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Displaying results 301 - 350 of 875 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Gumbricht T, Wolski P, Frost P, McCarthy TS 2004. Forecasting the spatial extent of the annual flood in the Okavango delta, Botswana. Journal of Hydrology 290 (3-4) 178-191
Okeyo DO, Mubita G, Harris TK, Sahombu DE, Namundjanga J, Mulonga S, Kapirika S 2004. Indigenous names of fish and fishing gear in the Cuvelai, Kavango and Caprivi regions of Namibia. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences 29 (2) 249-258
King J, Beuster H, Brown C, Joubert A 2014. Pro-active management: the role of environmental flows in transboundary cooperative planning for the Okavango River system. Hydrological Sciences Journal (Special Issue: Hydrological Science for Environmental Flows) 59 (3-4) 786-800
Hamandawana H, Chanda R, Eckardt F 2007. The role of human factors in the degradation of natural resources in and around the Okavango Delta, Botswana. International Journal of Environmental Studies (Special Issue: Africa) 64 (5) 587-603
McCarthy TS 1993. The great inland deltas of Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 17 (3) 275 - 291
Ellery WN, McCarthy TS 1994. Principles for the sustainable utilization of the Okavango Delta ecosystem, Botswana. Biological Conservation 70 159 - 168
Fisch M 1985. Ursprung und bedeutung des namens Okavango. Journal of the South West African Scientific Society 1985 - 86 - 1986 - 87
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McCarthy J, Gumbricht T, McCarthy TS 2005. Ecoregion classification in the Okavango Delta, Botswana from multitemporal remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing 26 (19) 4339-4357
Ramberg L, Lindholm M, Hessen D, Murray-Hudson M, Bonyongo C, Heinl M, Masamba W, Vanderpost C, Wolski P 2010. Aquatic ecosystem responses to fire and flood size in the Okavango Delta: observations from the seasonal floodplains. Wetlands Ecology and Management 18 (5) 587-595
Bonyongo MC, Bredenkamp GJ, Veenendaal E 2000. Floodplain vegetation in the Nxaraga Lagoon area, Okavango Delta, Botswana. South African Journal of Botany 66 (1) 15-21
Hughes DA, Kingston DG, Todd MC 2011. Uncertainty in water resources availability in the Okavango River Basin as a result of climate change. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 15 931-941
Vushe A, Haimene EP, Mashauri D 2014. Namibian land use changes and nutrient water quality of the Okavango River. Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 3 (2) 219-239
Kniveton D, Layberry R, Andersson L, Gumbricht T, Hughes D, Ringrose S, Savenije H, Todd M, Wilk J, Wolski P Satellite based rainfall data and flooding over the Okavango River basin in southern Africa.
Green OO, Cosens BA, Garmestani AS 2013. Resilience in transboundary water governance: the Okavango River Basin. Ecology and Society 18 (2) 23
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Resilience in Transboundary Water Governance_the Okavango River.pdf 325.92 KB
Cooper RT, Morrison M 2012. Okavango Collections: Sharing environmental information resources of the Cubango-Okavango River Basin. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research 7 508-535
King JM, Brown CA, Barnes J 2009. Final IFA Project Report. 44
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Okavango Basin Environmental Flows Assessment Project_2009.pdf 1.63 MB
Kipping J, Suhling F Dragonflies of the Okavango River system.
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Dragonflies of the Okavango River system.pdf 283.71 KB
Seiner F, Esche HV 1977. Die Buschmänner des Okavango and Sambesigebietes der Nord-Kalahari. Botswana Notes and Records 9 31-36
Pröpper M, Gröngröft A, Falk T, Eschenbach A, Fox T, Gessner U, Hecht J, Hinz MO, Huettich C 2010. Causes and perspectives of land-cover change through expanding cultivation in Kavango. 3 1-31
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2004. Okavango River - The Flow of a Lifeline.
Mendelsohn J, van der Post C, Ramberg L, Murray-Hudson M, Wolski P, Mosepele K 2010. Okavango Delta - Floods of Life.
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2003. Sand and Water - A profile of the Kavango Region.
Kgathi DL, Kniveton D, Ringrose S, Turton AR, van der Post CHM, Lundqvist J, Seely M Okavango: a river supporting its people, environment and economic development. Journal of Hydrology 331 (1-2) 3-17
Mbaiwa JE 2015. Ecotourism in Botswana: 30 years later. Journal of Ecotourism (14) 204-222
Mogobe O, Mosimanyana E, Masamba WRL, Mosepele K 2018. Monitoring water quality of the Upper Okavango Delta. Climate change and adaptive land management in southern Africa - assessments, changes, challenges, and solutions 106-111
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2013. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region. Biodiversity and Ecology 5
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Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region_2013.pdf 3.26 MB
Gröngröft A, Luther-Mosebach J, Landschreiber L, Kowalski B 2013. A method for yield assessment on rainfed dryland agricultural fields. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 279–286
Grönemeyer J, Berkelmann D, Mubyana-John T, Haiyambo D, Chimwamurombe P, Kasaona B, Hurek T, Reinhold-Hurek B 2013. A survey for plant-growth-promoting rhizo-bacteria and symbionts associated with crop plants in the Okavango region of Southern Africa. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 287–294
Schneibel A, Stellmes M, Revermann R, Finckh M Agricultural expansion during the post-civil war period in southern Angola based on bi-temporal Landsat data. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 311-319