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Seely MK, Klintenberg P, Henschel JR 2009. Learning from the Desert. Journal of Arid Land Studies 19 (1) 1-3
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Mtuleni V, Henschel JR, Seely MK 1998. Evaluation of Fog-Harvesting Potential in Namibia.
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Evaluation of Fog_Harvesting Potential in Namibia_1998.pdf 183.32 KB
Henschel JR, Robertson MB, Seely MK 1991. Animal ecophysiology in the Namib Desert: Coping with little water, scarce food and elevated. Ecology of Desert Environments 423-457
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Animal ecophysiology in the Namib Desert_1991.pdf 2.34 MB
Li B, Wang L, Kaseke KF, Li L, Seely MK 2016. The impact of rainfall on soil moisture dynamics in a foggy desert. Plos ONE 11 (10) e0164982
Costa G, Petralia A, Conti E, Hänel C, Seely MK 1993. Seven stone spiders on the gravel plains of the Namib Desert. Bollettino dell'Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania 26 77-83
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Seven stone spiders on the gravel plains of the Namib Desert.pdf 343.37 KB
Crawford CS, Hanrahan SA, Seely MK 1990. Scale-related habitat use by Physadesmia globosa (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in a riparian desert environment. Namib ecology 25 years of Namib research Seely MK 135-142
Ward JD, Seely MK, Lancaster N 1983. On the antiquity of the Namib. South Africa Journal of Science 79 (5) 175-183
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On the antiquity of the Namib.pdf 1.92 MB
Seely MK, Buskirk WH, Hamilton III WJ, Dixon JEW 1981. Lower Kuiseb River perennial vegetation survey. Journal of the South West African Scientific Society 35 57-86
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Lower Kuiseb River perennial vegetation survey.pdf 3.09 MB
Henschel JR, Seely MK, Mtuleni V, Pallett J 2003. The surface-dwelling arthropod fauna of Gobabeb with a description of the long-term pitfall trapping project. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 51 65-92
Miller RMcG, Seely MK 1976. Fluvio-marine deposits south-east of Swakopmund, South West Africa. Madoqua 9 (3) 23-28
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Fluvio_marine deposits south east of Swakopmund.pdf 409.91 KB
Seely MK, Klintenberg P, Kruger AS 2006. Integrated approach for use of desertification benchmarks and indicators: an example from Namibia. AIDCCD – Active exchange of experience on indicators and development of perspectives in the context of UNCCD, Local and regional desertification indicators in a global perspective: seminar proceedings 65-73
Seymour RS, Seely MK 1996. The respiratory environment of the Namib Desert Golden Mole. Journal of Arid Environments 32 (4) 453-461
Selby MJ, Hendy CH, Seely MK 1979. A late quarternary lake in the central Namib desert, Southern Africa, and some implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 26 37-41
Pietruszka RD, Hanrahan SA, Mitchell D, Seely MK 1986. Lizard herbivory in a sand dune environment: the diet of Angolosaurus skoogi. Oecologia 70 (4) 587-591
Kaseke KF, Mills AJ, Esler K, Henschel J, Seely MK, Brown R 2012. Spatial Variation of "Non-Rainfall" Water Input and the Effect of Mechanical Soil Crusts on Input and Evaporation. Pure and Applied Geophysics 169 (12) 2217-2229
Seely MK, Henschel JR 2003. Best Practices in the World's Oldest Desert.. Conserving Biodiversity in Arid Regions 119-128
Henschel JR, Seely MK 2008. Ecophysiology of atmospheric moisture in the Namib Desert. Atmospheric Research 87 (3-4) 362-368
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Ecophysiology of atmospheric moisture in the Namib Desert.pdf 432.27 KB
Wassenaar TD, Henschel JR, Pfaffenthaler MM, Mutotaa EN, Seely MK, Pallett J 2013. Ensuring the future of the Namib's biodiversity: Ecological restoration as a key management response to a mining boom. Journal of Arid Environments 93 126-135
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Ensuring the future of the Namibs biodiversity.pdf 533.57 KB
Hamilton III WJ, Seely MK 1976. Fog basking by the Namib Desert beetle, Onymacris unguicularis. Nature 262 (5566) 284-285
Seely MK, Lewis JC, O'Brien KA, Suttle AE 1983. Fog response of tenebrionid beetles in the Namib Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 6 (2) 135-143
Grobbelaar JU, Seely MK 1980. The composition of water collected from the Kuiseb River, Namib Desert, at Gobabeb. Journal of the Limnological Society of southern Africa 6 (1) 46-48
Southgate RI, Masters P, Seely MK 1996. Precipitation and biomass changes in the Namib Desert dune ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments 33 (3) 267-280
Abrams MM, Jacobson PJ, Jacobson KM, Seely MK 1997. Survey of soil chemical properties across a landscape in the Namib Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 35 (1) 29-38
Shanyengana ES, Henschel JR, Seely MK, Sanderson RD 2002. Exploring fog as a supplementary water source in Namibia. Atmospheric Research 64 (1-4) 251-259
Seely MK 1998. Can science and community action connect to combat desertification?. Journal of Arid Environments 39 (2) 267 - 277
Seely MK, Louw GN 1973. Penguins in danger. SWA Annual 1973 44 - 47
Kaseke KF, Mills AJ, Henschel J, Seely MK, Esler K, Brown R 2012. The effects of desert pavements (gravel mulch) on soil micro-hydrology. Pure and Applied Geophysics 169 (5-6) 873-880
Seely MK, Henschel JR 2003. Best practices in the world's oldest desert. Conserving Biodiversity in Arid Regions 119-128

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