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Displaying results 1 - 4 of 4Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Joos-Vandewalle S, Wynberg R, Alexander KA 2018. Dependencies on natural resources in transitioning urban centers of northern Botswana. Ecosystem Services (30) 342-349
Alexander KA, McNutt JW, Briggs MB, Stander PE, Funston P, Hemson G, Keet D, Van Vuuren M 2010. Multi-host pathogens and carnivore management in southern Africa. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 33 249-265
Turner WC, Périquet S, Goelst CE, Vera KB, Cameron EZ, Alexander KA, Belant JL, Cloete CC, du Preez P, Getz WM, Hetem RS, Kamath PL, Mackenzie M, Mendelsohn J, Mfune JKE, Muntifering JR, Portas R, Scott HA, Strauss WM, Versfeld W, Wachter B, Wittemyer G, Kilian JW 2022. Africa's drylands in a changing world: Challenges for wildlife conservation under climate and land-use changes in the Greater Etosha Landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation 38 e02221

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