arid land ecosystem

The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in a climatic region where the annual precipitation averages less than 10 inches per year. (Source: TOE / DOE)

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Displaying results 351 - 400 of 491 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Hauwanga WN, McBenedict B, Strohbach BJ 2018. Trends of phanerophyte encroacher species along an aridity gradient on Kalahari sands, central Namibia. European Journal of Ecology 4 (2) 41-48
Jung P, Baumann K, Lehnert LW, Samolov E, Achilles S, Schermer M, Wraase LM, Eckhardt K-U, Bader MY, Leinweber P, Karsten U, Bendix J, Büdel B 2019. Desert breath - How fog promotes a novel type of soil biocenosis, forming the coastal Atacama Desert's living skin. Geobiology 00 1–12
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How fog promotes a novel type of soil biocenosis.pdf 1.83 MB
Korine C, Adams R, Russo D, Fisher-Phelps M, Jacobs D 2016. Bats and Water: Anthropogenic alterations threaten global bat populations. Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of bats in a changing world 215-241
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Bats and water 2016.pdf 844.13 KB
Spear D, Zaroug MAH, Daron DD, Ziervogel G, Angula MN, Haimbili EN, Hegga SS, Baudoin M, New M, Kunamwene I, Togarepi C, Davies JE 2018. Vulnerability and responses to climate change in drylands: The case of Namibia. CARIAA-ASSAR Working Paper.
Douglas CMS, Cowlishaw G, Harrison XA, Henschel JR, Pettorelli N, Mulligan M 2018. Identifying the determinants of tree distributions along a large ephemeral river. Ecosphere 9 (6)
Kaseke KF, Wang L, Seely MK 2017. Nonrainfall water origins and formation mechanisms. Science Advances 3 (3) 1-8
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Nonrainfall water origins and formation mechanisms.pdf 863.38 KB
Guo D, Guo R, Cui Y, Midgley GF, Altwegg R, Thiart C 2011. Climate Change Impact on Quiver Trees in Arid Namibia and South Africa. Climate Change - Geophysical Foundations and Ecological Effects 323-324
Cunningham P, Cunningham P-Jr, Cunningham J 2019. Some notes on Namaqua Sandgrouse (Pterocles namaqua) nests from southern Namibia. Lanioturdus 52 (1) 20-24
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Some notes on Namaqua Sandgrouse nests from southern Namibia.pdf 1002.96 KB
Korsor M, Ntahonshikira C, Bello HM, Kwaambwa HM 2017. Comparative study of M. oleifera and M. ovalifolia survival rates in Central Namibia. Journal of Plant Science: Current Research 1
Korsor M, Nta-honshikira C, Bello HM, Kwaambwa HM 2019. Growth performance of Moringa oleifera and Moringa ovalifolia in central Namibia semi-arid rangeland environment. Agricultural Sciences 10 131-141
de Winter B 1971. Floristic relationship between the northern and southern arid areas in Africa. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 10 424-437
Hadley NF, Szarek SR 1981. Productivity of desert ecosystems. BioScience 31 (10) 747-753
Qiao N, Zhang L, Huang C, Jiao W, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Wang L 2020. Satellite observed positive impacts of fog on vegetation. Geophysical Research Letters 47 (12)
Scherson RA, Luebert F, Pliscof P, Fuentes-Castillo T 2020. Flora of the hot deserts: emerging patterns from phylogenybased diversity studies. American Journal of Botany 107 (11)
Gwizdala M, Lebre P, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Cowan D, Krüger T 2021. Sub‐lithic photosynthesis in hot desert habitats. Environmental Microbiology
Sheehama A 2021. Environmental Education and Training Centre in desert-adapted elephant country. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2021) 16-19
Goyns HG 1971. The Baynes Mountains: A reconnaissance. South African Journal of Science 67 (1) 22-24
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The Baynes Mountains_A reconnaissance.pdf 1017.24 KB