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2006. Bird observations and notes. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 18-27
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Bird observations and notes 39_1_2006.pdf 629.58 KB
Osborne T 2006. Birds of southern Africa - a review. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 16-18
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Birds of southern Africa_a review 2006.pdf 238.15 KB
Swanepoel W 2006. Levaillant's Cisticola Cisticola tinniens, a new bird for Namibia. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 14-15
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Levaillants Cisticola Cisticola tinnien_a new bird for Namibia.pdf 142.62 KB
Oschadleus HD, Franke U 2006. Roadside colony densities of three weaver species near Windhoek, Namibia. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 9-14
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Roadside colony densities of three weaver species near Windhoek.pdf 397.51 KB
Brown I, Cunningham PL, de Klerk M 2006. A comparative study of wetland birds at two dams in central Namibia. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 2-9
Vanderpost C 2006. Pathways of human sprawl in wilderness buffer zones. Population and Environment 27 (3) 285-306
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Pathways of human sprawl in wilderness buffer zones.pdf 708.42 KB
Meyburg B-U, Meyburg C, Matthes J, Matthes H 2006. GPS satellite tracking of Lesser Spotted Eagles Aquila pomarina: home range and territorial behaviour in the breeding area. Vogelwelt 127 127-144
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127-144-Meyburgua-Schreiadler.pdf 750.68 KB
Hipondoka MHT, Jousse H, Kempf J, Busche DE 2006. Fossil evidence for perennial lake conditions during the Holocene at Etosha Pan, Namibia. South Africa Journal of Science 102 93-95
Craven P, Vorster P 2006. Patterns of plant diversity and endimism in Namibia. Bothalia 36 (2) 175-189
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Patterns of plant diversity and endimism in Namibia.pdf 1.7 MB
New M, Hewitson B, Stephenson DB, Tsiga A, Kruger A, Manhique A, Gomez B, Coelho CAS, Masisi DN, Kululanga E, Mbambalala E, Adesina F, Saleh H, Kanyanga J, Adosi J, Bulane L, Fortunata L, Mdoka ML, Lajoie R 2006. Evidence of trends in daily climate extremes over southern and west Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984-2012) 111 (D14) 27
Nash DJ, Meadows ME, Gulliver VL 2006. Holocene environmental change in the Okavango Panhandle, northwest Botswana. Quaternary Science Reviews 25 (11-12) 1302-1322
Rohde RF, Moleele NM, Mphale M, Allsopp N, Chanda R, Hoffman MT, Magole L, Young E 2006. Dynamics of grazing policy and practice: environmental and social impacts in three communal areas of southern Africa. Environment: Science and Policy 9 (3) 302-316
Boyer D, Cole J, Bartholomae C 2006. Southwestern Africa: Northern Benguela Current Region. Marine Pollution Bulletin 41 (1-6) 123-140
Wilk J, Kniveton D, Andersson L, Layberry R, Todd MC, Hughes D, Ringrose S, Vanderpost C 2006. Estimating rainfall and water balance over the Okavango River Basin for hydrological applications. Journal of Hydrology 331 (1-2) 18-29
Inthorn M, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Zabel M 2006. A study of particle exchange at the sediment–water interface in the Benguela upwelling area based on 234Th/238U disequilibrium. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 53 (11) 1742-1761
Krah M, McCarthy TS, Huntsman-Mapila P, Wolski P, Annegarn H, Sethebe K 2006. Nutrient Budget in the Seasonal Wetland of the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Wetlands Ecology and Management 14 (3) 253-267
Rathbun GB, Rathbun CD 2006. Social monogamy in the noki or dassie-rat (Petromus typicus) in Namibia. Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 71 (4) 203-213
Hughes DA, Andersson L, Wilk J, Savenije HHG 2006. Regional calibration of the Pitman model for the Okavango River. Journal of Hydrology 331 (1-2) 30-42
Hutchings L, Verheye HM, Huggett JA, Demarq H, Cloete R, Barlow RG, Louw D, da Silva A 2006. 6 Variability of plankton with reference to fish variability in the Benguela current large marine ecosystem — An overview. Large Marine Ecosystems 14 91-124
Luyanga S, Miller R, Stage J 2006. Index number analysis of Namibian water intensity. Ecological Economics 57 (3) 374-381
Foster DA, Coyner SJ, Mueller PA, Kamenov GD, Gray DR, Goscombe B 2006. Linking metamorphism, deformation and geochronology of accessory phases: Examples from the Kaoko Belt, Namibia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (18) A182

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