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Sinha P, Hobbs PV, Yokelson RJ, Blake DR, Gao S, Kirchstetter TW 2003. Distributions of trace gases and aerosols during the dry biomass burning season in southern Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (1984-2012) 108 (D17) 16
Yu Z, Zhang H, Huang J, Li S, Zhang S, Cheng Y, Mao J, Dong X, Gao S, Wang S, Chen Z, Jiang Y, Lai Y 2020. Namib desert beetle inspired special patterned fabric with programmable and gradient wettability for efficient fog harvesting. Journal of Materials Science and Technology 61 85-92
Liu J, Zhu L, Gao S, Liu Y, Wang S, Xia Y 2023. An artificial chameleon skin for dynamic thermoregulation. Advanced Materials Interfaces 10
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