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Suhling F, Samways MJ, Simaika JP, Richter O, Marais E, Martens A, Kipping J 2010. Dragonfly diversity from the Cape to the Kavango. Biodiversity in southern Africa 2 - Patterns and processes at regional scale 64-69
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Srivastava P, Brook GA, Marais E 2004. A record of fluvial aggradation in the northern Namib Desert during the Late Quaternary. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 133 1-18
Adis J, Zompro O, Moombolah-Goagoses E, Marais E 2002. Gladiators: A New Order of Insect. Scientific American 287 (5)
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Gladiators A New Order of Insect.pdf 384.06 KB
Srivastava P, Brook GA, Marais E, Morthekai P, Singhvi AK 2006. Depositional environment and OSL chronology of the Homeb silt deposits, Kuiseb River, Namibia. Quaternary Research 65 (3) 478-491
Marais E, Scott L, Gil-Romera G, Carrison JS 2015. The potential of palynology in fossil bat-dung from Arnhem Cave, Namibia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 70 (2) 109-115
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Chase BM, Meadows ME, Scott L, Thomas DSG, Marais E, Sealy J, Reimer PJ 2009. A record of rapid Holocene climate change preserved in hyrax middens from southwestern Africa. Geology 37 (8) 703-706
Suhling F, Sahlén G, Martens A, Marais E, Schütte C 2006. Dragonfly Assemblages in Arid Tropical Environments: A Case Study from Western Namibia. Biodiversity and Conservation 15 (1) 311-332
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Dragonfly assemblages in arid tropical environments.pdf 331.85 KB
Brook GA, Cherkinsky A, Marais E, Todd N 2014. Rare elephant molar (Loxodonta africana zulu) from the Windhoek Spring Deposit, Namibia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa (Special Issue: A festschrift for Professor Mary Seely) 69 (3) 145-150
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Suhling F, Martens A, Marais E 2004. Critical species of Odonata in southwestern Africa. International Journal of Odonatology (Special Issue: IUCN Regional Reports) 7 (2) 263-277
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Critical species of Odonata in southwestern Africa.pdf 115.17 KB
Suhling F, Martens A, Marais E 2009. How to enter a desert—patterns of Odonata colonisation of arid Namibia. International Journal of Odonatology 12 (2) 287-308
Scott L, Romera GG, Marais E, Brook GA 2018. Pollen in fossil hyrax dung from Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3 reveals past environments in Namibia. Quaternary International (464) 260-272
Marais E, Maggs-Kölling G, Sherman C, Doniger T, Liu R, Tripathi BM, Steinberger Y 2019. Profiling soil free-living nematodes in the Namib Desert, Namibia. Journal of Arid Land 12 130–143
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Unc A, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Sherman C, Doniger T, Steinberger Y 2019. Soil bacterial community associated with the dioecious Acanthosicyos horridus in the Namib Desert. Biology and Fertility of Soils 55 (4) 393–403
Railsback LB, Liang F, Brook GA, Voarintsoa NRG, Sletten HR, Marais E, Hardt B, Cheng H, Edwards RL 2018. The timing, two-pulsed nature, and variable climatic expression of the 4.2 ka event: A review and new high-resolution stalagmite data from Namibia. Quaternary Science Reviews 186 78-90
Gerber M, Piketh SJ, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Turner JS, Berner JM 2017. Strategies of Acanthosicyos horridus (!nara) to exploit alternative atmospheric moisture sources in the hyper-arid Namib Desert. South African Journal of Botany 109 335-336
Ravi S, Wang L, Kaseke KF, Buynevich IV, Marais E 2017. Ecohydrological interactions within "fairy circles" in the Namib Desert: Revisiting the self-organizationhypothesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122 405–414
Iiyambo N, Eifler D, Marais E, Kirchhof S 2016. Meroles anchietae: Size, growth and longevity. 12-15
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Suhling F, Marais E 2010. Crenigomphus kavangoensis sp. nov. from the Okavango River, Namibia (Odonata: Gomphidae). International Journal of Odonatology 13 (2) 267-276
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Crenigomphus kavangoensis sp_nov_from the Okavango River.pdf 1.2 MB
Adis J, Marais E, Moombolah-Goagoses E, Zompro O 2003. Gladiatoren: Gespenstische Räuber.
Marais E, Martini JEJ, Irish J 1995. Gaub As (Namibie occidentale) Une grotte dans de la dolomie megacristalline hydrothermale. Karstologia 25 (2) 51-54
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Churchill S, Draper R, Marais E 1997. Cave utilisation by Namibian bats: Population, microclimate and roost selection. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 27 44-50
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Hodgins G, Brook GA, Marais E 2007. Bomb-spike dating of a mummified baboon in Ludwig Cave, Namibia. International Journal of Speleology 36 (1) 31-38
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Bomb_spike dating of a mummified baboon in Ludwig Cave_Namibia.pdf 829.35 KB
Qiao N, Zhang L, Huang C, Jiao W, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Wang L 2020. Satellite observed positive impacts of fog on vegetation. Geophysical Research Letters 47 (12)
Gwizdala M, Lebre P, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Cowan D, Krüger T 2021. Sub‐lithic photosynthesis in hot desert habitats. Environmental Microbiology
Doniger T, Adams JM, Marais E, Maggs-Kölling G, Sherman C, Kerfahi D, Yang Y, Steinberger Y 2020. The 'fertile island effect' of Welwitschia plants on soil microbiota is influenced by plant gender. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 96 (11)
Wan T, Liu Z, Leitch IJ, Xin H, Maggs-Kölling G, Gong Y, Li Z, Marais E, Liao Y, Dai C, Liu F, Wu Q, Song C, Zhou Y, Huang W, Jiang K, Wang Q, Yang Y, Zhong Z, Yang M, Yan X 2021. The Welwitschia genome reveals a unique biology underpinning extreme longevity in deserts. Nature Communications  12
Kool D, Agra E, Drabkin A, Duncan A, Fendinat PP, Leduc S, Lupovitch G, Nambwandja AN, Ndilenga NS, Thi TN, Poodiack B, Sagi L, Shmuel Y, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Pinshow B, Turner JS, Agam N 2021. The overlooked non-rainfall water input sibling of fog and dew: Daily water vapor adsorption on a !Nara hummock in the Namib Sand Sea.   Journal of Hydrology 598
Bosch J, Marais E, Maggs-Kölling G, Ramond J-B, Lebre PH, Eckardt F, Cowan DA 2022. Water inputs across the Namib Desert: implications for dryland edaphic microbiology. Frontiers of Biogeography
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Hilland RVJ, Bernhofer C, Bohmann M, Christen A, Katurji M, Maggs-Kölling G, Krauss M, Larsen JA, Marais E, Pitacco A, Schumacher B, Spirig R, Vendrame N, Vogt R 2022. The Namib Turbulence Experiment:  Investigating surface-atmosphere heat transfer in three dimensions. BAMS E741-E760
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