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Becker H 2000. Penguins in danger. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 35-36
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Penguins in danger.pdf 200 KB
Mallet-Veale S 2000. Vulture ring recovery. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 35
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Vulture ring recovery.pdf 144.65 KB
Simmons RE 2000. Review of bird ringing in Namibia, 1997-1998. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 29-34
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Review of bird ringing in Namibia_1997_1998.pdf 371 KB
von Ludwiger K, Brand H-J 2000. Erste sichtung eines Glockenreihers in Sossusvlei. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 27-28
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Erste sichtung eines Glockenreihers in Sossusvlei_2000.pdf 228.77 KB
Mallet-Veale S, Schwennicke F 2000. Wetland count at Otjivero Dam. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 26-27
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Wetland count at Otjivero Dam.pdf 150.15 KB
Paxton M 2000. Ducking the ducks - Chobe River, June 2000. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 20-25
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Ducking the ducks_Chobe River_2000.pdf 291.67 KB
Paxton M 2000. July wetland bird count - Mahango Game Reserve. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 13-19
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July wetland bird count_Mahango Game Park.pdf 400.34 KB
Simmons R 2000. Peregrines and other raptors at Sandwich Harbour. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 8-13
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Peregrines and other raptors at Sandwich Harbour.pdf 302.89 KB
Kinahan J 2000. A note on the breeding of the Paradies Flycatcher in Windhoek. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 4-5
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A note on the breeding of the Paradies Flycather in Windhoek_2000.pdf 154.55 KB
de Lourdes Sardinha M 2000. The Marine Environment in Angola: Threats and Methods of Management. From A to B to Sea 8-9
de Vries JJ, Selaolo ET, Beekman HE 2000. Groundwater recharge in the Kalahari, with reference to paleo-hydrologic conditions. Journal of Hydrology 238 110-123
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De_Vries_Groundwater_Recharge_Kalahari.pdf 1015.79 KB
Simmonds ALE, Smalley TJ 2000. Kalahari aquifers in the Gam area of north-eastern Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 12 469-474
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Kalahari aquifers in the Gam area of north_eastern Namibia.pdf 755.03 KB
Shela ON 2000. Management of shared river basins: the case of the Zambezi River. Water Policy 2 65-81
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Management of shared river basins.pdf 438.05 KB
Glen HF, Perold SM 2000. Orbituaries - Otto Heinrich Volk (1903 - 2000). Bothalia 30 (2) 215-234
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Obituaries_Otto Heinrich Volk.pdf 699.96 KB
Mausfeld P, Vences M, Schmitz A, Veith M 2000. First Data on the Molecular Phylogeography of Scincid Lizards of the Genus Mabuya. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 17 (1) 11-14
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Molecular Phylogeography of Scincid Lizards.pdf 57.49 KB
Ramokate LV, Mapeo RMM, Corfu E, Kampunzu AB 2000. Proterozoic geology and regional correlation of the Ghanzi-Makunda area, western Botswana. Journal of African Earth Sciences 30 (3) 453-466
Hensen C, Zabel M, Schulz HD 2000. A comparison of benthic nutrient fluxes from deep-sea sediments off Namibia and Argentina. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 47 (9-11) 2029-2050
Herremans M, Herremans-Tonnoeyr D 2000. Land use and the conservation status of raptors in Botswana. Biological Conservation 94 (1) 31-41
Lancaster N, Schaber GG, Teller JT 2000. Orbital Radar Studies of Paleodrainages in the Central Namib Desert. Remote Sensing of Environment 71 (2) 216-225
Bruyns PV 2000. Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Stapeliads. Plant Systematics and Evolution 221 (3-4) 227-244
Maggs-Kölling GL, Madsen S, Christiansen JL 2000. A phenetic analysis of morphological variation in Citrullus lanatus in Namibia. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 47 (4) 385-393
Higgins S, Bond WJ, Trollope WSW 2000. Fire, resprouting and variability: a recipe for grass-tree coexistence in savanna. Journal of Ecology 88 213-229
Stollhofen H, Stanistreet IG, Bangert B, Grill H 2000. Tuffs, tectonism and glacially related sea-level changes, Carboniferous-Permian, southern Namibia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 161 (1-2) 127-150
Jensen S, Saylor BZ, Gehling JG, Germs GJB 2000. Complex trace fossils from the terminal Proterozoic of Namibia. Geology 28 (2) 143-146
Leprieur C, Kerr YH, Mastorchio S, Meunier JC 2000. Monitoring vegetation cover across semi-arid regions: Comparison of remote observations from various scales. International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 (2) 281-300
Courtin F, Carpenter TE, Paskin RD, Chomel BB 2000. Temporal patterns of domestic and wildlife rabies in central Namibia stock-ranching area, 1986-1996. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 43 (1) 13-28
Dahlberg AC 2000. Landscape(s) in Transition: an Environmental History of a Village in North-east Botswana. Journal of Southern African Studies 26 (4) 760-782

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