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A patch_dynamics approach to savanna dynamics and woody plant encroachment_Insights from an arid savanna.pdf | 415.07 KB |
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Body temperatures of Namib Desert tenebrionid beetles.pdf | 4.59 MB |
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Are Namibias grasslands desertifying.pdf | 108.59 KB |
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Predation risk and competition affect habitat selection and activity of Namib Desert gerbils.pdf | 1.53 MB |
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Multi_scale patterns and bush encroachment in an and savanna with a shallow soil layer.pdf | 230.78 KB |
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Grass competition is more important than seed ingestion by livestock for Acacia recruitment in South Africa.pdf | 317.69 KB |
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Savanna tree_grass competition is modified by substrate type and herbivory.pdf | 237.13 KB |
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Patch dynamics integrate mechanisms for savanna tree_grass coexistence.pdf | 283.04 KB |
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What are the effects of substrate and grass removalon recruitment of Acacia mellifera seedlings in a semi_arid environment.pdf | 207.49 KB |
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Intraspecific competition between shrubs in a semi_arid savanna.pdf | 1.29 MB |
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The event book system_ community-based monitoring in Namibia.pdf | 263.21 KB |
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Soil and vegetation changes under livestock production in the northern Kalahari.pdf | 318.57 KB |
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Do we understand the causes of bush encroachment in African savannas.pdf | 246.93 KB |
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The rhythm of savanna patch dynamics.pdf | 321.83 KB |
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Namib desert snail_Trigonephrus sp.PDF | 4.39 MB |
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Oxpeckers in Namibia_A review of their status and distribution in 2017.pdf | 1.53 MB |