community forest

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 121 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Erkkilä A, Siiskonen H 1992. Forestry in Namibia 1850-1990.
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Forestry in Namibia 1850_1990.pdf 43.08 MB
2007. Map of Ncumcara community forest.
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Ncumcara community forest.jpg 165.94 KB
2007. Map of Ncaute community forest.
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Ncaute community forest.jpg 148.83 KB
2007. Map of Mkata community forest.
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Ncamagoro community forest.jpg 149.19 KB
2007. Map of Mkata community forest.
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Mkata community forest.jpg 157.83 KB
2007. Map of Mbeyo community forest.
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Mbeyo community forest.jpg 171.77 KB
2007. Map of Hans-Kanyinga community forest.
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Hans_kanyinga community forest.jpg 164.95 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Community forest.
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Community forests.jpg 1.59 MB
Hanssen L, Funston P, Fwelimbi MH, Siyanga O 2016. Human-Lion conflict in the Mudumu South Complex, Zambezi Region, Namibia - Report February 2015.
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Human-Lion Conflict in the MSC_Report March 2015.pdf 738.35 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2014. In Africa, what happens inside parks depends on what happens around the parks.
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The State of Communal Conservation in Africa 2013_Poster.pdf 467.46 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2014. The state of community conservation in Namibia - at a glance poster.
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2014. The state of community conservation in Namibia - Poster.
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The State of Communal Conservation in Namibia 2013_Poster.pdf 840.38 KB
Kojwang HO 2005. Forest Outlook studies in Africa (FOSA) - Namibia.
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Forest Outlook studies in Africa.pdf 196.04 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 61: Declaration of area as Zilitene Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 22
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Declaration of area as Zilitene Community Forest.pdf 890.49 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 60: Declaration of area as Sanitatas Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 20
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Declaration of area as Sanitatas Community Forest.pdf 1.44 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 59: Declaration of area as Sachona Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 19
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Declaration of area as Sachona Community Forest.pdf 1.43 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 58: Declaration of area as Puros Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 18
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Declaration of area as Puros Community Forest.pdf 1.34 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 57: Declaration of area as Otjiu-West Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 17
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Declaration of area as Otjiu-West Community Forest.pdf 1.43 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 56: Declaration of area as Oshaampula Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 16
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Declaration of area as Oshaampula Community Forest.pdf 1.48 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 55: Declaration of area as Orupembe Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 15
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Declaration of area as Orupembe Community Forest.pdf 1.48 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 53: Declaration of area as Ohepi Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 13
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Declaration of area as Ohepi Community Forest ren.pdf 1.47 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 51: Declaration of area as Nyae Nyae Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 11
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Declaration of area as Nyae Nyae Community Forest ren.pdf 1.49 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 50: Declaration of area as Muduva Nyangana Community Forest. 10
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Declaration of area as Muduva Nyangana Community Forest ren.pdf 1.67 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 47: Declaration of area as Katope Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 6
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Declaration of area as Katope Community Forest ren.pdf 1.59 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 46: Declaration of area as Kahenge Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 5
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Declaration of area as Kahenge Community Forest ren.pdf 1.67 MB
Schusser C, Krott M, Yufanyi Movuh MC, Logmani J, Devkota RR, Maryudi A, Salla M 2016. Comparing community forestry actors in Cameroon, Indonesia, Namibia, Nepal and Germany. Forest Policy and Economics 68 81-87
Porter-Bolland E, Ellis EA, Guariguata MR, Ruiz-Mallén I, Negrete-Yankelevich S, Reyes-García V 2012. Community managed forests and forest protected areas: An assessment of their conservation effectiveness across the tropics. Forest Ecology and Management 268 6-17