The NCE is pleased to announce that it was successful in obtaining funding from the JRS Biodiversity Foundation ( for a project “Better information for better conservation, restoration and sustainable use - focusing on Namibian near-endemic plants”. The aims are to bring together all existing data from a variety of sources throughout the world, analyse and summarise these for placement on the Plant Information System website of the Environmental Information Service (EIS).      
This information will be freely accessible and will be useful for many practical applications, like environmental impact assessments, conservation and restoration actions or sustainable use of plant resources. Namibian botanist, Herta Kolberg, will be leading this project and in the process transfer much of her accumulated experience and knowledge to the younger generation of plant scientists. To accomplish this huge task we decided to start with the near-endemic plants, of which the larger part of their distribution range lies within Namibia with a smaller portion in Angola or South Africa. The project started in mid-May 2023 and will run for 30 months. 
Watch this space for further developments!!                             

Plants news: 

Plant news