marine fauna

Animals which live in the sea. (Source: PHC)

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Displaying results 151 - 181 of 181 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Shannon LJ, Crawford RJM 1999. Management of the African Penguin Spheniscus demersus – insights from modelling. Marine Ornithology 27 119-128
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Shannon_1999_Marine_Ornith_penguins.pdf 455.11 KB
Crawford RJM, Dyer BM, Kemper J, Simmons RE, Upfold L 2007. Trends in numbers of Cape Cormorants (Phalacrocorax capensis) over a 50-year period, 1956-57 to 2006-08. Emu 107 1 - 9
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Trends in numbers of Cape Cormorants.pdf 253.71 KB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2008. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the coastal areas of the Erongo and Kunene Regions.
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Coastal-SEA_Kunene-Erongo_Summary.pdf 1.54 MB
Lawson GW 1990. The marine algal flora of Namibia: Its distribution and affinities. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History 20 (2) 153 - 168
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The marine algal flora of Namibia.pdf 7.93 MB
Currie H, Grobler K, Kemper J 2008. Namibian Islands' Marine Protected Area.
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Namibian islands Marine Protected Area WWF report.pdf 4.86 MB
Findlay KP, Best PB, Ross GJB, Cockcroft VG 1992. The distribution of small Odontocete Cetaceans off the coast of South Africa and Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 237 - 270
Kemper J, Underhill LG, Crawford RJM, Kirkman SP 2007. Chapter 42: Revision of the conservation status of seabirds and seals breeding in the Benguela Ecosystem. Final report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) project on top predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME 325-342
Boyer DC, Hampton I 2001. An overview of the living marine resources of Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 23 5 - 35
Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) 2017. High-seas heroes saving albatrosses from extinction: A decade of success. 102-105
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High_seas heroes saving albatrosses from extinction.pdf 254.58 KB
Clarke DT, Paterson GLJ, Florence WK, Gibbons MJ 2010. A new species of Magelona (Polychaeta: Magelonidae) from southern Namibia. African Natural History 6 77-82
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A new species of Magelona from southern Namibia_2010.pdf 423.58 KB
Gibbons MJ, Sulaiman A, Hissman K, Schauer J, McMillan I, Wickens PA 2000. Video observations on the habitat association of demersal nekton in the midshelf benthic environment off the Orange River, Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 22 1-7
Elwen SH, Reeb D, Thornton M, Best PB 2009. A population estimate of Heaviside’s dolphins, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii, at the southern end of their range. Marine Mammal Science 24 (1) 107-124
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A population estimate of Heavisides dolphins_2009.pdf 410.66 KB
Elwen S, Meÿer MA, Best PB, Kotze PGH, Thornton M, Swanson S 2006. Range and Movements of Female Heaviside's Dolphins (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii), as Determined by Satellite-Linked Telemetry. Journal of Mammalogy 87 (5) 866-877
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Range and Movements of Female Heavisidess Dolphins.pdf 477 KB
Zimmer C 1916. Crustacea IV: Cumacea und Schizopoda. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas 56-67
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Crustacea IV_Cumacea und Schizopoda_1916.pdf 7.66 MB
Balss H 1916. Crustacea III: Stomatopoda. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas 47-52
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Crustacea III_Stomatopoda_1916.pdf 3.16 MB
Balss H 1916. Crustacea II: Decapoda Macrura und Anomura (außer Farn. Paguridae). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas 14-46
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Crustacea II_Decapoda Macrura und Anomura_1916.pdf 18.13 MB
Pesta H 1916. Crustacea I: Copepoda. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas 1-10
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Crustacea I_Copepoda_1916.pdf 5.29 MB
Penrith MJ 1982. Notes on marine fishes collected in the vicinity of Bosluisbaai. Madoqua 13 (2) 159-168
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Notes on marine fishes collected in the vicinity of Bosluisbaai.pdf 788.68 KB
Griffin M, Loutit R 1987. Dorsal Pigment Pattern in Living Heaviside's Dolphin, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii. Madoqua 15 (2) 189-191
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Dorsal Pigment Pattern in Living Heavisides Dolphin_1987.pdf 588.86 KB
Stuart CT 1975. Marine fauna collected at Sandwich Harbour, Namib Desert Park, South West Africa. Madoqua II 4 (74-80) 101-102
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Marine fauna collected at Sandwich Harbour.pdf 87.91 KB