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Ledger J, Mundy P 1978. Cape Vulture recovery data. 7 (2) 21 - 31
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Cape Vulture recovery data.pdf 413.8 KB
Gressmann R 1978. Beobachtungen Farm Klein-Huis, Grootfontein, SWA. Lanioturdus 14 (7/8/9) 4-5
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Observations on Farm Klein_Huis_Grootfontein_1978.pdf 209.81 KB
1978. Winterortstreue beim Neuntöter (Lanius collurio). Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 14 (7-9) 2-6
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Wintering location of the Red_backed Shrike.pdf 270.18 KB
Sydow W 1978. Ein interessanter Neunachweis. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 14 (5-6) 3-4
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An interesting new record_Woodland Kingfisher_1978.pdf 284.76 KB
Pesch V 1978. Vogelbeobachtungen in der Etoscha Pfanne, 18-24 September 1977. Lanioturdus 14 (1-2) 2-3
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Vogelbeobachtungen in der Etoscha Pfanne_1978.pdf 225.21 KB
Kolberg H, Kolberg H 1978. Beobachtungen an den Swakopmunder Klaerteichen. Lanioturdus 14 (1-2) 1
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Beobachtungen an den Swakopmunder Klaerteichen_1978.pdf 225.21 KB
Hövermann J 1978. Formen und Formung in der Pränamib (Flächen-Namib). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 30 55-73
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Formen und Formung in der Praenamib.pdf 12.05 MB
Gebhardt E 1978. Die gegenwärtige Verbreitung vom Haussperling, Star und Buchfink in Südafrika. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 14 (12) 1 - 3
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Die gegenwaertige Verbreitung vom Haussperling_1978.pdf 373.29 KB
Farkas T 1978. Notes on the birds of the South-West Kalahari. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 29 418 - 439
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Notes on the birds of the South_West Kalahari.pdf 8.33 MB
Dean WRJ 1978. An analysis of avian stomach contents from southern Africa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 98 10 - 13
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An analysis of avian stomach contents from SA_1978.pdf 1.44 MB
Clement AJ 1978. Forbidden territory in Namibia. Geographical Magazine 51 (2) 129 - 136
Brooke RK, Sinclair JC 1978. Preliminary list of southern African seabirds. Cormorant 4 10 - 17
Hamilton III WJ, Buskirk RE, Buskirk WH 1978. Omnivory and Utilization of Food Resources by Chacma Baboons, Papio ursinus. The American Naturalist 112 (987) 911-924
Rundel PW 1978. Ecological Relationships of Desert Fog Zone Lichens. The Bryologist 81 (2) 277 - 293
Tree AJ 1978. Biology of the Greenshank in southern Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 50 (4) 240 - 251
Thiollay J-M 1978. Population structure and seasonal fluctuations of the Falconiformes in Uganda National Parks. East African Wildlife Journal 16 (3) 145 - 151
Summer R, Whitelaw S 1978. Curlew Sandpiper caught by a mussel. Bokmakierie 30 39
Sauer EGF 1978. Innerrartliche Aggression beim südafrikanischen Strauss. Namib und Meer 8 39 - 51
Penzhorn B 1978. Twee weke in Kaokoland. Bokmakierie 30 72 - 76
Johnson P, Frost PGH 1978. Damara Tern. 25 5
Frost PGH, Johnson P 1978. Conserving the Damara Tern. Optima 27 106 - 107
Dixon JEW 1978. A preliminary investigation of some economic factors involved in the hunting of game birds. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 8 81 - 82
Seaman MT, Scott WE, Walmsley RD, van der Waal BCW, Toerien DF 1978. A limnological investigation of Lake Liambezi, Caprivi. Journal of the Limnological Society of southern Africa 4 (2) 129-144
Carruthers VC, Passmore NI 1978. A note on Breviceps macrops Boulenger. The Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 18 (1) 13-15
Picker MD, Samways MJ 1978. Faunal diversity and endemicity of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa - A first assessment. Biodiversity and Conservation (5) 591-606
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Faunal diversity and endemicity of the Cape Peninsula.pdf 4.62 MB
Obermeyer AA 1978. Ornithogalum: a revision of the southern African species. Bothalia (12) 323-376
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Ornithogalum_a revision of the southern African species.pdf 14.56 MB
Clinning CF 1978. The biology and conservation of the Damara Tern in South West Africa. Madoqua 11 (1) 31 - 39
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Clinning_1978_Madoqua_11_1_Damara_Tern.pdf 1.94 MB
Clinning CF 1978. Breeding of the Caspian Tern in South West Africa. Cormorant 5 15 - 16
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Breeding of the Caspian Tern in South West Africa.pdf 121.93 KB
Clinning CF 1978. On the occurrence of two egg 'clutches' in the Lappet-faced Vulture. Madoqua 11 (1) 77 - 79
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Clinning_1978_Madoqua_11_1_lappetfaced_vulture.pdf 552.97 KB

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