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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 133Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Naky KA, Knight MH 1994. Energy, water, and food use by springbok antelope (Antidorcas marsupialis) in the Kalahari Desert. Journal of Mammalogy 75 (4) 860-872
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Marker-Kraus L, Kraus D 1994. The Namibian free-ranging cheetah. Environmental Conservation 21 (4) 369-370
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The Namibian free_ranging cheetah.pdf 555.42 KB
Besler H, Blümel WD, Heine K, Hüser K, Leser H, Rust U 1994. Geomorphogenese und Paläoklima Namibias - Eine Problemskizze. Die Erde 125 139-165
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Geomorphogenese und Palaeoklima Namibias_Eine Problemskizze.pdf 9.23 MB
Lageat Y 1994. Le désert du Namib central. Annales de Géographie 578 339-360
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Le desert du Namib central.pdf 11.83 MB
Jacobson K 1994. The ephemeral rivers of the Namib. Namib Bulletin 11 7-9
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The ephemeral rivers of the Namib.pdf 1.59 MB
Jacobson K 1994. Fungi in the desert. Namib Bulletin 11 9-12
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Fungi in the desert.pdf 1.21 MB
Pickford M, Mein P, Senut B 1994. Fossiliferous Neogene karst fillings in Angola, Botswana and Namibia. South Africa Journal of Science 90 (4) 227-230
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Fossiliferous Neogene karst fillings_Namibia.pdf 422.27 KB
Carney JN, Aldiss DT, Lock NP 1994. The Geology of Botswana. Geological Survey Department Bulletin Series 37
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The_Geology_of_Botswana.pdf 10.88 MB
Huntley BG, Matos EM 1994. Botanical diversity and its conservation in Angola. Strelitzia 1 53-74
Lindeque PM, Turnbull PCB 1994. Ecology and epidemiology of anthrax in the Etosha National Park, Namibia. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 61 (1) 71 - 83
Webb PI, Skinner JD 1994. The dormice (Myoxidae) of southern Africa. Hystrix 6 (1-2) 287-293
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The dormice_Myoxidae_ of southern Africa..pdf 140.19 KB
Dunk JR, Cooper RJ 1994. Territory-size regulation in Black-Shouldered Kites. Auk 111 (3) 588 - 595
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Territory_size regulation in Black_Shouldered Kites.pdf 641.99 KB
Jones G, Rydell J 1994. Foraging strategy and predation risk as factors influencing emergence time in echolocating bats. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B- Biological Sciences 346 (1318) 445 - 455
Berger J, Cunningham C, Gawuseb AA 1994. The Uncertainty of Data and Dehorning Black Rhinos. Conservation Biology 8 (4) 1149-1152
Dingeldey DP, Dürr SB, Charlesworth EG, Franz L, Okrusch M, Stanistreet IG 1994. A geotraverse through the northern coastal branch of the Damaran orogen west of Sesfontein, Namibia. Journal of African Earth Sciences 19 (4) 315-329
Koeberl C 1994. African meteorite impact craters: characteristics and geological importance. Journal of African Earth Sciences 18 (4) 263-295
Reimold WU, Koeberl C, Bishop J 1994. Roter Kamm impact crater, Namibia: Geochemistry of basement rocks and breccias. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58 (12) 2689-2710
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Roter Kamm impact crater_Namibia.pdf 2.29 MB
von Willert DJ 1994. Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. fil. - das Überlebenswunder der Namibwüste. Naturwissenschaften 8 (10) 430-442
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Welwitschia mirabilis Hook.pdf 187.81 KB
van Rooyen N, Bredenkamp GJ, Theron GK, Bothma J du P, Le Riche EAN 1994. Vegetational gradients around artificial watering points in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Journal of Arid Environments 26 (4) 349-361
Shackleton CM, Griffin NJ, Banks DI, Mavrandonis JM, Shackleton SE 1994. Community structure and species composition along a disturbance gradient in a communally managed South African savanna. Plant Ecology 115 (2) 157 - 167
Widen P 1994. Habitat quality for raptors - a field experiment. Journal of Avian Biology 25 (3) 219 – 223
Harrison JA, Allan DG, van Hensbergen HJ 1994. Automated habitat annotation of bird species lists - an aid in environmental consultancy. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 65 (3-4) 316 – 328
Mooring MS, Mazhowu W, Scott CA 1994. The effect of rainfall on tick challenge at Kyle recreational park, Zimbabwe. Experimental and Applied Acarology 18 (9) 507 - 520

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