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Edwards S, Cooper S, Uiseb K, Hayward M, Wachter B, Melzheimer J 2018. Making the most of by-catch data: Assessing the feasibility of utilising non-target camera trap data for occupancy modelling of a large felid. African Journal of Ecology
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Garbett R, Herremans M, Maude G, Reading RP, Amar A 2018. Raptor population trends in northern Botswana: A re-survey of road transects after 20 years. Biological Conservation (224) 87-99
Angula HN, Stuart-Hill G, Ward D, Matongo G, Diggle RW, Naidoo R 2018. Local perceptions of trophy hunting on communal lands in Namibia. Biological Conservation (218) 26-31
Wagner TC, Richter O, Joubert DF, Fischer C 2018. A dominance shift in arid savanna: An herbaceous legume outcompetes local C4 grasses. Ecology and Evolution (2018) 1-9
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Bunting EL, Southworth J, Herrero H, Ryan SJ, Waylen P 2018. Understanding long-term savanna vegetation persistence across three drainage basins in southern Africa. Remote Sensing 10 (7) 1013
Symes WS, McGrath FL, Rao M, Carrasco LR 2018. The gravity of wildlife trade. Biological Conservation (218) 268-276
Cunningham P, Maartens L, Prickett M 2018. A contribution to the reptiles of the Kunene River Mouth area. Namibian Journal of Environment (2) 1-8
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Gerstmeier R 2018. Checklist of the checkered beetles of Namibia (Coleoptera, Cleridae). Namibian Journal Of Environment (2) 7-21
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Checklist of the checkered beetles of Namibia.pdf 5.28 MB
Mendelsohn J, Haraes L 2018. Aerial census of Cape Cormorants and Cape Fur Seals at Baía dos Tigres, Angola. Namibian Journal of Environment (2) 1-6
Keeping D, Burger JH, Keitsile AO, Gielen M-C, Mudongo E, Wallgren M, Skarpe C, Foote AL 2018. Can trackers count free-ranging wildlife as effectively and efficiently as conventional aerial survey and distance sampling? Implications for citizen science in the Kalahari, Botswana. Biological Conservation (223) 156-169
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Lisao K, Geldenhuys CJ, Chirwa PW 2018. Assessment of the African baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) populations in Namibia: Implications for conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation (14) e00386
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Jones T, Cusack JJ, Pozo RA, Smit J, Mkuburo L, Baran P, Lobora AL, Mduma A, Foley C 2018. Age structure as an indicator of poaching pressure: Insights from rapid assessments of elephant populations across space and time. Ecological Indicators (88) 115-125
Batavia C, Nelson MP, Darimont CT, Paquet PC, Ripple WJ, Wallach AD 2018. The elephant (head) in the room: A critical look at trophy hunting. Conservation Letters (2018) e12565
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Wisely SM, Alexander K, Mahlaba T, Cassidy L 2018. Linking ecosystem services to livelihoods in southern Africa. Ecosystem Services (30) 339-341
Hasan MA, Nahiduzzaman KM, Aldosary AS 2018. Public participation in EIA: A comparative study of the projects run by government and non-governmental organizations. Environmental Impact Assessment Review (72) 12-24
Schnegg M 2018. Institutional multiplexity: social networks and community-based natural resource management. Sustainability Science (13) 1017–1030
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Holechek J, Valdez R 2018. Wildlife conservation on the rangelands of eastern and southern Africa: Past, present, and future. Rangeland Ecology and Management (71) 245–258
Garbett R, Maude G, Hancock P, Kenny D, Reading R, Amar A 2018. Association between hunting and elevated blood lead levels in the critically endangered African white-backed vulture Gyps africanus. Science of The Total Environment (630) 1654-1665
Gil-Sánchez JM, Molleda S, Sánchez-Zapata JA, Bautista J, Navas I, Godinho R, García-Fernández AJ, Moleón M 2018. From sport hunting to breeding success: Patterns of lead ammunition ingestion and its effects on an endangered raptor. Science of The Total Environment (613-614) 483-491
Marques MP, Ceriaco LMP, Blackburn DC, Bauer AM 2018. Diversity and distribution of the amphibians and terrestrial reptiles of Angola: Atlas of historical and bibliographic records (1840-2017). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (4) 1-501
Saito N, Ruhanen L, Noakes S, Axelsen M 2018. Community engagement in pro-poor tourism initiatives: fact or fallacy? Insights from the inside. Tourism Recreation Research (43) 175-185
Joos-Vandewalle S, Wynberg R, Alexander KA 2018. Dependencies on natural resources in transitioning urban centers of northern Botswana. Ecosystem Services (30) 342-349
Scott D, Iipinge KN, Mfune JKE, Muchadenyika D, Makuti OV, Ziervogel G 2018. The Story of Water in Windhoek: A Narrative Approach to Interpreting a Transdisciplinary Process. Water (10)
Amoroso R.O., Pitcher CR, Rijnsdorp AD, McConnaughey RA, Parma AM, Suuronen P, Eigaard OR, Bastardie F, Hintzen NT, Althaus F, Baird SJ, Black J, Buhl-Mortensen L, Campbell AB, Catarino R, Collie J, Cowan JH, Durholtz D, Engstrom N, Fairweather TP, Fock HO, Ford R, Gálvez PA, Gerritsen H, Góngora ME, González JA, Hiddink JG, Hughes KM, Intelmann SS, Jenkins C, Jonsson P, Kainge P, Kangas M, Kathena JN, Kavadas S, Leslie RW, Lewis SG, Lundy M, Makin D, Martin J, Mazor T, Gonzalez-Mirelis G, Newman SJ, Papadopoulou N, Posen PE, Rochester W, Russo T, Sala A, Semmens JM, Silva C, Tsolos A, Vanelslander B, Wakefield CB, Wood BA, Hilborn R, Kaiser MJ, Jennings S 2018. Bottom trawl fishing footprints on the world's continental shelves. PNAS (115) E10275-E10282
Moodley Y, Russo I-RM, Robovsky J, Dalton DL, Kotze A, Smith S, Stejskal J, Ryder OA, Hermes R, Walzer C, Bruford MW 2018. Contrasting evolutionary history, anthropogenic declines and genetic contact in the northern and southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). Proceedings of the Royal Society B (285) 20181567
Muntifering JR, Linklater WL, Naidoo R, !Uri‐≠Khob S, Preez PD, Beytell P, Jacobs S, Knight AT 2018. Sustainable close encounters: integrating tourist and animal behaviour to improve rhinoceros viewing protocols. Animal Conservation
Hauptfleisch M, Theart F 2018. A spatial and temporal assessment of human-snake conflicts in Windhoek, Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment (2) 128-133
Henschel JR, Hoffman MT, Walker C 2018. Introduction to the Karoo Special Issue: Trajectories of Change in the Anthropocene. African Journal of Range and Forage Science (35) 151-156
Strohbach B, Hauptfleisch M, Green-Chituti A, Diener S 2018. Determining rehabilitation effectiveness at the Otjikoto Gold Mine, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia, using high-resolution NIR aerial imagery. Namibian Journal of Environment (2) 134-146
Conti E, Costa G, Liberatori G, Vannuccini ML, Protano G, Nannoni F, Corsi I 2018. Ariadna spiders as bioindicator of heavy elements contamination in the Central Namib Desert. Ecological Indicators (95) 663-672
Li B, Wang L, Kaseke KF, Vogt R, Li L, Seely MK 2018. The impact of fog on soil moisture dynamics in the Namib Desert. Advances in Water Resources (113) 23-29
Winter S, Fennessy J, Fennessy S, Janke A 2018. Matrilineal population structure and distribution of the Angolan giraffe in the Namib desert and beyond. Ecological Genetics and Genomics (7-8) 1-5
Scott L, Romera GG, Marais E, Brook GA 2018. Pollen in fossil hyrax dung from Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3 reveals past environments in Namibia. Quaternary International (464) 260-272
Matmon A, Enzel Y, Vainer S, Grodek T, Mushkin A 2018. The near steady state landscape of western Namibia. Geomorphology (313) 72-87
Grösslová Z, Vanek A, Oborná V, Mihaljevic M, Ettler V, Trubač J, Drahota P, Penížek V, Pavlů L, Sracek O, Kribek B, Voegelin A, Göttlicher J, Drábek O, Tejnecký V, Houška J, Mapani B, Zádorová T 2018. Thallium contamination of desert soil in Namibia: Chemical, mineralogical and isotopic insights. Environmental Pollution (239) 272-280

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