
Contributions to the herpetofauna of the Angolan Okavango- Cuando-Zambezi river drainages. Part 3: Amphibians

Publication Year:

This article is the third and final installment of the herpetofaunal results obtained from a series of rapid biodiversity surveys of the upper Cuito, Cubango, Cuando, Zambezi, and Kwanza River basins in Angola. The amphibian survey results are presented along with an updated checklist of the historical and current records of amphibians from the southeastern region of Angola. A total of 1,114 new amphibian records were documented, comprising 37 species, bringing the total number of recognized amphibian species in this region to 49. These surveys documented two new country records (Hyperolius cf. inyangae and Kassinula wittei) and at least two candidate new species, and elevated Amnirana adiscifera stat. nov. (which now encompasses the western green form formerly regarded as A. darlingi). Finally, updated distribution maps for all of Angola are provided for all the species encountered within the study region. Keywords: Africa, Cuanavale, Cuito, Okavango, headwaters, frogs.

Publication Title:
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
1 & 2
Item Type:
Journal Article