
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 3301 - 3350 of 3971 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Krecek RC, Boomker J, Penzhorn BL, Scheepers L 1990. Internal Parasites of Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis) from Etosha National Park, Namibia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 26 (3) 395-397
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Internal Parasites of Giraffes from Etosha National Park.pdf 498.09 KB
van Schalkwyk DL, McMillin KW, Witthuhn RC, Hoffman LC 2010. The contribution of wildlife to sustainable natural resource utilization in Namibia: A review. Sustainability 2 (11) 3479-3499
Mpofu J 2023. Gold panner up for poaching.
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ZIM_2023_09_Gold panner up for poaching_NewsDay.pdf 202.31 KB
Bothoko P 2023. Cape pangolin poaching on the rise.
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BOT_202309_Cape pangolin poaching on the rise_Mmegi Online.pdf 295.21 KB
Hattingh E 2023. Illegal logging claims at Avis Dam.
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NAM_2023_09_Illegal logging claims at Avis Dam_Namibian Sun.pdf 317.34 KB