
Excursions to relatively untouched lands, which for the tourist promise the chance to observe unusual wildlife and indigenous inhabitants. The travel industry, in an attempt to market adventure and authenticity to those travellers weary of civilisation promote travel to environments free of modern technology. Ecotourism's inherent contradiction is the promotion of untouched lands which immediately become touched by the hands of tourism. (Source: WPR)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 265 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Stein AB, Fuller TK, Damery DT, Sievert L, Marker LL 2010. Farm management and economic analyses of leopard conservation in north-central Namibia. Animal Conservation 13 419-427
Environmental Evaluation Associates of Namibia (EEAN) 1997. Report on Tourism Data in Kunene Region. Ministry of Environment and Tourism.
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Report on tourism data in Kunene Region.pdf 3.91 MB
Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) 2014. Rapid Strategic Environmental Assessment of the fourth National Development Plan and Associated Policies and Strategies in Namibia.
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RapidSEAon4NDP.pdf 4.18 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 1995. Promotion of community based tourism.
Vanderpost C 2006. Pathways of human sprawl in wilderness buffer zones. Population and Environment 27 (3) 285-306
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Pathways of human sprawl in wilderness buffer zones.pdf 708.42 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1988. Government Notices, No. 184: Declaration of Game Park: Naute Recreation Resort,. 438
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Gazette Naute Recreation Resort_1988.pdf 2.28 MB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S, Roberts C 2000. A profile of north-central Namibia.
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Profile of north_central Namibia.pdf 40.39 MB
National Monuments Council of Namibia 2003. Conference proceedings. Giving the past a future: Sustainable tourism for rock art sites in Namibia, 20th to 24th Oktober 2003
Namibia Community Based Tourism Assistance Trust (NACOBTA) 2002. Namibia north-west tourism options plan (phase II).
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Namibia_North_West_Tourism_Options_Plan_Phase_II_NACOBTA_2002.pdf 7.7 MB
Central Statistics Office 2000. Statistical Bulletin.
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Statisical bulletin june 2000.pdf 47.58 MB
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Rural Development (MAWRD) 2002. Water Demand Management Study of Namibian Tourist Facilities.
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Water demand management study of namibian tourist facilities.pdf 42.06 MB
Novelli M, Humavindu MN 2005. Chapter 14 – Wildlife tourism: Wildlife use vs local gain: trophy hunting in Namibia. Niche Tourism - Contemporary issues, trends and cases 171-182
Reyers B 2013. Conserving Biodiversity Outside Protected Areas. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity Second Edition 289-305