis of the risk of collisions between aircraft and vultures in Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 4 (A) 41-49
Andersen H, Cermak J, Fuchs J, Knippertz P, Gaetani M, Quinting J, Sippel S, Vogt R 2020. Synoptic-scale controls of fog and low clouds in the Namib Desert. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 3415-3438
Lendelvo SM, Pinto M, Sullivan S 2020. A perfect storm? The impact of COVID-19 on community-based conservation in Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 4 (B) 1-15
Cunningham PL, van Rooyen J 2020. First confirmed record of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nesting along the Namibian coast. Namibian Journal of Environment 4 (B) 16-18
Lindsey P, Allan J, Brehony P, Dickman A, Robson A, Begg C, Bhammar H, Blanken L, Breuer T, Fitzgerald K, Flyman M, Gandiwa P, Giva N, Kaelo D, Nampindo S, Nyambe N, Steiner K, Parker A, Roe D, Thomson P, Trimble M, Caron A, Tyrrell P 2020. Conserving Africa's wildlife and wildlands through the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2020
Irish J 2020. Melissotarsus Emery (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a new country record for Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 4 (B) 19-20
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Bollig M, Vehrs H-P 2020. Abundant herds: Accumulation, herd management, and land-use patterns in a conservation area. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 10 (20)
Finke G, Gee K, Gxaba T, Sorgenfrei R, Russo V, Pinto D, Nsiangango SE, Sousa LN, Braby R, Lopes Alves F, Heinrichs B, Kreiner A, Amunyela M, Popose G, Ramakulukusha M, Naidoo A, Mausolf E, Nsingi KK 2020. Marine Spatial Planning in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Environmental Development 2020
Kainge P, Kirkman SP, Estevao V, Van der Lingen CD, Uanivi U, Kathena JN, Van der Plas A, Githaiga-Mwicigi J, Makhado A, Nghimwatya L, Endjambi T, Paulus S, Kalola M, Antonio M, Tjizoo B, Shikongo T, Nsiangango S, Uahengo T, Bartholomae C, Mqoqi M, Hamukuaya H 2020. Fisheries yields, climate change, and ecosystem-based management of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Environmental Development
Schmidt S 2020. Hunter, game, and lords of animals in Southern Africa. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 67 61-76
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