The interacting system of the biological communities located at the bottom of bodies of freshwater and saltwater and their non-living environmental surroundings. (Source: TOE / DOE)

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Displaying results 1 - 14 of 14 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Ludynia K, Jones R, Kemper J, Garthe S, Underhill LG 2010. Foraging behaviour of bank cormorants in Namibia: Implications for conservation. Endangered Species Research 12 (1)
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Foraging behaviour of bank cormorants in Namibia.pdf 756.04 KB
Namibian Marine Phosphate (Pty) Ltd 2012. Appendix 1 C: Marine Benthic Specialist Study.
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Appendix_1c_Marine_Benthic_Study.pdf 2.42 MB
Hensen C, Zabel M, Schulz HD 2000. A comparison of benthic nutrient fluxes from deep-sea sediments off Namibia and Argentina. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 47 (9-11) 2029-2050
Küster-Heinsa K, Steinmetz E, de Lange GJ, Zabel M 2010. Phosphorus cycling in marine sediments from the continental margin off Namibia. Marine Geology 274 (1-4) 95-106
Vassallo P, Paoli C, Buonocore E, Franzese PP, Russo G, Povero P 2017. Assessing the value of natural capital in marine protected areas: A biophysical and trophodynamic environmental accounting model. Ecological Modelling (355) 12-17
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Assessing the value of natural capital in marine protected areas.pdf 880.84 KB
Clarke DT, Paterson GLJ, Florence WK, Gibbons MJ 2010. A new species of Magelona (Polychaeta: Magelonidae) from southern Namibia. African Natural History 6 77-82
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A new species of Magelona from southern Namibia_2010.pdf 423.58 KB
Gibbons MJ, Sulaiman A, Hissman K, Schauer J, McMillan I, Wickens PA 2000. Video observations on the habitat association of demersal nekton in the midshelf benthic environment off the Orange River, Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 22 1-7