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Displaying results 1 - 19 of 19Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Bollig M 2006. Hazards and Damages. Risk Management in a Hazardous Environment 65-143
Sander H, Bollig M, Schulte A 1998. Himba Paradise Lost: Stability, degradation, and pastoralist management of the Omuhonga Basin (Namibia). Die Erde 129 301 - 315
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Himba Paradise Lost.pdf 2.56 MB
Bollig M 2013. Social-ecological change and institutional development in a pastoral community in north-western Namibia. Pastoralism in Africa: Past, Present, and Futures Bollig M, Schnegg M, Wotzka HP 316-340
Bollig M, Brunotte E, Becker T 2002. Interdisziplinäre perspektiven zu Kultur- und Landschaftswandel im ariden und semiariden Nordwest Namibia.
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KGA 77.pdf 219.9 KB
Bollig M, Vehrs H-P 2020. Abundant herds: Accumulation, herd management, and land-use patterns in a conservation area. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 10 (20)
Kalvelage L, Revilla Diez J, Bollig M How much remains? Local value capture from tourism in Zambezi, Namibia. Tourism Geographies
Bollig M, Vogelsang R 2020. Besiedlungsgeschichte und rezente Siedlungsgeschichte im Nordwesten Namibias. Kölner Geographische Arbeiten 77 145-158
Müller B, Linstädter A, Frank K, Bollig M, Wissel C 2007. Learning from local knowledge: modeling the pastoral-nomadic range management of the Himba, Namibia. Ecological Applications 17 (7) 1857-1875
Menestrey Schwieger DA, Bollig M, Olwage E, Schnegg M 2024. The emergence of a hybrid hydro-scape in northern Kunene. Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: Conservation Histories, Policies and Practices in North-west Namibia Sullivan S, Dieckmann U, Lendelvo S 219-241
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The emergence of a hybrid hydro_scape in northern Kunene.pdf 520.23 KB
Bollig M 2023. Drought, disaster, and identity in north-western Namibia in times of global climate change. Climate Change Epistemologies in Southern Africa: Social and Cultural Dimensions Ahrens J, Halbmayer E 24-48

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