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Beale CM, van Rensberg S, Bond WJ, Coughenour M, Fynn R, Gaylard A, Grant R, Harris B, Jones T, Mdumai S, Owen-Smith N, Sinclair ARE 2013. Ten lessons for the conservation of African savannah ecosystems. Biological Conservation 167 224-232
Scott TP, Fischer M, Khaiseb S, Freuling C, Höper D, Hoffmann B, Markotter W, Müller T, Nel LH 2013. Complete Genome and Molecular Epidemiological Data Infer the Maintenance of Rabies among Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) in Namibia. Plos ONE 8 (3) e58739
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Rabies among Kudu_Namibia_2013.pdf 599.4 KB
Paterson B, Kirchner C, Ommer RE 2013. A short history of the Namibian hake fishery—a socialecological analysis. Ecology and Society 18 (4) 66
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Paterson et al 2013 History Nam Hake ES-2013-5919.pdf 94.97 KB
Epps CW, Castillo JA, Schmidt-Küntzel A, du Preez P, Stuart-Hill G 2013. Contrasting historical and recent gene flow among African buffalo herds in the Caprivi Strip of Namibia. Journal of Heredity 104 (2) 172-181
Wolter K, Mundy P, Dube M 2013. Short communications, notes and reports: Incubation patch on a male Cape Griffon. Vulture News 65 37-39
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Incubation patch on a male Cape Griffon.pdf 162.66 KB
Weise FJ, Van Vuuren RJ, Echemet KE, Cleverley MP, Van Vuuren M 2013. Successful snakebite treatment in three juvenile African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) with polyvalent antivenom: A Namibian case report. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 84 (1)
Schachtschneider K, February EC 2013. Impact of Prosopis invasion on a keystone tree species in the Kalahari Desert. Plant Ecology 214 (4) 597-605
Lehmann D, Mfune JKE, Gewers E, Cloete J, Brain C, Voigt CC 2013. Dietary plasticity of generalist and specialist ungulates in the Namibian Desert: A Stable Isotopes Approach. Plos ONE 8 (8) e72190
Conway S 2013. Beyond Pine Cones: An Introduction to Gymnosperms. Arnoldia 70 (4) 1-13
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Beyond Pine Cones_An Introduction to Gymnosperms_2013.pdf 3.85 MB
Kolberg H 2013. Summary of the 2012 ringing year in Namibia. Afring News 42 14-18
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Summary of the 2012 ringing year in Namibia.pdf 325.57 KB
Bildstein KL 2013. Africa's migratory raptors - New techniques yield new insights. SWARA January-March 2013 60-63
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Keith Bildstein 2013.pdf 275.22 KB
Colpaert A, Matengu K, Polojärvi K 2013. Land use practices in Caprivi's changing political environment. Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (2) 141-162
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Land use practices in Caprivis changing political environment.pdf 556.02 KB
Hipondoka MHT, Kempf J, Jousse H 2013. Palaeo and Present Ecological Value of the Etosha Pan, Namibia: An Integrative Review. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 61 67-85
Bodart C, Brink AB, Donnay F, Lupi A, Mayaux P, Achard F 2013. Continental estimates of forest cover and forest cover changes in the dry ecosystems of Africa between 1990 and 2000. Journal of Biogeography 40 (6) 1036-1047
Liechti F, Witvliet W, Weber R, Bächler E 2013. First evidence of a 200-day non-stop flight in a bird. 2554
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First evidence of a 200 day non stop flight in a bird_2013.pdf 4.66 MB
Hipondoka MHT, Mauz B, Nande EMH, Bezuidenhout J 2013. Reconnaisssance survey of radioisotopes in soil and possible impact on seasonal anthrax outbreak at ENP Namibia. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia 2 (1) 59-69
Kolberg H 2013. Summary of the 2013 Summer Wetland Bird Counts in Namibia. Lanioturdus 46 (4) 27
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Summary of the 2013 Summer Wetland Bird Counts in Namibia.pdf 245.98 KB
Swanepoel W 2013. Layard's Tit-Babbler Parisoma layardi: North-western Range Extension in Namibia. Lanioturdus 46 (4) 21-22
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Layards Tit_Babbler Parisoma_Range extension.pdf 297.79 KB
Thomson N 2013. African Harrier-Hawks in Windhoek. Lanioturdus 46 (4) 18-21
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African Harrier-Hawks in Windhoek_2013.pdf 577.99 KB
Kolberg H 2013. Trends in Namibian Waterbird Populations 10: Gulls and Terns. Lanioturdus 46 (4) 12-18
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Trends in Namibian Waterbird populations.pdf 966.12 KB
Swanepoel W 2013. Red-eyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata in Namibia: New Records and Range Extension. Lanioturdus 46 (2) 16-19
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Red-eyed Dove Streptopelia.pdf 303.4 KB
2013. Lanioturdus, 46(2). Lanioturdus 46 (2)
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Lanioturdus - May 2013.pdf 2.62 MB
Thomson N 2013. Cattle Egrets in Namibia. Lanioturdus 46 (2) 6
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Cattle Egrets in Namibia.pdf 197.01 KB
Demasius E 2013. An Early Morning Hunting Episode. Lanioturdus 46 (2) 3-4
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An Early Morning Hunting Episode_2013.pdf 350.43 KB
Friederich G 2013. A Zambian Birding Experience Trip 3-6 July 2012 (Part 2). Lanioturdus 46 (2) 9-16
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A Zambian Birding Experience_Part 2_2013.pdf 1.1 MB
Demasius E 2013. A New Owl in the Swakop River. Lanioturdus 46 (4) 4-6
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A New Owl in the Swakop River_2013.pdf 832.86 KB
Wright AJ, Dolman SJ, Jasny M, Parsons ECM, Schiedek D, Young SB 2013. Myth and Momentum: A Critique of Environmental Impact Assessments. Journal of Environmental Protection 4 72-77
Enkono SG, Kalundu SK, Thomas B 2013. Analysis of factors influencing cattle off-take rate and marketing in Ndiyona constituency of Kavango region, Namibia. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 5 (9) 201-206
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Marketing in Ndiyona constituency of Kavango region_2013.pdf 410.69 KB
Leeney RH, Post K, Best PB, Hazevoet CJ, Elwen SH 2013. Pygmy right whale Caperea marginata records from Namibia. African Journal of Marine Science 35 (1) 133-139
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Pygmy right whale Caperea marginata records from Namibia.pdf 1.89 MB
Russel-Smith J, Monagle C, Jacobsohn M, Beatty RL, Bilbao B, Millan A, Vessuri H, Sanchez-Rose I 2013. Can savanna burning projects deliver measurable greenhouse emissions reductions and sustainable livelihood opportunities in fire-prone settings?. Climatic Change
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Climatic_Change_Springer Journal_Article_7Nov2013_Russel Smith.pdf 349.48 KB
Burke A 2013. Plant species of the Naute Game Park - an annotated inventory. Dinteria 33 3-11
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Plant species of the Naute Game Park.pdf 1.15 MB
Mogotsi K, Ulian T 2013. Conserving indigenous food plants in Botswana – the case of the morama bean. Samara 24 4
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Conserving indigenous food plants in Botswana.pdf 76.39 KB
Millennium Challenge Account Namibia 2013. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin, December, Issue 6. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin (6)
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INP Market Bulletin Issue VI _Dec 2013.pdf 2.19 MB

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