Structure constructed across a watercourse or stream channel. (Source: LANDY)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 85 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Douglas CMS, Mulligan M, Harrison XA, Henschel JR, Pettorelli N, Cowlishaw G 2016. Widespread dieback of riparian trees on a dammed ephemeral river and evidence of local mitigation by tributary flows. PeerJ 4 e2622
Mannheimer C 1987. Fair warning. Lanioturdus 23 (1) 10-11
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Black_tailed godwitt_1987.pdf 154.54 KB
Simmons R 1993. Namibia's third national wetland bird survey, July 1992. Lanioturdus 27 9-12
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Namibias third national wetland bird survey_July 1992.pdf 315.59 KB
Simmons R 1997. Namibian wetland bird counts for 1997. Lanioturdus 30 (3) 27-31
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Namibian wetland bird counts for 1997.pdf 370.79 KB
McGivern D 1997. Von Bach Dam bird list. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 21
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Von Bach Dam bird list.pdf 152.05 KB
Boix-Hinzen C 1999. Interesting bird sightings from Daan Viljoen Game Reserve. Lanioturdus 32 (1) 24-27
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Interesting bird sightings from Daan Viljoen Game Reserve.pdf 220.41 KB
Brown I, Cunningham PL, de Klerk M 2006. A comparative study of wetland birds at two dams in central Namibia. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 2-9
Theron T, Cunningham P, Simataa E 2003. Notes on the breeding of White Pelicans (Pelacanus onocrotalus) at Hardap Dam, Namibia. Lanioturdus 36 (4) 2-7
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Notes on the breeding of White Pelicans at Hardap Dam.pdf 264.61 KB
Mallet-Veale S, Schwennicke F 2000. Wetland count at Otjivero Dam. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 26-27
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Wetland count at Otjivero Dam.pdf 150.15 KB
Kolberg H 2009. Population Census of Flamingos in Namibia, July 2008. Lanioturdus 42 (2) 12-14
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Population Census of Flamingos in Namibia July 2008.pdf 316.42 KB
Kolberg H 2010. Wetland Bird Counts in Namibia 2: Perennial rivers and dams. Lanioturdus 43 (3) 21-26
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Wetland Bird Counts in Namibia 2_Perennial rivers and dams.pdf 380.07 KB
Herman A, Jefta G, Ndeutalala H, Iiputa G, Katshuna M, Matros A, Muduva T, Muvi-Tjikalapo M, Nakale T, Nakathingo H, Nampila J, Nantanga K, Nashipili N, Shigwedha L, Thomas T 2000. Influence of Farm Dams on Water Balance in an Ephemeral River System: The Kuiseb Basin.
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Influence of Farm Dams on Water Balance in an Ephemeral River.pdf 5.52 MB
Turco M 1996. 'I'd rather they kill me'. Keeping Track February/March (1996) 11-15
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Id rather they kill me.pdf 1.96 MB
Ezzell C 2001. The Himba and the dam.
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The Himba and the dam.pdf 2.71 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1988. Government Notices, No. 184: Declaration of Game Park: Naute Recreation Resort,. 438
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Gazette Naute Recreation Resort_1988.pdf 2.28 MB
Brown CJ 1997. Ospreys at Friedenau Dam. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 29
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Ospreys at Friedenau Dam.pdf 40.19 KB
Kolberg H 2009. White pelican breeding at Hardap Dam, February 2009. Namibia Crane News 42 5
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White pelican breeding at Hardap Dam.pdf 97.14 KB
Gaigher IC, Bloemhof HJ 1975. Hybrid Labeo umbratus X L. capenses (Pisces, Caprinidae) from the Hardap Dam, S.W.A.. Madoqua 9 (1) 53-55
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Hybrid Labeo umbratus from Hardap Dam.pdf 255.03 KB
Clinning CF 1980. Goreangab gulls. 110 11
Wolanski E, Chicharo L, Chicharo MA, Morais P 2006. An ecohydrology model of the Guadiana Estuary (South Portugal). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 70 (1-2) 132-143
Swanepoel W 1980. Birds seen at the Goreangab dam. 108 15
2002. Kuiseb river - catchment.
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Kuiseb river - farm 143.89 KB
2002. Freshwater fish diversity - dams.
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Freshwater fish diversity - 143.89 KB
Tarr P 2007. Epupa Dam Case Study. International Journal of Water Resources Development 23 (3) 473-484
Meissner R, Jacobs I 2016. Theorising complex water governance in Africa: the case of the proposed Epupa Dam on the Kunene River. Int Environ Agreements 16 21-48
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Theorising complex water governance in Africa.pdf 1.13 MB
Douglas CMS, Cowlishaw G, Harrison XA, Henschel JR, Pettorelli N, Mulligan M 2018. Identifying the determinants of tree distributions along a large ephemeral river. Ecosphere 9 (6)
Union of South Africa, Department of irrigation 1926. Report of the Kalahari Reconnaissance of 1925.
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Kalahari reconnaissance of 1925.pdf 9.61 MB