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Junker K, Horak IG, Penzhorn B 2015. History and development of research on wildlife parasites in southern Africa, with emphasis on terrestrial mammals, especially ungulates. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 4 50-70
Rathbun GB, Osborne TO, Coals PGR 2015. Distribution of the Etendeka round-eared sengi (Macroscelides micus), a Namibian endemic mammal. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 63 153-157
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Distribution of the Etendeka round_eared sengi_2015.pdf 521.71 KB
Bird TL, Wharton RA, Prendini L 2015. Cheliceral morphology in Solifugae (Arachnida): primary homology, terminology, and character survey. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 394 1-355
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Bird T 1_2015.pdf 667.12 KB
2015. African buffalo symposium, 05-06 November 2014, Paris. Gnusletter Special Issue (1)
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African buffalo symposium_ 05-06 November 2014.pdf 24.09 MB
Weise FJ, Lemeris J, Stratford KJ, Van Vuuren RJ, Munro SJ, Crawford SJ, Marker LL, Stein AB 2015. A Home Away From Home: Insights from successful leopard (Panthera pardus) translocations. Biodiversity and Conservation 27 (4) 1755-1774
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Insights from successful leopard translocations.pdf 1.15 MB
Dobrynin P, Liu S, Tamazian G, Xiong Z, Yurchenko AA, Krasheninnikova K, Kliver S, Schmidt-Küntzel A, Koepfli K, Johnson E, Kuderna LFK, García-Pérez R, de Manuel M, Godinez R, Komissarov A, Makunin A, Brukhin V, Qiu W, Zhou L, Li F, Yi J, Driscoll C, Antunes A, Oleksyk TK, Eizirik E, Perelman P, Roelke M, Wildt D, Diekhans M, Marques-Bonet T, Marker L, Bhak J, Wang J, Zhang G, O’Brien SJ 2015. Genomic legacy of the African cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus - Supplemental Figures for Genomic Legacy of the African Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus. Genome Biology 16 227
Dobrynin P, Liu S, Tamazian G, Xiong Z, Yurchenko AA, Krasheninnikova K, Kliver S, Schmidt-Küntzel A, Koepfli K, Johnson E, Kuderna LFK, García-Pérez R, de Manuel M, Godinez R, Komissarov A, Makunin A, Brukhin V, Qiu W, Zhou L, Li F, Yi J, Driscoll C, Antunes A, Oleksyk TK, Eizirik E, Perelman P, Roelke M, Wildt D, Diekhans M, Marques-Bonet T, Marker L, Bhak J, Wang J, Zhang G, O’Brien SJ 2015. Genomic legacy of the African cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus. Genome Biology 16 227
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Genomic Legacy of the African cheetah_Acinonyx jubatus.pdf 3.59 MB
Kenny D, Reading R, Maude G, Hancock P, Garbett B 2015. Blood lead levels in White-Backed Vultures (Gyps africanus) from Botswana, Africa. Vulture News 68 25-31
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Blood lead levels in White_Backed Vultures_Botswana_2015.pdf 314.82 KB
Kauluma N, Musuka CG, Nyimbili B 2015. Fishing Activities at Lake Liambezi of Caprivi Region in Namibia. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry 2 (3) 1-6
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Fishing Activities at Lake Liambezi of Caprivi Region in Namibia.pdf 250.84 KB
Andreas J 2015. Trends of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) yields under climate variability conditions in Oshana Region, Namibia. International Journal of Ecology and Ecosolution 2 (4) 49-62
Tschinkel WR 2015. Experiments Testing the Causes of Namibian Fairy Circles. Plos ONE 10 (10) e0140099
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Experiments Testing the Causes of Namibian Fairy Circles.pdf 22.59 MB
Jacobson K, van Diepeningen A, Evans S, Fritts R, Gemmel P, Marsho C, Seely M, Wenndt A, Yang X, Jacobson P 2015. Non-Rainfall Moisture Activates Fungal Decomposition of Surface Litter in the Namib Sand Sea. Plos ONE 10 (5) e0126977
Swanepoel W 2015. Maerua sebrabergensis (Capparaceae), a new species from Namibia. Phytotaxa 207 (1) 123-128
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Maerua sebrabergensis.pdf 2.23 MB
Swanepoel W, le Roux MM, Wojciechowski MF, van Wayk AE 2015. Oberholzeria (Fabaceae subfam. Faboideae, a New Monotypic Legume Genus from Namibia. Plos ONE 10 (3) e0122080
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Oberholzeria etendekaensis.pdf 1.5 MB
Struwig M, Klaassen ES, Kwembeya EG 2015. Nyctaginaceae: A taxonomic treatment for the Flora of Namibia. Phytotaxa 238 (2) 101-135
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Nyctaginaceae_A taxonomic treatment for the Flora of Namibia.pdf 7.5 MB
Thomson N 2015. Rarities and Interesting Observations. Lanioturdus 48 (2) 27-31
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Rarities and Interesting Observations_2015_2.pdf 1.02 MB
Brown C 2015. Meyer's Parrot – an unusual nest site. Lanioturdus 48 (2) 25-26
Demasius E 2015. The Tragic Case of Claude Gibney Finch-Davies. Lanioturdus 48 (2) 20-24
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The Tragic Case of Claude Gibney Finch_Davies.pdf 864.75 KB
Brown C, Tarr J, Tarr P, Stanback M 2015. Nesting boxes, Honeybees and Lesser Honeyguides. Lanioturdus 48 (2) 17-19
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Nesting boxes_Honeybees and Lesser Honeyguides.pdf 1.16 MB
Thomson N 2015. Farm Kakuse/Etosha National Park Atlasing Bash 01 to 05 May 2014. Lanioturdus 48 (2) 14-16
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Farm Kakuse_Etosha National Park Atlasing Bash 01 to 05 May 2014.pdf 816.85 KB
Kolberg H 2015. Namibia's Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas 1: Overview and Introduction. Lanioturdus 48 (2) 10-13
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Namibias Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas 1.pdf 345.81 KB
Strohbach BJ, Kabajani MW, Ntesa C, Ndjamba J, Shekunyenge A, Amutenya JU 2015. Prosopis encroachment along the Fish River at Gibeon, Namibia. II. Harvestable wood biomass. Dinteria 35 74-87
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Prosopis encroachment along the Fish River at Gibeon_Namibia_ II.pdf 465.47 KB
de Cauwer V, Younan R 2015. Seed germination of Namibian woodland tree species. Dinteria 35 43-52
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Seed germination of Namibian woodland tree species.pdf 467.61 KB
2015. Annual crane census March 2014. Namibia Crane News April (53)
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Namibia Crane News No 53_ Apr 2015.pdf 2.53 MB
Brown CJ, Bridgeford PA, Braine SG, Paxton M, Versfeld W 2015. Breeding data on the birds of Namibia: laying months, colony and clutch sizes and egg measurements. Ornithological Observations 6 92-196
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Breeding data on the birds of Namibia_2015.pdf 1.84 MB
Röder A, Pröpper M, Stellmes M, Schneibel A, Hill J 2015. Assessing urban growth and rural land use transformations in across-border situation in Northern Namibia and Southern Angola. Land Use Policy 42 340-354
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Assessing urban growth and rural land use transformations_2015.pdf 7.36 MB
Baumann M 2015. Two French Ornithologists and the Namibian Birds. Lanioturdus 48 (1) 13-18
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Two French Ornithologists and the Namibian Birds.pdf 773.34 KB
Thomson N 2015. Rarities and Interesting Observations. Lanioturdus 48 (1) 34-41
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Rarities and Interesting Observations.pdf 2.01 MB
Cunningham P 2015. It's not the Porsche that pulls the Chicks, but Real Estate. Lanioturdus 48 (1) 19-23
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Its not the Porsche that pulls the Chicks_but Real Estate.pdf 485.52 KB
Klein F 2015. Cape Bird Club Ghana Birding Trip (Part 1). Lanioturdus 48 (1) 3-12
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Cape Bird Club Ghana Birding Trip.pdf 1.08 MB
Ralston S 2015. Burning issue - Is solar energy the next bird conservation challenge?. African Birdlife January/February 2015 56-59
Tweddle D, Cowx IG, Peel RA, Weyl OLF 2015. Challenges in fisheries management in the Zambezi, one of the great rivers of Africa. Fisheries Management and Ecology 22 99-111
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Tweddle cowx et al zambezi.pdf 959.66 KB
Spiegel O, Harel R, Centeno-Cuadros A, Hatzofe O, Getz WM, Nathan R 2015. Moving beyond curve-fitting: using complementary data to assess alternative explanations for long movements of three vulture species. The American Naturalist 185 (2) E00-E12
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Spiegel_etal2015AmNat.pdf 617.22 KB

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