livestock farming

Breeding of cattle, horses and similar animals. (Source: CEDa)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 301 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Blench R, Sommer F 1999. Understanding rangeland biodiversity.
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Understanding rangeland biodiversity.pdf 344.52 KB
Botha CJ, Schultz RA, van der Lugt JJ, Archer C 2000. A krimpsiekte-like syndrome in small stock poisoned by Ornithogalum toxicarium Archer and Archer. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 71 (1) 6-9
2002. 5.29 Livestock density.
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Fig 5.29 Livestock 143.89 KB
2002. 5.29 Livestock density - grid.
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Fig 5.29 Livestock density - 143.89 KB
2002. Vet fence.
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Vet 143.89 KB
Schumann M, Schumann B, Dickman AJ, Watson LH, Marker LL 2006. Assessing the use of swing gates in game fences as a potential non-lethal predator exclusion technique. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 36 (2) 173-181
Magole L, Thapelo T 2005. The impact of extreme flooding of the Okavango River on the livelihood of the molapo farming community of Tubu village, Ngamiland sub-district, Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 125-137
Dangerfield JM, Veendendaal EM, Riddoch BJ, Black H 1992. Termites and land use in south-east Botswana: Variety and abundance of termite surface features. Botswana Notes and Records 24 165-179
O'Connor TG, Puttick JR, Hoffman MT 2014. Bush encroachment in southern Africa: changes and causes. African Journal of Range and Forage Science (Special Issue: Bush encroachment - changes, causes, consequences and cures) 31 (2) 67-88
2002. 5.29 Carrying capacity - grid.
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Fig 5.29 Carrying 143.89 KB
2002. 5.29 Carrying capacity.
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Fig 5.29 Carrying capacity - 143.89 KB
Potgieter GC, Marker LL, Avenant NL, Kerley GIH 2013. Why Namibian Farmers Are Satisfied With the Performance of Their Livestock Guarding Dogs. Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal (18) 403-415
Rust NA, Marker LL 2013. Cost of carnivore coexistence on communal and resettled land in Namibia. Environmental Conservation (41) 45–53
Kowalski B, Azebaze N, Domptail S, Große LM, Pröpper M 2013. Mashare - The People. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 121-128
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Mashare_The People.pdf 1.66 MB
Große LM, Kowalski B, Domptail S, Eigner A 2013. Seronga - The People. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 147-158
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Seronga_The People.pdf 2.26 MB
Hanssen L, Fwelimbi MH, Balyerwa Conservancy, Dzoti Conservancy, Kabulabula Conservancy, Kasika Conservancy, Lusese Conservancy, Mashi Conservancy, Nakabolelwa Conservancy, Sangwali Conservancy, Sobbe Conservancy, Wuparo Conservancy 2019. Human-Lion Conflict Mitigation in the Zambezi Region, Namibia Report March 2019.
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Human_Lion Conflict Mitigation in the Zambezi Region 2019.pdf 1.62 MB
Engler J-O, von Wehrden H, Baumgärtner S 2019. Determinants of farm size and stocking rate in Namibian commercial cattle farming. Land Use Policy (81) 232-246
Samkange A, Kandiwa E, Mushonga B, Bishi A, Muradzikwa E, Madzingira O 2019. Conception rates and calving intervals of different beef breeds at a farm in the semi-arid region of Namibia. Tropical Animal Health and Production
van der Waal C, Angerer J, Kruger B, Lindeque P, Haiduwa T, Kanduvarisa A, Witneben F Monitoring rangelands from space: Early warning system for Namibian livestock farmers.
Domptail SE, Dreber N, Falk T, Gibreel T, Kirk M, Limpricht C, Naumann C, Prediger S, Vollan B, Wesuls D 2010. An ecological-economic analysis of the pastoral systems of the Nama Karoo in southern Namibia. Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 3: Implications for landuse and management 3 75–107
Wesuls D, Strohbach M, Horn A, Kos M, Zimmermann J, Hoffmann J, Geldenhuys C, Dreber N, Kellermann L, van Rooyen MW, Poschlod P 2010. Plant functional traits and types as a tool to analyse landuse impacts on vegetation. Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale 222–232
Siegmund-Schultze M, Lange F, Schneiderat U, Steinbacher J 2012. Performance, management and objectives of cattle farming on communal ranges in Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 80 65–73