
The production of plants and animals useful to man, involving soil cultivation and the breeding and management of crops and livestock. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 101 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Adeyanju A, April W, Mwalundilange R, Museta C, Kampungu G Impact of climate change on indigenous farming practices in Namibia.
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Rural Development (MAWRD) 2000. Socio-economics and financial issues: Theme report Namibia Water Resources Management Review. 1-123
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MAWRD_Socio_economics and financial issues.pdf 32.21 MB
du Pisani AL 2001. The idiosyncrasies of Namibian rainfall. Agricola 12 28 - 32
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The idiosyncrasies of Namibian rainfall_2001.pdf 3.8 MB
Coetzee ME, Beernaert F, Calitz AJ 1999. Soil Survey of Uitkomst Research Station. Agricola 10 17 - 25
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Soil Survey of Uitkomst Research Station_1999.pdf 2.85 MB
Leptich DJ 1994. Agricultural-development and its influence on raptors in southern Idaho. Northwest Science 68 (3) 167-171
Klinkenberg E, McCall PJ, Wilson MD, Amerasinghle FP, Donnelly MJ 2008. Impact of urban agriculture on malaria vectors in Accra, Ghana. Malaria Journal 7 151
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Klinkenberg et al. (2008).pdf 774.29 KB
Andersson J 2006. Land cover change in the Okavango River Basin.
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Jafet Andersson MSc_thesis.pdf 4.86 MB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2004. Number of livestock in Kavango Region, 1980-2001.
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Livestock numbers1980-2001_Kavango.xls 29 KB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2004. Number of livestock in Ngamiland, Botswana 1955-2002.
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Livestock numbers1955-2002_Ngamiland.xls 15.5 KB
2004. Goats per square km in Kavango.
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Kavango goat 80.37 KB
2004. Cattle density per square km in 2001 in Kavango.
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Kavango cattle 167.5 KB
2004. Rating of cattle density in 2001 for the Okavango Basin.
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Cattle 122.4 KB
2004. Crushpens in Ngamiland.
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Cattle 14.86 KB
2004. The veterinary fences in Namibia and Ngamiland, Botswana.
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All 6.08 KB
2004. Crop production Okavango.
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Crop 13.1 KB
2004. Cleared land in Ngamiland.
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Cleared 545.29 KB
2004. Cleared land in Angola in 2000-2002.
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Cleared 582.83 KB
2004. Cleared land in Kavango in 1996.
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Cleared land in 2.92 MB
2004. Cleared land in Kavango in 1972.
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Cleared land in 1.54 MB
2004. Cleared land in Kavango in 1943.
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Cleared land in 110.05 KB
Soini S 1981. Agriculture in northern Namibia, Owambo and Kavango 1965-1970. Journal of the Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland. 53 168 - 209
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Agriculture in Northern Namibia_Owambo and Kawango 1965_1970.pdf 10.86 MB