Suspended cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a country. (Source: UVAROVa)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 288 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Wagner K-H, Scott A, Scott M 2014. Update on power line monitoring and mitigation.
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EAPAN 2014 mini conference proceeding.pdf 1.01 MB
Ledger JA, Hobbs JCA 1999. Raptor use and abuse of powerlines in southern Africa. Journal of Raptor Research 33 (1) 49-52
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Raptor use and abuse of powerlines in southern Africa.pdf 437.59 KB
2018. Nampower substations January 2018.
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Attachment Size 9.25 KB
substations_2018.kml 259.69 KB
Dwyer JF, Pandey AK, McHale LA, Harness RE 2019. Near-ultraviolet light reduced Sandhill Crane collisions with a power line by 98%. The Condor 121 (2)
2011. Powerlines and birds: Powerlines surveyed.
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Powerlines surveyed.kmz 143.89 KB
2015. Powerlines and birds: Incidents reported.
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Incidents.kmz 143.89 KB